August 21, 2019 Trade War with China

Homeroom Article: Opinion: Ohio State has market cornered on THE dumbest ideas - USAToday

News Log

Learning Target: I can explain the reasons for and against a trade war between the United States of America and China.


SSEIN2 Explain why countries sometimes erect trade barriers and sometimes advocate free trade.

a. Define trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas, embargoes, standards, and subsidies.

b. Identify costs and benefits of trade barriers to consumers and producers over time.

d. Evaluate arguments for and against free trade.

Warm Up: Political Cartoon: Trump Balloon

Opening: "Trade wars are good and easy to win"

Work Session:

Article: The US-China trade war, explained in under 500 words - Vox

Directions: Read article. Highlight or underline the most important parts from each section. Then write questions with answers for each section. The best question and answer for each section will be turned into your assignment later this week. ***Hint: The better you work on this assignment the easier the follow up assignment will be for you.

Closing: What are the reasons for and against this trade war?