NATO conducted the night of Monday to Tuesday raids on Tripoli

NATO conducted the night of Monday to Tuesday raids on Tripoli

NATO conducted the night of Monday to Tuesday raids on Tripoli and its suburbs Tajura, and Al-Jafri, 600 km south of the capital of Libya, Libyan state television reports.

Television, quoting a military source said that civilian and military targets in Tripoli and Tajura were "targets of raids by NATO. "

Al-Jamahiriya TV, which does not specify the nature of the objectives pursued, evoked the "loss of lives and material damage. "

From downtown, the target of intensive NATO raids for several weeks, an AFP journalist heard the planes and explosions at around 0.00 (1.00 GMT).

Libyan television also said that NATO once again targets aimed at "civilian and military" Al-Jafri, in the south.