Ram V Chary: The Importance of Environmental Photography



Ram V Chary: Why Do We Need Environmental Photography?

Very few genres of photography elicit as much emotion as environmental photography. Today, Ram V Chary shares several ways environmental photography can change the world.

First, what is environmental photography? 

Environmental photography is a kind of photography that deals with documenting as well as introducing our surroundings. This niche focuses mainly on the relationship between nature and humans as a tool for raising awareness on important environmental and conservation issues such as pollution and climate change.

While many kinds of photography can evoke feelings and moods, environmental photography uniquely can do so in spades. This specific type of photography is one of the few genres that sets out to document a scene and capture the emotion felt when seeing something in the environment. 

According to Ram V Chary, environmental photography is also one of the photography genres where images are made with purpose. Whether it be documenting an environmental issue or highlighting the beauty of nature, it is meant to move people emotionally. This is because the audience will take action toward improving our world or helping protect it. 

The purpose of environmental photography is not lost on those who view it as well. During times of mass migration and international conflict, the very first thing many people want to do is turn on their TV and look at images of where they are from. Whether it be a shared national identity or something beautiful about their home country, environmental photography can instill some sense of familiarity and comfort. 

Likewise, during times of rising environmental issues, the very first step that many take is to look at images of their home country or see how other countries are dealing with similar problems so they can learn from them. Ram V Chary adds that seeing images of what's happening in your own backyard can sometimes be more powerful than watching the news or reading an article.