2D Design

Semester 1 Reflection

What have you been most successful with? Why?

I feel I have been most successful with finally being able to express myself throughout my artwork. This class altogether is a very open class to be able to choose your materials, your ideas, etc. There is a lot of freedom and I like that; and the teacher is super supportive and helpful generally speaking, which makes it easier to actually want to "do the class." I also moved out of my comfort zone a little bit with materials and learned that I do not like creating realistic artwork myself; which is a success to me because I know what I like doing. Overall, I feel I have been most successful with expressing myself throughout my artwork due to all of the freedom in this specific class.

What have you struggled with? Why?

I have struggled most with getting my work completed on time for class. This whole year I've struggled with that for the first time mostly because now I work late and by the end of the night, I just want to go to sleep. I'm also the type of person who likes to do a majority of their artwork at home too, so those two cancel each other out. I also struggled with the Duck Stamp project because as I previously stated, I don't like creating realistic art. I'm also not a huge fan of digital artwork because it's not very fun to me. Besides that, I feel I've done well with everything else because everything is very straightforward, you just have to put effort into your work.

What are your artistic goals moving forward?

My artistic goals moving forward are to continue having fun and making even just a little bit of art outside of art classes. I like painting, watercolors, coloring, etc, but outside of literal school art classes, I don't have as much time anymore to do so on my own due to work, other classes, and life itself. I don't plan on taking any other art classes for school because I'm not a huge fan of 3D or anything. I just like to create art for fun, that's why as I previously stated, I enjoyed the freedom of this class.