First woman condemned by the UN tribunal for genocide

A former Rwandan minister is the first woman condemned by the UN tribunal for genocide

Former Rwandan minister Pauline Nyiramasuhuko is the first woman convicted of war crimes tribunal UN genocide, her sentence was life imprisonment in connection with mass killings in the south in 1994, shows The Independent.International war crimes tribunal found her guilty on Nyiramasuhuko and her son, Arsene Shalom Ntahobali, the atrocities committed in the Butare region of the south.Both were sentenced to life imprisonment.Nyiramasuhuko Pauline was held liable for genocide, crime against humanity, extermination, rape, persecution and violent atrocities against life and against personal dignity.Rwandan Hutu militia and soldiers killed 800,000 minority Tutsis and members of the party moderate Hutus, between April and June 1994.