2024 April

3 April 2024: 2 pm - 4 pm

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

3月31日17時 (5pm on 31 March)


水藤 寛 氏(東北大学材料科学高等研究所)

Hiroshi Suito (Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University)

1986年 千葉大学理学部物理学科卒業


1998年 博士(工学)の学位取得(指導教員:河原田秀夫教授)

1998年 千葉大学工学部助手

2002年 岡山大学助教授

2010年 岡山大学教授

2017年 東北大学材料科学高等研究所

1986 Department of Physics, Chiba University

1990 Research Scientist, Institute of Computational Fluid Dynamics

1998 Doctor of Engineering, Chiba University (Advisor: Prof. Hideo Kawarada)

1998 Assistant Professor, Chiba University

2002 Associate Professor, Okayama University

2010 Professor, Okayama University

2017 Professor, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University

Title (first part):


Mathematical modeling and its computational implementations for the human circulatory system

Abstract (first part):


In this talk, computational approaches to the human circulatory system will be presented. The cardiovascular system, an intricate network that includes the heart, large arteries, arterioles, peripheral arteries, capillaries, venules, and large veins, has been attracting great interest among medicine, biology, physics, and mathematics researchers. Nevertheless, the mysteries of the system have not yet been fully understood. Blood circulating through the network transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, and diverse nutrients. Moreover, circulation plays a fundamentally important role in homeostasis in the human body. Also, several diseases that occur in the circulatory system persist as life-threatening hazards. Therefore, analyzing the mechanisms underlying the diseases, as well as planning treatments for them, constitute essential issues in clinical practices. In such situations, characteristic flow structures are formed in which pulsating flows strongly affect wall shear stress and energy dissipation patterns. Differences in vessel morphology can produce different flow characteristics, stress distributions, and ultimately, different outcomes. Through close collaboration between mathematical science and clinical medicine, these analyses yield a greater understanding of the system and treatment planning.

Title (second part):

国際インターンシップG-RIPS Sendai プログラムのご紹介

An international research program on industrial problems for math students.

Abstract (second part):

RIPS/G-RIPS (Graduate-level Research in Industrial Projects for Students) プログラムは、UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles) のIPAM (Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics) がこれまで20年以上にわたり実施しているもので、近年では香港やドイツなどでも開催され参加学生と企業の双方から高い評価を受けています。

日本でも2018年より東北大学を会場としてG-RIPS Sendai プログラムを開催しています。G-RIPS Sendai は、パートナー企業から提供された数学的な課題に、アメリカと国内からの参加者がグループとなって集中的に取り組み、解決に至る道筋を学ぶ国際インターンシッププログラムです。





今回の話題提供では、これまでのG-RIPS Sendaiプログラムの内容や、それに取り組む学生さんたちの姿などを紹介し、今後の参加を考えている学生の皆さんや、指導している学生を参加させてみようと思っている研究者の皆さんへの情報提供としたいと思います。

In this talk, a student research program with industrial projects in mathematics called “G-RIPS-Sendai”, which has been held in Japan since 2018, is introduced. This program offers graduate students in mathematics stimulating opportunities to work on realistic research projects provided by industries in a cross-cultural atmosphere. For industrial partners, this program offers chances to try new mathematical approaches with fresh ideas from young students.

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