National News

Learning Target: I can build the skills necessary for understanding what I'm seeing when I watch a national broadcast network newscast.


MA6.CN.1 Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

a. Identify and build media arts skills that support a variety of career options, higher order thinking, problem-solving, creativity, cultural experiences, and historical events in a global learning context.

MA6.CN.2 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

a. Identify and describe trends in the media arts and communicate how the issues of time, place, and culture are reflected to increase innovation and quality of work (e.g. bridging cultural differences, interdisciplinary study, differing perspectives).

b. Synthesize the use and impact of digital citizenship to include copyright, plagiarism, citations, resource validation, and social media.

Warm Up: Political Cartoon: Walter Cronkite's Shoes

Political Cartoon: Great News Anchor Sign-Offs

Opening: The Most Trusted Man in America

News Intros

Human Interest Stories: Video: Repo Man - CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley_WGCLDT_2017_01_06_18_28_00

Work Session:

Anchor Sign-Offs

Work Session:

Early Finishers:

Closing: All bad news?