Why right now is the perfect time to take pictures of the world

Post date: Dec 29, 2020 6:43:28 PM

Some of the most memorable photographs in the world were taken during times of struggle and strife. Now is such a time, and the most experienced photographers will recognize just how pregnant with possibilities the world today is in terms of photography. Below are some of the best reasons why right now is the perfect time to take pictures. Ram Chary. 1. It’s safe, even outside. Photography for most people is a solo adventure, which means in today’s world, it is a safe adventure. Photographers who go around capturing images and shooting subjects usually do it alone, and have an easier time avoiding huge crowds. This makes it a safer activity than most. Ram Chary.

2. The contrasts in time are everywhere. Almost everywhere a photographer shoots, things look different than before; and this is worth documenting. Everyone in masks, long-time establishments closed down, and near-empty streets, there is an eerie calm in the images that when juxtaposed with photos of before than pandemic is nothing short of a stunning comparison. Ram Chary. 3. There is a renewed appreciation for everything. Leaving the home after months on staying inside reminds photographers of all the things they’ve taken for granted. And this provides them with a renewed appreciation for almost everything. They see the beauty in parks and playgrounds, malls and other structures, and, of course, other people. Ram Chary.