Justice requires the authorization of the Serb Ratko Mladic query, kept by ICC

Serbian war crimes prosecutor asked the International Criminal Court Saturday for the former Yugoslavia authorization Ratko Mladic questioning in connection with crimes committed against Bosnian Serb forces."war crimes prosecutor requested authorization to interrogate Ratko Mladic in connection with crimes committed by Naser Oric controlled by Muslim forces against Serb civilians and prisoners in eastern Bosnia in April 1992 - June 1995", it said in a statement Serbian Prosecutor's Office official.Serbian Justice intresată states that the events were not included in the ICTY indictment against Naser Oric, former commander of Bosnian forces in Srebrenica. "It's about events that occurred between and Skelane Zvornik, Srebrenica and nearby villages Fakovici, Hajvaz, Zalazje, Ilino Brdo, Crni Vrh, Sekovici, Bratunac, Kravica, Kragljivade, Konjevic Polje, Glogovo Polje", states press quote.Naser Oric, the first court in 2006 sentenced to two years in prison for failing to prevent crimes committed against Serbs, the ICTY was acquitted on appeal on 3 July 2008.Ratko Mladic, was arrested on 26 May in Serbia, after being pursued for 16 years, and transferred to The Hague on Tuesday, is charged for his role in the massacre at Srebrenica in July 1995, after which they were run close to 8,000 Muslims and the siege of Sarajevo.