26 May The residence has been moved Dominique Strauss-Kahn, valued at nearly $ 14 million

The residence has been moved Dominique Strauss-Kahn, valued at nearly $ 14 million

The sumptuous residence Dominique Strauss-Kahn moved Wednesday night was valued at approximately $ 14 million earlier this year, according to a real estate site, quoted by CNN.

The house has 632 square feet and was renovated by the architect Leopoldo Rosati. Built in 1915, three-story house is equipped with a video projection room apartură electronic state of the art gym, sauna and bar.

The site quoted at one time the price asked for renting property was $ 60,000 per month.

According to French daily Le Parisien, who moved to the neighborhood Dominique Strauss-Kahn is one of the most luxurious in New York. "A two-room apartment here costs a minimum of 3,000 euros per month, "says one neighbor, Evita.

"It's one of the most elegant houses on the street. It was completely renovated two years ago. The interior should be luxurious. I heard that worth $ 13 million, " said another neighbor.

A real estate agent working in the neighborhood confirmed the statements of women. "The interior is stupefying. I could see the photographs, " he says.