January 14, 2020 North Korea

Homeroom Article: North Korean Mother Might Be Jailed for Saving Kids Instead of Kim Portraits in Fire: Report - People

News Log

Student Portal

Learning Target: I can explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea including containment of communism?

Standard(s): SS7H3 Analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia.

e. Explain the reasons for foreign involvement in Korea and Vietnam in terms of containment of communism.

Warm Up: Political Cartoon: Remember when Trump told North Korea the same thing

Opening: The teacher will guide the students through a pair of videos about North Korea's Christmas Surprise.

Video: North Korea Threatens Christmas Gift - December 23th, 2019 NBC Nightly News

Video: US Spy Planes fly over North Korea for Christmas Surprise - December 25th, 2019 NBC Nightly News

Work Session: The students will read an article, use it to answer questions and highlight where the answers came from.

Article: Sorry California, But The U.S. West Coast Is Now In Range Of North Korean Nukes - National Interest

1st Period

2nd Period

3rd Period

4th Period

Video: Kim Jong-un Warns of New Strategic Weapon - December 31st, 2019 NBC Nightly News

Video: North Korea Threatens to Resume Nuclear Missile Testing - January 1st, 2020 NBC Nightly News

Video: Inside the Rule of North Korean Leader Kim Jong - 2020 2018 01-12 ABC

Video: The North Korean Threat - 60 Minutes - Transcript :The North Korean Threat

Video: Element of Truth - 60 Minutes - Transcript: Element of Truth

Video: God of War - 60 Minutes - Transcript: God of War

Early Finishers:

Make Up Work

EdPuzzle 2019-2020 class


Closing: The teacher will guide the students through a video from ESPN about Dennis Rodman going to North Korea

Video: Dennis Rodman and North Korea - 30 for 30_ESPNHD_2019_09_10_20_58_00