Silvio Berlusconi complained to Barack Obama of the "dictatorship of the left judges"

Silvio Berlusconi complained to Barack Obama of the "dictatorship of the left judges"

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has denounced the G8 summit in Deauville, "left-wing dictatorship of judges" in a conversation with U.S. President, Barack Obama, reacted coolly and awe, Italian media said on Friday .Berlusconi, who is involved in several processes, in Italy, for cases of conflict of interest and an alleged relationship with a minor, has made the "fierceness" magistrates "red" a political fixation, multiplying their attacks.But his insistence to speak Thursday about the president's most important world powers, in a summit devoted to major international problems, including armed conflict in Libya, brought Friday irony in almost all media in the Peninsula.Asserting, however, that the G8 is "the place to talk about it, " Berlusconi dedicated on Friday, half of a press conference at the end of the summit, trying to justify this "private conversation. ""Remember that my job takes just institutional, when meeting heads of state and government, to explain the situation in Italy on events which could undermine the credibility of the country and those they represent, " he told journalists."It is my duty to explain this situation that, especially (those from) abroad, fail to understand, " he insisted, assuring that the talks had "all" foreign leaders meet.Prime Minister said that "outrageous"that Italian journalists are not "scandalized" by the "bitterness" of which the victim is proclaimed legal. "Shame to you, " he sent Prime Minister of Italy.Berlusconi, who has not yet had a private meeting with Barack Obama, made a pressure in this regard on Thursday, the first day of the summit in France, near, along with his photographer, U.S. President, sat at the table conference, and beating him on the shoulder.

"We presented the reform of the judiciary is fundamental and for us, becauseat this time , almosta dictatorship of judges have left , "saidBerlusconi , whoseclaims were captured by television cameras nearby .

In front of the President, impassive, Berlusconi insists. "I have done 31 trials and was always paid, " he said.

The situation lasted for two minutes. Journalists revealed that the president did not say anything, slightly embarrassed.

"I do not know if Obama will ask Berlusconi NATO intervention, "he said, ironically, the secretary of the Democratic Party (left, in opposition), Pier Luigi Bersani.

Many newspapers are virulent. "This is a premier international scene using to harm his country, discrediting a great addition to other leaders of democracies, " commented La Repubblica.