China has 64 million empty houses and sentenced to death

China has 64 million empty houses and sentenced to death

China has 64 million empty houses and sentenced to death more people than any country in the world combined. See other amazing things

While almost the entire world is struggling with the economic crisis, increased speed with which the Chinese economy and, especially, the progress made ​​amaze everyone. Devoltat of China economically in the last ten years more than ever, writes Business Insider. And as many have heard strange stories about China, you have not heard it all.

Like it or not, China plays one of the most important roles in the global economy. Let us hope that it falls down.

Here is a list of reasons for a drop of China would be a disaster for everyone:

1. China consumes 58% of world production of cement, iron ore 48%, 47% of ore and coal, in general, most of all global output.

2. China's economy grew more than seven times that of the United States over the past decade, 316% compared to 43%.

3. China has the lowest GDP per capita in the world and is even in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

4. 85% of artificial Christmas trees are manufactured in China and 80% of toys.

5. Annual earnings of Chinese would come to buy only 10 square meters in a residential area in Beijing.