
which Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin proposed to hold in the country, and so at the end of the 20s Stalin Secretary General  on the party he is already with a certain weight but he is not yet the leader of the party, not the leader of the countries, not the leaders, not the leader of the country in   1929 celebrates his 50th birthday, he was one of the Soviet leaders

but already in December 1930, he had a majority on the bureau’s bullet  on his initiative, the number of members of the Politburo increases, the most odious people are brought out and Stalin appears there allies, he still does not have a majority in the central committee, and yet the political bureau  is elected at the plenum of the central committee so they can all be removed if serious  disagreements, but at least Stalin from the end of the thirtieth year begins to become a leader, and it is from the end of the thirtieth year1930     that it becomes very clear  the contours of the new economic policy are visible, which Stalin and his group  offer, 

(Lenin had passed  away in 1924  itself---remember that-by RSR)

but the first is about industrialization, of course, they talked about industrialization for several  years before that, the first five-year plan was adopted in 1928, and just this  the international conjuncture helped us a lot with the global financial and economic  The crisis spurred Western firms to work more actively with the Soviet Union, in this way we also acquired from them documentation for  construction of factories and plants purchased components purchased equipment was hired by specialists, but at the same time immediately built new enterprises for dual-use tasks for a future war

after all, this is the beginning of the 30s, the very time when Stalin said that the world was standing

on the threshold of a new world war and what do we  we need to run in 10 years the path that the capitalist countries have traveled in a hundred years, otherwise we will be crushed, we have no  industry we need it

 we have difficulties in agriculture we need to eliminate them we have a lot of social problems

providing for our population and this topic also needs to be tightened up here begins this one that is called

our mobilization spurt of course it's very difficult to work through super efforts to tighten your belts sacrifice your comfort, but when you work in the name of  future for the sake of not only your own comfort, but the comfort of your children and grandchildren is a very good motivation

the only moment to ensure all these contracts we did not have enough goods  which we could offer to the market so we sold on the vine for a few years ahead the bread of the harvest of future years and here there were difficulties with the harvest, so the contracts could be broken, we could lose face we would not have implemented the construction plan  enterprises would not have been implemented in the first five years, and so the plan for the first  we completed the five-year plan in four years, although at the same time as industrialization, the very question of in  collectivization about collectivization at an accelerated pace at the beginning of the conversation

we didn’t have a gradual development of cooperation in the village of the middle  the twenties, an agricultural artel artery appeared; it was a voluntary matter, but it

Showed its effectiveness, the industrialization that had begun prompted  a large number of people to move from the village to the city in general for 1930s we have  the urban population increased by almost 20 million people and almost all people were traveling to a specific job at that time  how in the united states of america there was mass unemployment in the soviet union in  nineteen hundred by 1932, unemployment was completely eliminated, 

while still in everything  world people were illiterate and there were so many restrictions to getting them even elementary education, we implemented a program for universal elementary education and if in 1928 we were sitting at our desks Primary grades are all for only about 2 million students  then after 5 years in the thirty-second year the number of schoolchildren reached almost 25   million people, that is, all children were covered by universal primary education

certain difficulties arose in the countryside; the peasants were reluctant to sell for bread in  autumn-winter period after threshing, they tried to hold it until spring, when the price of it will rise because there were a lot of buyers inside   these buyers' countries were the townspeople of the city were actively developing accordingly, if nothing is changed in agriculture, the city will starve


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