February 12, 2020 Jack Warner of FIFA

Homeroom Article: Poll: New Hampshire Democrats would prefer an extinction-causing meteor over Trump reelection - The Hill

News Log

Student Portal

Learning Target: I can explain if Jack Warner of FIFA and the Pizzagate Shooter evaluated the websites that they used.

Standard(s): ELAGSEJ.RW1 – Recognize or make decisions for publication content through news analysis, surveys, research reports, statistical data and/or audience feedback.

● Identify reliable and/or unreliable news sources.

Warm Up: Political Cartoon: Brexit Finally

Opening: The class will look at the results of the New Hampshire primary. The teacher will explain the meaning of the word satire and provide examples of satire that we have already encountered.

New Hampshire Primary results

Word of the Day: Satire

Work Session: The students will read both the article that Jack Warner sited from the Onion and an actual news article to learn if Jack Warner evaluated the website that he used.

Article: FIFA Frantically Announces 2015 Summer World Cup In United States - The Onion

1st Period Article

1st Period Questions

2nd Period Article

2nd Period Questions

3rd Period Article

3rd Period Questions

4th Period Article

4th Period Questions

Article: Ex-FIFA Official Cites Satirical Article From The Onion in His Self-Defense - New York Times

1st Period Questions

2nd Period Questions

3rd Period Questions

4th Period Questions

Video: Fake News Shooting - ABC World News With David Muir_WSBH_2016_12_05_18_58_00

Video: Pizzagate Is An Alt-Right Fever Dream - 2016 12-08 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (Edited)

Early Finishers:

Video: FIFA and the World Cup Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Edited)

Video: FIFA II Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Edited)

Make Up Work

EdPuzzle 2019-2020 class


Closing: The students will see what happened when former Vice President of FIFA Jack Warner takes on John Oliver.

Video Clip: John Oliver Fires Back at Jack Warner

Google Search: Epic and Dramatic Music