As you sit in the chair every day

As you sit in the chair every day? More than six hours can kill you

Sitting more than six hours a day increases the risk of death, says a study published in "American Journal of Epidemiology."

Women who are sitting more than six hours per day had a period of 13 years, a higher risk of death by 37% of people who are sitting less than three hours a day, write

If men are sitting more than six hours a day, the risk of death is 18% higher.

The risk of death is greater for people who are not moving. The least active women in the study who reported the greatest amount of time spent sitting on a chair, have a death risk 94% higher than women who said they are as little as a chair and do more exercise. 48% of men have the same problem, say the study results.

The study included 53,440 men and 69,776 women and ran from 1993 to 2006."Periods of time spent seated, independent of physical activity, have important metabolic consequences and may affect triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure. These factors are signs of obesity, heart disease and other chronic diseases," says one researcher .