antibodies able to fight effectively against HIV

New antibodies able to fight effectively against HIV, scientists discoverSome very powerful new antibodies are able to fight effectively against HIV have been identified by U.S. researchers, according to a study published Wednesday in the British journal Nature, thus opening new perspectives for obtaining a vaccine against AIDS.Antibodies are immune defense weapons against infectious agents, viruses and bacteria.But the great variability of HIV, caused by the rapid mutation and its many, allow the virus to escape in most cases, the antibodies produced by infected people are unable to neutralize it.The 17 newly identified antibodies were isolated from samples from four HIV-positive patients who benefited from a strong immune defense against HIV.Most of these new antibodies are 10 times stronger than other recently described antibody (PG9, PG16 and VRC01) in the field of vaccination research, explained the authors of this study, scientists at Scripps Research Institute in California in the city Jolla.Certain combinations of these antibodies makes a favorable level of protection against a large percentage of all HIV variants.Doctors believe a vaccine able to prevent HIV infection will have to teach the immune system to produce this kind of powerful antibodies before exposure to this pathogen.AIDS has killed more than 30 million people in the world, to identify the disease in 1981. Nearly 34 million people currently living with HIV is estimated to UNAIDS.