26 May Silvio Berlusconi denies that Muammar Kadhafi's son had been killed by NATO

Silvio Berlusconi denies that Muammar Kadhafi's son had been killed by NATO

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi denied on Wednesday evening, that a son of Libyan leader Kadhafi Muamamr, Box al-Arab, was killed in a NATO raid on April 30, said as Tripoli, according to the evidence cited by the agency Ansa.

Silvio Berlusconi said that the announcement of the death of al-Arab Box, aged 29, was a Libyan government spokesman, is "propaganda. "

Coalition is not aware of (his death) is propaganda, in fact the younger son of Kadhafi's Libya is no longer, now lives in another country, and three grandchildren history is also unfounded, "says Berlusconi.Head of Italian Government expressed during a TV show that was broadcast during the night and the snare has published several pieces."Are our intelligence services, " he added, evoking the Italian military secret.Under the regime in Tripoli, al-Box Arab Libyan leader and three grandchildren, Box (two years), Carthage (two years) and Mastoura (four months), and friends and neighbors were killed during a NATO raid the Libyan capital on 30 April.Regarding the NATO operation against the forces of the Libyan regime, Silvio Berlusconi welcomed the "decisive role" of the United States.Head of Italian Government has given a comprehensive interview two days before the partial municipal elections, a ballot that is put into difficulty and risk losing their feud, Milan, the capital of the country.