2023 April

12 April 2023: 3 pm - 5 pm

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

4月7日17時 (5pm on 7 April)


Laura Escobar (Washington University in St. Louis)

I grew up in Bogotá, Colombia and did my undergraduate studies in mathematics at Universidad de los Andes. Afterwards, I moved to the United States for my graduate studies and have lived there since.


Title (first part):

Measuring polytopes


Abstract (first part):

This will be an expository talk aimed at a broad audience, including advanced undergraduate students.

Generalizing polygons, a polytope is the smallest convex set containing a finite set of points. There are many ways to measure a polytope: volume, number of vertices, number of lattice points inside the polytope, etc. A wide variety of problems in pure and applied mathematics can be addressed by measuring a polytope. However, doing so can be very complex: there is no procedure that can efficiently measure any polytope. In this talk we will discuss these problems for families of polytopes which, due to their symmetries, are of special interest. In the case of the volume of a polytope, we will discuss how the interplay between algebraic geometry and combinatorics sheds light to this problem.


Title (second part):

Supporting students by building communities


Abstract (second part):

A Mathematician, like any human, requires a sense of community to thrive. However, many underrepresented students face challenges in achieving this sense of belonging. To address this issue, various DEI initiatives in the US and Colombia aim to facilitate the creation of communities that support diversity. In this session, I would like to provide insight into the importance of community building and some of these initiatives.



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