Month May

News from May 2011

Technology Area

An Xbox 360 to each PC

We do not know very clearly whether Microsoft has a lot of 4 GB Xbox 360 unsold, or trying to boost sales forces of all PCs, and thus its own operating system. The fact is that they decided to give every student who buys a PC with Windows 7 at least $ 700 and such a console. Read Entire Article >>

SSDs with extended warranty Read Entire Article here >>

Xbox has trouble XGD3 Read here >>

Updates to Xbox 360 software, Microsoft announced earlier this month, just beginning. And it seems they already have brought some problems with them. More specifically responsible for the troubles is the new data storage system, XGD3. It manages to provide more useful space on the DVD (about 1 GB), and implements a series of additional anti-piracy measures.