Circle Project


Acrylic paint, colored pencils, & fine-liner pens

10" x 7"

Artist Statement

For this project, our prompt was to create something out of circles and or dots. At first, I brainstormed a couple of ideas for what "circular thing" I wanted to create, but then I thought of creating a circular fishbowl with a cute simplistic fish inside.

The materials I used were acrylic paint, colored pencils, and fine-liner pens. I used fine-liner pens to outline the subjects of my artwork and then use colored pencils to add color inside of the outlined subject. I then used acrylic paint to create a black background and added a border of dots to incorporate more of the point of the project (circles/dots).

The process I went through to create my piece was a little longer than expected. At first, I couldn't create a type of fishbowl that I liked, and I couldn't decide what type of fish I wanted to create either. I also thought I was going to paint my whole piece, but I decided against it. I erased the type of fish I drew multiple times before I was happy with the shape. I added bubbles and dots along the border to incorporate more of the "main idea" of the project (circles/dots).