2-Holy Era



implementation of the decisions taken by the Secretary General and even the agenda of the meeting did not form the Politburo, but as we have already said, he did not lead it and, accordingly, carry out some of his own decisions, some he could not hold any questions to promote, he was one of the rank and file members there, especially since the allies in this at first he didn’t have an organ, well, what kind of allies because of Trotsky and Zinoviev Kamenev it must be said that after the death of Lenin, the configuration in the highest political hierarchy is somewhat changed the place of Lenin was not taken by Trotsky as many expected

Aleksey Rykov became the representative of the Council of People's Commissars, we will represent the Soviet government more that offspring also suffered a crushing defeat, he lost the post of people's commissar for the military and  maritime affairs by a representative of the Revolutionary Military Council of the republic behind him by and large, only the position of the chairman of the committee on concessions this period of time intensified Dzerzhinsky's positions intensified positions of the Frunze which historians consider allies and friends of Stalin

but it must be said that one and the other quickly enough and under strange circumstances died so Stalin had no time for what is called soloing there is no struggle for possession of political power, especially since in the 2nd year after the publication before the delegates  party congress of Leninsk, the so-called Leninsk testament of a letter to the congress, he generally asked to resign and very insistently asked to be removed from the central party work and sent

for peripheral economic work in the true Khan's region on the Yenisei, where he spent the link  but it is necessary  to say that, at the insistence of Kamenev and Zinoviev, the delegates did not   accepted from Stalin, two new big allies of Zinoviev appeared

Leningrad party organization stone and the Moscow party organization Zinoviev in addition

head of the executive committee of the Comintern in this way they tried to attract Stalin

what is called a warrior without allies alone in the political bureau of the party to fight Trotsky, and by and large such a triumvirate has developed on this  stage, Stalin did not solo in alliance with  Kamenev and Zinoviev means weakened, they didn’t weaken Trotsky’s position then  Stalin was such what is called a kind of right-wing deviation, I call

peculiarly in quotation marks because in fact there was no bias now, I will explain, he began to contact Bukharin and  Rykov’s indulgence in the position of Kamenev and Zinoviev, and just talking about this period time, it is with these words that the assumption arises that Stalin was such cunning politicians such cunning  a beetle that intrigued one against all or created coalitions and with the hands of his enemies outplayed other enemies, in fact, all this was not

quite so, 

Stalin had clear ideas about the development of the Soviet project and about building socialism in the USSR, he needed tactical and strategic allies, and of course he was looking for them

the fact is that the price limit is a completely empty position where there was no apparatus, and most importantly at that time for possession  influence in power and in the country, it was necessary to have an apparatus of subordinate people on whom you could rely when Stalin   led two people's commissariats mini, he has such an apparatus and such support was transferred to the secretariat of the party, he, in addition to  several secretaries and assistants no longer had, and besides, work in

Kremlin lost now we had to walk from the Kremlin where he lived  to the old square in the apparatus building ctaps the current presidential administration in order to get there in a small  cabinet to go about their current affairs, but we have already noted with you that Stalin was a very active person therefore, he soon turned this inconspicuous position into a key first of all connections  with the death of Lenin, on his initiative, the Leninist call for the party and  at the same time, a party purge was carried out, so the personnel of the party changed and the next step

Stalin proposed to keep a record of all party members to create a nomenclature of cases to identify the so-called personnel reserve to identify the most intelligent promising people for senior positions and

the formation of that very nomenclature began, to which it became a parable in the tongues already in

70s and 80s and then it was a progressive decision to find out who us grassroots managers who we have an average leader how their career is progressing what positions they are  could take the long run by and large creating by us which affairs opened up what kind of originality social and career lifts for ordinary party members and thus soon  Stalin became in charge of this very personnel reserve and it came  to the point that by the end of the 20s there was such a saying this person is substituted enters this  



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