They started building the first "City of the Future". How it will look great metropolis where cars will drive themselves

They started building the first "City of the Future". How it will look great metropolis where cars will drive themselves

A future city, named Tianjin is currently built by China and Singapore.

With a population of 350,000 inhabitants and an area of ​​35 square kilometers, the city of wonder will be built by 2020.

Plans first appeared in 2007 and construction began in September 2008.

The city is about 150 kilometers from the capital Beijing. All residents will be educated to adapt to city rules.

According to CNN, those from General Motors will create vehicles that will drive themselves, will have two seats, electric motors and a GPS that you schedule to communicate with other machines, so there are no accidents and take you to location.

However, 90% of public transportation is so that the number of cars will be reduced drastically. The whole area will be covered by a dome, so there will be no need for any waste of energy for heating.