Miracle in China: A two year old girl fell from the 10th floor, saved by a passing

Miracle in China: A two year old girl fell from the 10th floor, saved by a passing

A two-year old girl fell from a building floor Ten of China was saved by a passing child to hurry to catch, thus cushioning the fall, reported Sunday, the Chinese press.Wu Juping, 31 years, herself the mother of a baby of seven months, was presented as a heroine by Chinese television from a hospital bed, where he was hospitalized for a broken arm, while the girl suffers from bleeding internal and is in critical condition."Thousands of people were moved by the gesture of the woman and prayed for the rapid restoration of her and the child", informs news agency of China, quoted by AFP.Juping Wu explained that due to his injury will be forced to stop breastfeeding their child three months earlier than expected.The accident occurred Saturday near Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province.Dengfeng Jin, director of the hospital in a neighboring town where she is hospitalized, said it had risked their lives trying to cushion the fall girl."It would have to die or remain paralyzed for the rest of the days when the child would have hit his head back," said the doctor.