Time Capsules

Cropped Self-Portrait

Graphite Pencil

4" x 3 1/2"

Object I Depend On

Graphite Pencil

5 1/2" x 8 1/2"


Graphite Pencil

6" x 6 1/2"

Artist Statement

For this project, our prompts were to draw a cropped self-portrait, our hand in some sort of position, and an object we depend on. I chose to do my eye because I like drawing eyes, my phone, and I had my hand be in a more basic position so it was a little easier for me.

The materials I used were just normal graphite pencils. I wasn't really interested in adding any color or outgoing details to these drawings, so I just stuck with using pencils.

The process I went through creating my cropped self-portrait was pretty easy. Obviously, the drawing of my eye isn't very realistic, but it was fun to add my eyeliner because I draw that on every day so drawing it on paper wasn't difficult at all. The drawing of my phone for the object I depend on is super basic, I drew it fast because I had to leave, but it works. The drawing of my hand is pretty rough, my rings look really bad and I kept erasing my fingers, but I got it to work.