
work and brought to perfection, he took for himself such a right endorse the appointment of people,

In addition, the Bolsheviks did not come just for the sake of seize power and pro and parasitize on power they came to draw program for the transformation of the country and the construction of a socialist state in the first world, therefore

already in the second half of the 20s, discussions began on what this plan for building socialism would be, what is socialism was represented extremely weakly, but no one knew how to arrange it at all and it is possible

to say that in this unfolding intra-party discussion, conditionally speaking, three such

main directions 

1 can be associated with Trotsky's ideas of permanent revolution that it is too early to talk about building

socialism in the USSR if all over the world power belongs to big capital accordingly, as long as there is a bourgeois country, war is inevitable, therefore we do not socialism

we will build it is necessary to use the resources of the Soviet state to establish loyal regimes for the export of the revolution


the second point of view is conditionally what is called the right puzzle subsequently bias yes, this is the point of view of Bukharin and Rykov that a few years after

civil war, we were able to accumulate certain reserves and we need all this money to spend on the purchase of consumer goods in the West before only in Germany, so that the German proletariat can earn some money and

the money received to overthrow their enslavers bourgeois and capitalists and thus when another Soviet state appears on the map of Europe Germany where industry is developed where the proletariat is prepared then you can will talk about the construction of socialism in fact on the eve of

revolution in tsarist Russia there were only 5 million industrial workers  out of one hundred and sixty 160 million of the country's population, this is a drop in the ocean and start some kind of proletarian transformation with such a number of workers was extremely doubtful if you follow the spirit and letter of the teachings of Karl Marx 


Third  point of view belonged to Stalin 

Why do we need to buy goods from Germany, why bother buying some plows there

obliquely, even the same ones we did in extremely small volumes, let's do that

do it yourself in order to produce these goods on the same agricultural implements for

processing tower we need to build our own factory 

in order for us to build a factory for us

we need not only to build walls, we also need to build equipment, respectively, 

we also need to build and a machine-tool plant, but what about building a machine-tool plant, we need metal, and for us to have metal, you

we need to build blast furnaces and in order to have blast furnaces we need to open coal mines and we

in general, there should still be electricity with a large margin; for this, it is necessary to build a hydroelectric power station, and what is all this realized we need a trained cadre of engineers and professional workers and in order to do all this we need open educational institutions and, accordingly, this program seemed utopian, but it was this program that

received the support of the majority of rank-and-file members of the party, and thus, in this intra-party discussion

the Stalinist point of view has become the point of view of the majority; it is clear what it is

there were three different programs and three times on the path of building socialism

proposed within one party intra-party discussion was held quietly calmly without any external conflicts, but when Stalin got another such moral and ethical support of the rank and file members of the party some of his colleagues in the Politburo, of course, became jealous; this all clearly manifested itself in 1927, when in

Moscow and Leningrad at the events on the occasion of the decade of the revolution, the group

supporter of Trotsky tried to make such a demarche to rule by holding an alternative demonstration even

they tried to take control somewhere from them, it didn’t work like that

a kind of rebellion was suppressed Russian left Moscow left exile in Almaty already Two years later he went abroad, first to Turkey in Constantinople and Istanbul

and then a few years later in Mexico, respectively, there was such a kind of split over views on the future construction of socialism


in general, in fact, it is a big plus that people then argued the vision of the future is now being imposed on us

arguing about the past arguing about the past is futile the past already was then talking about the images of the future as we are we will build around this image of the future, and that kind of popular enthusiasm has formed the idea of the state as one's own state, it was a very unique time when the gap between

society and power was minimal at that time, the people rallied around power, this too became one of the keys to the future success of all those transformations


continued  at

