Bin Laden wanted to kill Barack Obama and General David Petraeus

President Osama bin Laden and General David Petraeus were the targets list terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, killed May 2 in Pakistan by an American commando, say U.S. officials who examined the documents seized from his home, reports ABC News.

Quoted officials told ABC News that bin Laden was trying to devise a plan to kill Obama by breaking his plane, Air Force One, his helicopter Marine One or.Hoping to kill bin Laden and General Petraeus, commander of forces in Afghanistan and future CIA director in the same way, either helicopter or an airplane, rocket or rocket-propelled grenade (RPG).Investigators believe that the plans were not very advanced, and both Obama and countermeasures in general Petraues had their aircraft would have been difficult to achieve targets."It is difficult but not impossible, to take down aircraft or President General Petraeus. But the reality is that because of these countermeasures and other aircraft and helicopters accompanying them, this is not a likely scenario," said Brad Garrett, a former agent FBI and ABC News consultant.