November 15, 2019 Brexit

Homeroom Article: Deval Patrick: 'I wouldn't be in it if I didn't think I could win it' - ABC News

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Learning Target: I can describe the purpose of the European Union and the relationship between member nations.


SS6E8 Analyze the benefits of and barriers to voluntary trade in Europe.

d. Describe the purpose of the European Union and the relationship between member nations.

Warm Up: Political Cartoons with the Brexit tag from

Jeremy Corbyn - Leader of the Labour Political Party in the United Kingdom

Opening: The students will analyze a political cartoon of their choice about Brexit by completing a graphic organizer.

Work Session: The students will answer questions about Brexit.

Video: A Brief History of Brexit for Americans - Full Frontal March 6, 2019

Video: The Battle of Brexit - 60 Minutes_WGCLDT_2019_11_03_19_28_00

Video: Boris Johnson Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Video: Brexit - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Video: Brexit Update Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

Video: Trump on Brexit - Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Video: Brexit III Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Early Finishers:

Make Up Work

EdPuzzle 2019-2020 class

Closing: The students will write their predictions about how Brexit will be resolved.

Leave or remain in European Union?

When will Brexit be resolved?

Another referendum?

Prime Minister: Boris Johnson or someone new?

Northern Ireland/Republic of Ireland border?

Scottish Independence: Will Brexit cause Scotland to become independent from the rest of the United Kingdom?

John Oliver: How many more major segments will John Oliver do on his show about Brexit?