Beautiful Oops


Colored Pencils & Sharpie

5" x 4 1/2"

Artist Statement

For this project, our prompt was to create a drawing from an inkblot we were given at random. At first, I wasn't really sure what I saw in my inkblot, but I kept turning my paper in different directions, and then I saw the start of a penguin's face. I also saw a monster truck somehow, but I decided on the penguin.

The materials I used were colored pencils and sharpies. I used a sharpie to outline my penguin's body shape, and then colored pencils to add color to both the penguin and background.

The process I went through creating my piece was, I first looked up photos of penguins to make sure I wasn't crazy about how I thought penguins looked. I then went back and forth on how big I wanted to make my drawing, if I wanted the penguin's full body or not, etc. There was a bunch of erasing, at one point which I erased everything and tried my monster truck idea; but then decided the penguin was definitely the way to go.