-30:06-time stamp in the video


industry transformation program transformation force then he had quite a few allies I think that even some just rubbed their hands I think that now the connection

vissarionovich in this job will fall down and lose his authority, but Stalin was not one of

of such people, the actual option showed this even using the example of the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, of course, for

this is someone who condemns the leader, but it was his initiative to create the northern fleet to protect the Arctic in the event of a new military campaign but to transfer the fleet from Leningrad from

Kronstadt because of the Baltic Sea, we could not foreign powers did not give us permission

nina about warships and then a brilliant idea appeared, let's

we will create the Belomor Baltic Canal and withdraw the fleet through the inland territory

countries for this we need to dig a channel and mechanization 0 mostly people cars and

it is extremely difficult to mobilize people's horses, but we have prisoners who do not always engaged in productive labor the country only spends money on their detention and who are these prisoners are now considered to be that only the most honest are the best people  ended up in places of deprivation of liberty, (!) but this is not so the country is devastated by civil war country a lot of beggars a lot of homeless people want what is called there is someone solves this issue completely dishonest through theft, theft, malpractice, therefore, crime was from Fought crime and these very criminals in this criminal element it means they decided to use it in the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, especially since the bulk camps in the country then there is still with the royal epoch remained precisely in the forest zone according to the logging of the Belomor Baltic Canal was dug, we created a naval military grouping on the Barents Sea, the Kola Peninsula did not receive ships murmansk became what is called truly a port city, the Great Patriotic War showed wisdom and Stalin's foresight Arctic convoys what we received semi-non-lend-lease the impossibility of the Germans entering the rear and the north will succeed just provided and covered the ships of the created of the northern fleet, and here Stalin showed the same perseverance in working to implement the plan for industrialization and collectivization without having what is called large apparatus and having no public office, he found option of influencing managerial decision-making, he initiated the creation of industry

departments of the central committee of the party when each people's commissariat corresponded

his department in the party apparatus, thus by the thirty-fourth year it became clear-1934

)that we have successfully solved the program of grandiose transformations in our country

but since this program is Yashin, it means that the role and authority of the person who initiated the pro

of this program, both the actual and the conductor of Stalin began to be perceived

as one of the first leaders already, as it were

first among equals and very clearly in the thirty-third year -1933-they began to talk about

the fact that Stalin rises to Stalin unnecessarily solo was actively said in surrounded by Bukharin and surrounded by others, do the establishment take on the fact that you need to somehow Stalin and you need to  trust to say that Bukharin at that time was not a member of the Politburo, but the influence was especially on  retained the intelligentsia, but Stalin, I must say, deftly outplayed them at 17th congress in January 1934, a congress of winners of the winners gathered, it can be said in

two positions of the winners of the creators of the foundations for the construction of socialism and the winners

Stalin because they believed that they defeated the leader, Stalin himself proposed on this

congress to abolish the post of general secretary of the party from Stalin was the only post in the system, it was

not in the system of power, he was only in the party, this position was canceled by Stalin   was General Secretary only until January 1934 after that

several secretaries Stalin 



Zhdanov ......were elected after the assassination

Yezhov became the secretary of Kirov, in fact, such a collective

leadership, but the jubilation of these cripples was short-lived because

a few months later they realized that even though Stalin is no longer the general secretary, nothing has changed, he

signs along with this the council of people's commissars, which then already occupied by Stalin's ally Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov outgoing documents such a rule has developed and acted very many decades when documents were first signed by representatives of the government and also called posed by the secretary of the cycle respectively as the secretary of the cycle as well capitals put a signature on them, they were published in the press, he was like that

think tank for making some new decisions

and so it remained

it is 3 4 year start time open

political struggle against Stalin and his allies, which began to be called groups the centrists were so peculiar and the left opposition was the right opposition and

there were centrists Stalin's centrists on the Stalinist team must be said when the opponent decided to hit the group with 3 st of the first target, they chose not even to, they chose KIROV as   a person who enjoyed great prestige and recognition in the country

Russian by origin bright polemicist excellent speaker successful business executive

leader after Zinoviev of the Leningrad party organization and this is not a small current urban set, in fact, the entire today's northwestern federal district

he was very recognizable in the country before Leningrad, he worked in the Caucasus where

also proved to be a successful leader and such a fiery tribune and a great patriot

therefore, the blow was directed at him,

 Stalin honestly figured out the salt on

whom the future strikes is directed

that in fact these are strikes against the policy that this group of centrists pursued and he began his policy of

restructuring the system of power in the country is what we call big democratic political reforms precisely put on belongs to the idea introduction of universal and secret suffrage

the fact is that all the twenties in our country there were many so-called dispossessed people who did not have the right to elect and be elected, these were fists priests under the feet of the former exploiting classes their descendants

exploiting classes there are a lot of Stalin offers to do

choice and equal, everyone can elect and everyone can be elected in our country as a result of collectivization 240 thousand peasant families were exiled from places of permanent residence most often beyond the Urals and Siberia in the thirty-fourth year, 1934-such a peculiar

amnesty kulaks were allowed to return to their former places of residence either move to the cities and someone stayed in the places of new residence, someone left

a very small number returned to the city to their former villages, and because the connections were cut short, Stalin offered all priests to return the right to vote

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