Germany is considering compensation for European vegetable producers

Germany does not intend to compensate the affected European producers of vegetable origin statements Spanish E.coli outbreak that has killed 19 people in Europe, said Saturday, the German ambassador in Paris."On the disaster. I think that is worse than the losses of some producers, moreover not only your country but to us, " said Reinhard Schafers, in an intervention at the radio station Europe 1."I can not imagine a compensation, because disaster is there. I had to warn people. When this was done, something had been found in some Spanish cucumbers. When you have information at one time, you should warn people "he said.At least 19 people died in Europe due to contamination with E. coli, but German authorities have acknowledged that the illnesses were caused by cucumber imported from Spain. However, producers of vegetables in European countries, and especially Spain, have suffered considerable financial losses.The origin of bacteria remains unknown Saturday and vegetable producers hope will be able to obtain compensation."Germans not to do so. We are victims of an epidemic and that concerns us now. There are mechanisms at European level for such situations, " added the German ambassador in Paris.