
speaking of even until the mid-80s, people more remembered the famine of 46 47 years

remembered the start of collectivization this period period 3 7 years in historical memory was not very marked, however, it must be said that what is the genius of politics and wisdom the leader is Stalin managed this flywheel of repression that these regional barons spun use to solve the renewal of personnel in countries without achieving

elimination of these people peacefully through direct popular elections he them I will on said after all he them yes probably probably it will be right in

mud into this very untwisted flywheel and for their bloodthirstiness for their cruelty for many crimes of themselves began to be arrested and considered for what is called criminal or erroneous activities, many assets are safe and party bosses, which means they were arrested and repressed just for unleashing repression against own people and we succeeded

another milestone in the history of what is now called the great purge

from January 38 to November 1938 may

to say that it was such a relapse in the civil war, but this the policy of the Great Purge generally led to an unprecedented rise in Stalin's prestige and

his closest associates, we need to say that if more than 300 thousand people lost their jobs and even lost their lives, then they were replaced by the same number of young energetic and  importantly

patriotic people, and in the country something like this happened

patriotic impulse that led about the pike in general to some kind of spasmodic

a leap in the development of the state, but here it should be noted that this can be seen here

these events that Stalin has such allies or supporters

conduction policy and in fact there was no when in 1939 passed

the eighteenth party congress and the majority of Stalins was already formed

the central committee of the party when, by and large, Stalin did not have

no public office in the country became the most influential person in the country became the leader of not only the party the leader of the state, and at the same time, he has not yet received the position, but he will receive it only in the summer of the forty-first year, 194  just at this period of time, Stalin began to rely on young people to advance and in the central office

party and in the central apparatus of the government to the ministerial then called the people's commissar positions on people began to receive young people 30-35 years old, but more than that, when Stalin in May1941 headed the Soviet government as the first deputy to himself, he then took a little to whom in the country of the famous Voznesensky generally young man Stalin, who was already formed in the Soviet era, is absolutely called trusted Stalin's young people relied on young people, it must be said that that's all

these democratic political transformations that the old man conceived, although he carried them out, but not in full they were implemented this alternative of elections did not take root not

true  democracy- read  this carefully---RSR)

Was accepted by the then leadership, although

a blank line appeared in the ballots and people could write down their candidates, their wishes and, in general, all the marks that were then on the ballot did not make the ballots invalid this now if there is some kind of mark, even there is some kind of checkmark not in the right place place the ballot is considered valid and then everything written on the ballot

was studied and decisions were made on them people could write a complaint against some presumptuous boss, people could express dissatisfaction with the price of some goods and services

some kind of deficit any problem at night for all these problems was a reaction people could not go to the polls and this does not mean that they remained unnoticed by them necessarily through representatives of the authorities came for several days and, apologizing, were interested in what it means to a person dissatisfied why he did not go to the polls how to help him in resolving the issue, but

let's say there were religious fanatics who belonged to some radical church groups or religious

groups, and in principle did not go to the elections, but were people who, for some reason, are offended by the authorities and the authorities reacted, the authorities apologized, this is very

an important point, it’s directly clear that it can be seen in the documents when an explanation was given to a higher leadership which houses visited with which citizens spoke on read why they did not go to the polls, which means who offended them and how this


the issue has been resolved, therefore, people began to go to the elections as if they were on a holiday, and


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