and then the Moscow trial in which the main participants were Kamenev and Zinoviev, then the political trial where the main actors were Rykov and Bukharin, then the conspiracy of the military through all it was in the thirties that they had to become but go through in order to still their ideas after the formation of a state of universal happiness and equality and

justice to create and or implement, and in general he succeeded in doing this if speak the perception of the Soviet Union in world in that period of time, of course it was what is called one can say and

envy and jubilation capitalists' envy and jubilation

on the part of the common people that enterprises are opening at one enterprise, workers immediately appear places the enemy 20 thousand jobs people get a job work gives you the opportunity to be free

improves the quality of life means you live in a state of social optimism you are in demand you need you are unemployed no one needs 

what kind of freedom

an unemployed person who has no money and no piece of bread and nowhere to live, and here apartments are being built for the second

five-year period there were almost 7 million square meters of apartments

built living space and 800 thousand houses in the countryside people improve their

housing conditions, people have prospects

get a good education generally fine situation kindergarten free pioneer camp free

medicine is free education up to the seventh grade is free

senior classes are paid but the price is quite symbolic

and a few years later it was canceled, that is, people see that everything

is done for a person, and most importantly, how did the life expectancy of people increase if before the First World War

the average life expectancy of men and was 38 years old, also by the beginning of the 50s 70

years people began to live longer people became healthier people began to eat well people

began to work well, in fact, all this created the prerequisites for people to be citizens ready to defend

his state and his own ego, then Stalin's prediction that war is inevitable

and in 10 years we need to run this path that other countries have walked for a hundred years

turned out to be called prophetic war began to manifest itself by the mid-30s

years and the Soviet Union very skillfully did not use international

conflicts in order to prepare their army for a future war, the military campaign at Khalkhin Gol held back the onslaught Japanese militarists but also on Lake Hassan and at the same time will also allow us to prepare our army for the future military

actions as well as a military conflict with Finland in the first place as a result of this military conflict, we secured the city of Leningrad and showed

its what is called correctness already in the years of the great of the Patriotic War, in addition,

 we were the initiators

collective security in Europe, but not England, not France, they did not support us, they concluded a pact and an agreement on

non-aggression with fascist germany when originated from austrian gateway when there was a Munich agreement, it became clear that the victim in a future war European countries see primarily the Soviet Union and it means that all our intelligence means worked to identify who will be the aggressor Poland Germany Great Britain and therefore we used our

diplomatic quality overt covert diplomacy and concluded very impeccably and a day off for us is the fact of a non-aggression pact with Germany which allowed we are called for a few years to get a peaceful respite and actually complete the rearmament program of our army and in addition to expand the search for security hurdles mean returned the lost in

as a result of the events of the civil war,

 the territory of historical Russia became part of

Russia returned the Baltic countries, returned Bessarabia  and as a result of the fall of Poland after the military conflict with Germany, we

returned western Ukraine and western Belarus to their composition

despite the fact that we managed to form a powerful industry, we have this industry mainly  was located in Donetsk Krivoy Rog region and it became clear that if

war who do we need to prepare a backup site and such backup the site for the whole 1938-1940 year were preparing for the Urals, you were the most suitable



places where there is some kind of transport infrastructure where there is at least a small amount

industrial workers who could give rise to the construction of new buildings

and when the war started, we managed to actually evacuate all enterprises and they began to work in the rear is the same huge work and the huge work that was carried out was hidden, we prepared such a reserve site and another very important point related

with preparations for war during November 40 May and thousand forty-one in (MAY 1941)

Soviet Union was carried out assigned company and almost 40 million men were assigned to

the military registration and enlistment office determined the waves of mobilization until the end of 1944, then we have correctly calculated and the timing for a future war is correct distributed reserves, including human ones, took into account all the men capable of holding weapons, so we built in the thirties

years of the country that we were proud of, we created the economy and industry and agriculture

the economy that needed to be protected and, most importantly, those values ​​that were in

our society and it is not only justice and the rule of law

this is also humanity I call humanity not

only companionship and this state of delight, but also equal

access to education to medicine to introduce this is all that people wanted

save and were ready to defend and when the war started that's all

defended therefore we rightly call the thirties of the twentieth century

holy years and the creator of this holiness

this is Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin 




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