
install Ubuntu

  1. install "EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition" to Windows, and make an empty partition
  2. install "Universal USB Installer" to Windows, and make an Ubuntu bootable USB stick
  3. Restart computer, and boot from the USB.
  4. Follow the instruction, and install Ubuntu to your machine.


    1. update and upgrade apt-get
      • % sudo apt-get update
      • % sudo apt-get upgrade
    2. install emacs
        • % sudo apt-get install emacs
    3. install GMT & NetCDF
        • Option 1 From apt-get: this is easy, but due to library problem, netcdf library doesn't work on gfortran program.
        1. % sudo apt-get install gmt
        2. % sudo apt-get install netcdf-bin
        • Option 2 From GMT web site: this takes time, but you can choose C compiler manually. If you have both ifort and icc and are going to use ifort for standard fortran compiler, take this option setting C compiler to icc.
        1. get a shell script "install_gmt" at http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu
        2. get a parameter file "param.txt" at http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/
        3. % sudo sh install_gmt param.txt
    4. install imagemagick
        • % sudo apt-get install imagemagick
    5. install gfortran
        • % sudo apt-get install gfortran

install unix semi material

    1. install my materials
        1. Visit https://sites.google.com/site/naotahanasaki/japanese-contents/memo
        2. Get "code and data"
        3. Extract it
        4. Change name from unix_semi_20091128 to unix_semi
        5. goto unix_semi/src
        6. Edit Makefile (Specify fortran compiler (FC) as gfortran)
        7. % make all
    2. Edit ~/.bashrc and add...
        1. export GFORTRAN_CONVERT_UNIT="big;little:25-26"
        2. export PATH=.:$PATH:/home/sunattapong/Desktop/GMT4.5.1/bin:/home/sunattapong/Desktop/unix_semi/src
    3. Edit ~/.bashrc and remove
        1. export GFORTRAN_CONVERT_UNIT="big;little:25-26"
    4. Recompile my materials.
    5. Set binary files in the directory
        • % cd unix_semi/lesson8/
        • % exercise.sh
        • % cd unix_semi/lesson6/
        • % asc2bin.sh