

UK top court rules against Scottish independence vote plan

LONDON (AP) — The U.K. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that Scotland does not have the power to hold a new referendum on independence without the consent of the British government. The judgment is a setback for the Scottish government’s campaign to break away from the United Kingdom. The top court ruled that the Scottish Parliament “does not have the power to legislate for a referendum on Scottish independence."...

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she was disappointed but would “respect" the judgment. But, she said on Twitter: "A law that doesn’t allow Scotland to choose our own future without Westminster consent exposes as myth any notion of the UK as a voluntary partnership & makes case for (independence).”...

The Unicorn is a ferocious animal tamed only by a virgin. The lion is no match for the Unicorn.

It was the Unicorn which tamed the lion.

National symbols of Scotland - Wikipedia

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. The Royal Coat of Arms of Scotland, used prior to 1603 by the Kings of Scotland was supported by two unicorns and the current royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom is supported by a unicorn for Scotland along with a lion for England.

Goth Unicorn

FIG.47 Thor's sacred Tree in Assyrian art guarded by Bull-Unicorns. From Assyrian seal, c.1000 B.C.

Note this tree is more important than Date Palm on left; and above it flies the Sun-Hawk, and below it are

fowls, presumably Geese.

The Marriage Ceremony of King Adam and Eve

[In the marriage ceremony, as pictured in this archaic sculpture, Eve as well as Adam is attended by a Goat,

the symbol of the Goths." and it wears a peaked cap, the so-called" Unicorn" of later and British heraldry, as

opposed to the Lion or Leopard cult-animal of the Edenites. This shows that Eve is now admitted into the Gothic fraternity. The two (Adam and Eve) are seen exchanging a cross-like emblem, which is surmounted by a globe, which I have shown to be a Rowan Apple of Ygg's Drasill Tree of Knowledge, and emblematic of the Red Sun-Cross of St George, and somewhat like a .. Celtic Cross"; and Adam's Gothic woodcross was made of this Ash-tree. This Rowan Apple is now seen to have been the source of the perverted Jewish legend of Eve tempting Adam with the Apple, which was to the Edenites under the Matriarch El of Hell, .. The Forbidden Fruit," as it symbolized Adam's rival cult of the Sun and God and Heaven. And Abel, as Baldr or Loki, bearing the double axe, which in Sumerian has the name of Bal, is thus clearly identified, and confirmed by that name being defined as .. The hostile lord Lukh," i.e. Loki.

FIG. 58 Marriage of King Adam -Thor and Eve with Wedding Procession. From rock-sculptures at Iasili near Pteria of about 3000 B.C. Note Adam in Gothic garb carrying his mace, borne shoulder high by his men and attended by his royal Unicorn Goat, meets Eve, who is also given the Unicorn as his betrothed queen, and both bear an apple-like symbol. Eve is followed by the Edenite Baldror Abel; both mounted on cat-like lions or leopards. Loki, Bal, Bul, or Baldr bears a double axe, which in Sumerian is Bal, with the definition: The hostile lord Lockh,' i.e., Loki . Behind him are the Eden weirds , mounted on a two-headed vulture. The retinue of Adam or Her-T'hor, carved , like himself, near ly life-size on t he side of the rock sanctuary, are here omitted for want of space.

FIG. 134. Adam Thor enthroned in Eden. From a Sumerian seal , c. 2260 b.c.

Note he is seated on a Lion-throne with the conquered and tamed Lion behind bearing Adam's Rowan-Apple standard, showing origin of the rampant Lion in our modern heraldry and its real meaning , i.e., it s subordination to the Goat or Unicorn; and not the reverse, as supposed by later Chaldees and Kelts. Above him is his rayed Sun-Cross, now supplemented underneath by the crescent Moon to denote his combined and universal sway,

and his soaring Sun-Hawk. The inscription states that the god is" The god (or Lord), the enthroned Sakh or Zax." i.e., the later form of spelling Sagg, the source of Thor's Eddic title of Sig, whilst Zax is the source of Zeus. The word at the base of the throne is As' or .. "Lord" and the source of Thor's Eddic title of Asa.

To clear up any misunderstandings about Adam Thor's wife, Eve Sif:

In the previous scene one of the Amazonian Valkyr weirds of the old matriarch, the Serpent Wolf priestess of Eden, who visited Thor and his Aryans at his new capital, was called" Gunn-the-Warrioress" (Gunnhilda). She is disclosed as Eve, the chief vestal sibyl of Eden, who eventually married Thor or Adam. ... Her title of " Gunn of the Froth," confirmed by frequent references to her as If of the Sea-froth or Sea-foam kin," discloses her human origin and her identity with If Aphrodite," or If The Sea-froth One," the Greek title for Venus.

`Racially Eve or Sif, the Sibyl, is disclosed to have been of the Gothic race , and of the same royal clan as Adam himself, ... Her Gothic or Asa race is interestingly confirmed by the above ancient seal, in which bearing the Sumerian title of Ash, i.e., the Eddic Asa, she wears the horned head-dress of the Goths....

Eve, thus failing to get her virago mother matriarch El or Eldi to accompany her from Eden on her wedding procession to Adam Thor's home, got instead her meretricious "brother" Baldr (Abel), or Ty or Tys (Attis), who we shall see is also disclosed as the truculent "Green Man" of the Arthur Legend. He is mounted on his Wolf-Tiger (pictographic for his wolf-tribe chieftainship), and accompanied by his Valkyrie weirds "riding on ravens."...

The account of the marriage is thus described in the "Prose Edda." In the Northern region he (Thor) found that priestess sibyl [Cybele], Whom we call Sif, and married her....

None can tell the genealogy of Sif. She was the fairest of women. Her hair was like gold....

Eve as Iduna of the Life-Apples or Athene In this capacity as dispenser of the Life-giving apples to the Goths from their sacred tree, Eve is disclosed as the historical human original of Idun, the Lady of the Basket of Life-Apples of the later prose Edda. This title of Iduna, which she bears in several of the Eddas is derived as I have shown from her Sumerian priestess title of Adueni or Atueni ...


The unicorn was depicted in ancient seals of the Indus Valley Civilization and was mentioned by the ancient Greeks in accounts of natural history by various writers... In European folklore, the unicorn is often depicted as a white horse-like or goat-like animal with a long horn and cloven hooves (sometimes a goat's beard). In the Middle Ages and Renaissance, it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin. In the encyclopedias its horn was said to have the power to render poisoned water potable and to heal sickness.... Greek writers of natural history were convinced of the reality of unicorns, which they located in India... Strabo says that in the Caucasus there were one-horned horses with stag-like heads...

"it is impossible to take this ferocious beast alive; and that all its strength lies in its horn. When it finds itself pursued and in danger of capture, it throws itself from a precipice, and turns so aptly in falling, that it receives all the shock upon the horn, and so escapes safe and sound".... A one-horned animal (which may be just a bull in profile) is found on some seals from the Indus Valley Civilization. Seals with such a design are thought to be a mark of high social rank....

Medieval knowledge of the fabulous beast stemmed from biblical and ancient sources, and the creature was variously represented as a kind of wild ass, goat, or horse.... The Throne Chair of Denmark is made of "unicorn horns" – almost certainly narwhal tusks. The same material was used for ceremonial cups because the unicorn's horn continued to be believed to neutralize poison, following classical authors. The unicorn, tamable only by a virgin woman, was well established in medieval lore by the time Marco Polo described them...

One traditional method of hunting unicorns involved entrapment by a virgin. In one of his notebooks Leonardo da Vinci wrote: The unicorn, through its intemperance and not knowing how to control itself, for the love it bears to fair maidens forgets its ferocity and wildness; and laying aside all fear it will go up to a seated damsel and go to sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters take it. The famous late Gothic series of seven tapestry hangings The Hunt of the Unicorn are a high point in European tapestry manufacture, combining both secular and religious themes....

Scotland: In heraldry the unicorn is best known as the symbol of Scotland. The unicorn was chosen because it was seen as a proud and haughty beast which would rather die than be captured, just as Scots would fight to remain sovereign and unconquered. Two unicorns supported the royal arms of the King of Scots, and since the 1707 union of England and Scotland, the royal arms of the United Kingdom have been supported by a unicorn along with an English lion. Two versions of the royal arms exist: that used in Scotland gives more emphasis to the Scottish elements, placing the unicorn on the left and giving it a crown, whereas the version used in England and elsewhere gives the English elements more prominence....

The first objects unearthed from Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, major sites of the Indus Valley Civilization, were small stone seals inscribed with elegant depictions of animals, including a unicorn-like figure, and marked with Indus script writing which still baffles scholars. These seals are dated back to 2500 B.C....

The Elasmotherium: One suggestion is that the unicorn is based on the extinct rhinocerus species Elasmotherium, a huge Eurasian mammal native to the steppes, south of the range of the woolly rhinoceros of Ice Age Europe. Elasmotherium looked little like a horse, but it had a large single horn in its forehead. It became extinct about the same time as the rest of the glacial age megafauna.

However, according to the Nordisk familjebok (Nordic Familybook) and science writer Willy Ley the animal may have survived long enough to be remembered in the legends of the native European peoples as a huge black bull with a single horn in the forehead.... More recent findings seem to place humans and the Siberian elasmotherium in the same area at the same time. The fragmentary skull of an Elasmotherium sibiricum was found in Kazakhstan and carbon-dated in 2015 as ca. 30,000 years old. Skulls of modern humans found in the same area date back up to 45,000 years, this meaning that our species and this type of mammal possibly coexisted in Western Siberia for thousands of years....

An animal called the re’em is mentioned in several places in the Hebrew Bible, often as a metaphor representing strength. "The allusions to the re'em as a wild, un-tamable animal of great strength and agility, with mighty horn or horns... This view is supported by the Assyrian rimu, which is often used as a metaphor of strength, and is depicted as a powerful, fierce, wild mountain bull with large horns." This animal was often depicted in ancient Mesopotamian art in profile, with only one horn visible.

The qilin, a creature in Chinese mythology, is sometimes called "the Chinese unicorn", and some ancient accounts describe a single horn as its defining feature....

The Enchanted Sex-Word of Scotland’s Secret Seduction Society

Forgotten Kings and Queens: The Lost Gypsy Dynasty of Scotland

Anthropologists have traced Gypsies back to three migrations from the Sindh region in India, which was southern and central Pakistan, about 1700 years ago; They are; Romani (the western gypsy) from Pakistan and northern India, Lomavren or simply Lom (central gypsy) from eastern Turkey and Armenia, and the Domari (eastern gypsy) from the Middle East and Egypt. ...

The word “gypsy" was a slang medieval term for Egyptian, but not all gypsies were Egyptian. Some historians believe there may be a connection to the annexation of Egypt in 1517 AD by the Ottoman Empire, when many of the aristocratic Egyptians fled enslavement....

When Marshall died, he left behind a very mysterious grave stone displaying a pair of horns, which are believed to represent the zodiac sign of Aries , the ram, ...

The phylogenealogy of R-L21:

four and a half millennia of expansion and redistribution

Atlantis, the Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly [1882] HILITES



The British Edda

FIG. 117.- Adam.Thor as Andara (St Andrew), Bur, Geir, Goerdi or George, slaying the Dragon. From Hittite seal of about 2500 B,C. Note the X-cross on his hat. and his rayed Sun-cross symbol. His axe is of Hittite shape as opposed to the Babylonian scimitar.

FIG. 118.- Thor, Andara, Geir, Goerdi, or George, slaying the Dragon in Persian sculpture , c. 600 B.C. Note the Sun- hero is called by the Persians by his late Sumerian

title of Ahura·Mazdi ("Ormuzd " ), or .. Sage of the Sun," and his Dragon enemy is Ahriman (Eddic Hrimni ).

FIG. 1I9.--George slaying the Dragon in Phoenician seal, c. 1000 B.C. Note this later mounted form introduced into Britain by Phoenician Barats or " Britons " is that which

latterly was adopted in Britain and is still current .

FIG. 122.-Thor George snaring the Dragon. From Assyrio -Babylonia n seal, c. 1000BC.

FIG. I27.- Thor slaying Dragon on old British Runic Cross at Gosforth, Cumberland, .... AD. c. eighth century.

Thor! Thou the strong warden of Ygg's He-Goats, the Aryas of Asgard!...

Phrygia or "Land of the Lions" conquered by Adam Thor Dan

It was clearly this famous civilizing conquest of Phrygia or "The Land of the Lions" by Adam Adar Thor Dan, within the Phrygian region of the Lion tribe of the Dwarfs- a conquest that is celebrated in the Sumerian hymns and by Homer-which is represented

on the famous" prehistoric" magnificently carved ivory handle of a hunting-knife or dagger from" Syria," which now appears to have probably belonged to Adam Thor himself! ...

FIG. 36.-Thor or Dar conquering , taming or civilizing the Lion-totem tribes of Phrygia and Asia Minor and Chaldea, from carved ivory handle of stoneknife c. 3350 BC. Note his beard, Gothic dress and four-horned hat...

Thor's special emblem, and the bosses on it are presumably rowan berries, as Thor's Red Cross of" St George" was made of the rowan-tree...

Thor taming the lions is locally associated with a legend of Guenevere, the wife of King Arthur, who has a stone and hamlet in the neighbourhood named after him as " King Arthur's Stone"; and the original King Arthur as we shall find was King Her Thor. This Lion-conquering scene is also found represented in Ancient Briton monuments in which the

hero is " St Andrew," that is Thor's Eddic title of Eindri or Andvara, as at St Andrews in Scotland....

FIG 43.-Goths as Goats, under the sign of the X or St Andrew's Cross. entering houses. From two archaic Sumerian seals....

Adam-Thor bears therein his Sumerian title of AnDara or .. Lord Dara,' in the Eddic form of Andvara or Andvari, the source as I have shown of St Andrew the patron saint of the later Goths, Scyths and Scots. He is also called by many of his other titles, including

" George-the-Red. " His adversary is variously called Loki (i.e., Sutt or Seth-Abel), Apa, Faf and Fafni (also a title of Wodan). Adam Andvara is disclosed fishing in a ship or boat

off the coast-presumably a sailing-ship, of which he was the traditional inventor as Pro-Metheus, and in the Sumerian as Induru he is at home on the sea , an especial arena of the colonizing sea-going Sumerians....

ADAM-THOR'S BURG ATTACKED BY THE EDENITES OF VAN UNDER BALDR OR ABEL [The Central Lay resumes the narrative and tells of the plotting of the Eden Matriarch and her son-paramour Loki-Baldr, or "The Wolf of Fen or Van", for an attack on Adam-Thor's capital, which they carry out. (The Van tribe of Lake Van, east of Carchemish, are the Pani foes of Indra in the Veda.)...

what is the difference between st george cross and st andrews cross?



Saint Andrew's Cross... diagonal cross... From its use as field sign, the saltire came to be used in a number of flags, in the 16th century for Scotland... The association with Saint Andrew is a development of the 15th to 16th centuries... Saint Andrew's Cross of Scotland was used in flags or banners (but not in coats of arms) from the 16th century, and used as naval ensign during the Age of Sail.... The Flag of Scotland, called The Saltire or Saint Andrew's Cross, is a blue field with a white saltire. According to tradition, it represents Saint Andrew, who is supposed to have been crucified on a cross of that form (called a crux decussata) at Patras, Greece. The Saint Andrew's Cross was worn as a badge on hats in Scotland, on the day of the feast of Saint Andrew....

The association with Saint Andrew develops in the late medieval period. The tradition according to which this saint was crucified on a decussate cross is not found in early hagiography. Depictions of Saint Andrew being crucified in this manner first appear in the 10th century, but do not become standard before the 17th century. Reference to the saltire as "St Andrew's Cross" is made by the Parliament of Scotland (where Andrew had been adopted as patron saint) in 1385, in a decree to the effect that every Scottish and French soldier (fighting against the English under Richard II) "shall have a sign before and behind, namely a white St. Andrew's Cross"....

Saint George's Cross

In heraldry, Saint George's Cross, also called the Cross of Saint George, is a red cross on a white background, which from the Late Middle Ages became associated with Saint George, the military saint, often depicted as a crusader. Associated with the crusades, the red-on-white cross has its origins in the 10th century. It was used as the ensign of the Republic of Genoa perhaps as early as during the 10th century....

Saint George became associated as "patron saint" of England after the English reformation. Since the early modern period, his flag came to be identified as the national flag of England....

Saint George's Day

Saint George's Day is normally celebrated on 23 April. However, Church of England rules denote that no saints' day should be celebrated between Palm Sunday and the Sunday after Easter Day so if 23 April falls in that period the celebrations are transferred to after it. 23 April is the traditionally accepted date of the saint's death in the Diocletianic Persecution of AD 303....


Finding the “Scot” in the Scottish-American:

An Investigation of Scottish Identity through Mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome Markers

Located in the southern regions of Britain, Gough's Cave contains the oldest evidence of modern humans, with materials dating to around 15,000 years ago. The earliest archaeological evidence of human occupation in Scotland is found on the Northwest coast and dates to about 10,000 B.P... for agriculture to reach Scotland...southwest coast of Scotland...between 5,000 and 4,700 years ago... For Scotland, this transition is thought to have been a gradual one, with the majority of the descendants of the orginal foraging populations and the addition of small groups of individuals whose ancestors originated in the Near East... Most of the changes during this time period seem to be of a cultural nature, with little evidence of large movements of people into Scotland or the rest of the Britain Isles. These earlier groups would give rise to the human groups known as the Picts and the Scotti...

Debate on the origin and disappearance of the Picts has been continuing for decades. There are no written Pict texts, little surviving mythology, and the original Pictish language is unknown. The name „Pict” originates from the word Picti, meaning „the Painted People,. an ethnonym the Romans often gave to local groups who decorated their bodies with tattoos or body adornment. This group labeled Picts is now thought to represent a mixture of foraging and farming peoples during the Neolithic, the native population of Scotland that had gradually assimilated to the various cultural influences to which they have been exposed.

Several waves of immigrations from Ireland also influenced and shaped the genetic topography of Scotland . The name of Scotland can be attributed to the Irish migrations to region, since the Scotti were Romans references to Irish immigrants. In the beginning of the first millennium, the Irish king, known as Dal Riata, set up three colonies in present day Scotland. Between 500 and 1000A.D., Dunadd was a capital of the Dalriada kingdom and a major trading hub which facilitated trade from Ireland to the Mediterranean. The Picts regained control of the region in the 6th century, but the balance of power would go back and forth between the Picts and the Gaels for hundreds of years. No written records exist about the genetic interaction and possible fusion of the original inhabitants with the incoming Irish settlers. However, as both groups date back to the initial mesolithic, with later neolithic influences, they would have had similar genetic backgrounds....

By 79 A.D., southern Britain had fallen under Roman control, leaving the Lowlands and Highlands of Scotland as the only unoccupied territories... the Romans finally withdrew in 214 AD from Scotland...

By the 5th century, Angles were in England for their own conquests, and would eventually conquer most of eastern Scotland Once again, there was not a replacement of the population by the invaders, but a battle of dominance which would go back and forth for a few hundred years....

While Anglo-Saxon invasion can be seen through cultural, economic, and political influences, there were no large-scale movements of people into Scotland. In the 8th century A.D. improved seafaring technology, a growing population, and political changes led Scandinavian Vikings to initiate their search for additional lands and resources. The Viking age in Scotland lasted for 400 years...this take over was a peaceful affair... However, most Viking interactions were not peaceful, and evidence from the Hebrides points to a violent conquest followed by population replacement. In the Scottish mainland, constant threats of Viking invasion led to the unification of various Scottish tribes. Viking influence over the Scottish Isles would continue until the mid-13th century...

Disease, famine, and war following the 1700s included epidemics of smallpox, dysentery, typhus, measles, influenza, and two World Wars. Famines in the 1690s may have led to the deaths of 10 percent of Scots, and the Potato Famine of the 1840s played a role in increasing rates of Scot emigration to the New World and Irish immigration to areas of Scotland. World War I would also decrease the genetic diversity of Scotland, particularly that found in the Y-chromosome. Some 690,000 Scots, 41 percent of Scottish men between the ages of 15-49, participated in the war. At least 12 percent of these men died in service. The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, had the highest mortality of any infectious disease in Scotland.s history, with over 17,500 deaths attributed to influenza or complications arising because of influenza. About 265,000 men died in service in the Second World War....

These haplogroups characterize nearly all European genomes and include H, U, T, K, J, X, I, V, W and M. These haplogroups are although dispersed throughout the European continent....Scotland's mtDNA is represented by these same, haplogroups with 99 percent of the lineages belonging to H, I, J, K, T, U, V, W, and X. The diversity in mtDNA decreases with latitude in Europe, and the farther northwest the population, the higher the frequency of haplogroups associated with the expansion out of the Iberian refuge following the LGM. This expansion brought some the oldest and most common haplogroups to Scotland. MtDNA lineages that are associated with post-glacial expansion are haplogroups V and H and U5. Haplogroup U appears to have been brought in by Europe's first settlers. This haplogroup is found mostly in Europe at a frequency of about 7 percent, with an occasional appearance in sub-Saharan Africa. A subhaplogroup, U5, dates to around 50kya in Europe, and is present in Scotland with a frequency of around 8 percent. The most common haplogroup in Europe, haplogroup H characterizes between 40-50% of all European population.s mtDNA. Haplogroup H arose in the Middle East around 30-25 kya,... Haplogroup V dates to around 16 kya and was dispersed from the Iberian Peninsula throughout western Europe following the LGM... Some J (including J1 and J1a), T (T1 and T2), U3, and U5a1 and U5a1a haplotypes traveled to Scotland through a continental route. Other haplotypes, such as J2, traveled to Scotland through a Mediterranean coastal route and is more commonly found in Scotland then in the rest of Britain. Haplogroups J and T both originated in the Near East and each have a frequency of around 8 percent in Europe..

These studies indicate a Neolithic contribution of between 25-65 percent, with decreasing genetic input the further west the individuals had to travel. The native people of Scotland, known as the Picts, are some combination of these Paleolithic and Neolithic influences. Maternal contributions from Ireland are harder to determine as Ireland and Scotland share many of their mtDNA lineages due the shared ancestry of initial settlers, as well as later movements from Ireland to Scotland....

maternal Scandinavian imput of around 38 percent with the rest of the lineages

belonging to Scottish or Irish origin. This influence weakens on the coast where Scandinavian mtDNA input drops to around 14 percent. Maternal haplotypes belonging to haplogroups H and K were a part of this Scandinavian contribution...

The European Y-chromosome is largely described by five major haplogroups: R , I, J, G and E. Figure 11 shows the movement of these haplogroups into Europe and the timing of these events. In Scotland, these haplogroups are represented by R1b (73%), R1a (9%), E1b1b (2%), I (15%) and J (1%).... Several studies of Y-chromosomal variation have found that members of the R1b haplogroups, especially those with the Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH), are also associated with the expansion out of the Iberian Peninsula. Haplogroup R1b probably arrived in these first expansions into Scotland,... Basque are more similar to Scottish and Irish populations than to populations closer to them geographically...Individuals with the AMH, or a one step mutation divergence from AMH (AMH + 1), make up about 47 percent of Scottish lineages. Often described as the first peoples of Scotland, the Picts actually appear to be the result of admixture between the original Paleolithic settlers and the incoming Neolithic farmer. Because of their early roots, they are identified by some of the oldest haplogroups in Europe: the Y-haplogroup of R1b, and the mitochondrial haplogroups of H, U5, J, T, and V...

Scandinavia shares several Y-chromosome haplotypes with Scotland. Most of the

interactions between the indigenous populations and Vikings were in the form of Viking men mating with local women, and evidence of this is seen in Y markers. The most prevalent Viking Y-haplotypes are those which belong to haplogroups I1a and R1a, although haplotypes belonging to R1b are represented as well. which point to a Viking component of 42% in Shetland and 37% in Orkney....

There are a few Y chromosome haplotypes that may have spread into the English population through the Roman army, including haplotypes from haplogroups J, G, and possibly E. These haplotypes probably made their way into Scottish populations through later migrations from Britain...

Immigration to the New World colonies began in 1600s from the Lowlands and the Highlands of Scotland as well as Scots from the Irish plantations of Ulster....However, the majority of individuals of Scottish decent are the Scotch-Irish from Ulster.... the maternal ancestry of these participants as a whole are co-mingled with broader European ancestry....many of the mitochondrial lineages that are found in Scotland are shared with several European populations... Not only are the lineages shared throughout Europe, but the diversity of all mtDNA lineages in Europe, particularly haplogroups H and U5, make it difficult to determine if the Scottish comparative samples are an accurate representation of the diversity of Scotland....

Haplogroup R1b is the most common haplogroup found in the Kansas City Games group at 70 percent, a high frequency typical of Western European populations due to its spread by male foragers following the LGM. These groups are less genetically influenced by the later movements of people during the Neolithic and the spread of agriculture. The most surprising results are the three individuals who belong to haplogroup G2a, a haplogroup that is not seen in the comparative Scottish populations in this study, but has been found in Scotland at very low frequencies. It has been suggested that this haplogroup was the result of Roman interactions in Britain, and later migrations from the descendants of the Romans to Scotland....

Due to the high levels of haplotypes sharing amongst European populations, mtDNA data cannot identify lineages that are particularly “Scottish.”... However, in contrast to the maternal line, the KC groups shares a larger number of haplotypes with Scotland (77 percent). These haplotypes are most common in the Western Isles and Isle of Skye, and the Scottish mainland (which includes the central Highlands).... This study also utilized surname and clan distributions in support of a larger paternal versus maternal Scottish ancestry. Individuals with the same surname are more likely to be related genetically than individuals who do not share surnames...Y-chromosome data, typically less diverse and more locally distributed within Europe, seems better suited than mtDNA data for an investigation of Scottish ancestry....

Skara Brae

Skara Brae is a stone-built Neolithic settlement, located on the Bay of Skaill on the west coast of Mainland, the largest island in the Orkney archipelago of Scotland. Consisting of eight clustered houses, it was occupied from roughly 3180 BC to about 2500 BC and is Europe's most complete Neolithic village. Skara Brae gained UNESCO World Heritage Site status as one of four sites making up "The Heart of Neolithic Orkney".a Older than Stonehenge and the Great Pyramids, it has been called the "Scottish Pompeii" because of its excellent preservation....

occupation of Skara Brae began about 3180 BC with occupation continuing for about six hundred years. Around 2500 BC, after the climate changed, becoming much colder and wetter, the settlement may have been abandoned by its inhabitants.... The spiral ornamentation on some of these "balls" has been stylistically linked to objects found in the Boyne Valley in Ireland.... Lumps of red ochre found here and at other Neolithic sites...

ivory pins up to 25 centimetres (9.8 in) long. These pins are very similar to examples found in passage graves in the Boyne Valley, another piece of evidence suggesting a linkage between the two cultures....

Knap of Howar, on the Orkney island of Papa Westray, is a well-preserved Neolithic farmstead. Dating from 3500 BC to 3100 BC, it is similar in design to Skara Brae, but from an earlier period, and it is thought to be the oldest preserved standing building in northern Europe....


Maeshowe (or Maes Howe; Old Norse: Orkhaugr) is a Neolithic chambered cairn and passage grave situated on Mainland Orkney, Scotland. It was probably built around 2800 BC. In the archaeology of Scotland, it gives its name to the Maeshowe type of chambered cairn, which is limited to Orkney....the mound encasing the tomb is 115 feet (35 m) in diameter and rises to a height of 24 feet (7.3 m).[4] Surrounding the mound, at a distance of 50 feet (15 m) to 70 feet (21 m) is a ditch up to 45 feet (14 m) wide. The grass mound hides a complex of passages and chambers built of carefully crafted slabs of flagstone weighing up to 30 tons. It is aligned so that the rear wall of its central chamber held up by a bracketed wall, is illuminated on the winter solstice. A similar display occurs in Newgrange....

Dating of the construction of Maeshowe is difficult but dates derived from burials in similar tombs cluster around 3000 BC. Since Maeshowe is the largest and most sophisticated example of the Maeshowe "type" of tomb, archaeologists have suggested that it is the last of its class, built around 2800 BC.... Maeshowe is aligned with some other Neolithic sites in the vicinity, for example the entrance of "Structure 8" of the nearby Barnhouse Settlement directly faces the mound. In addition, the so-called "Barnhouse Stone" in a field around 700 metres away is perfectly aligned with the entrance to Maeshowe. This entrance corridor is so placed that it lets the direct light of the setting sun into the chamber for a few days each side of the winter solstice, illuminating the entrance to the back cell. A Neolithic "low road" connects Maeshowe with the magnificently preserved village of Skara Brae, passing near the Standing Stones of Stenness and the Ring of Brodgar. Low roads connect Neolithic ceremonial sites throughout Britain.... Maeshowe is very similar to the famous Newgrange tomb in Ireland, suggesting a linkage between the two cultures. Chambered tombs of the Maeshowe "type" are characterized by a long, low entrance passageway leading to a square or rectangular chamber from which there is access to a number of side cells....

Tompkins (1971) extensively studied numerous documents related to the measurement and exploration of the Great Pyramid of Giza. He stated the central "observation chamber" (p. 130) at Maeshowe was "corbeled like the Great Pyramid's Grand Gallery", was carefully leveled, plumbed", and the jointing is of a quality that "rivals that of the Great Pyramid". Rather than chambers of a tomb, Tompkins suggested the structure contained small "retiring rooms for the observers" (p. 130). He suggested the entrance was very similar to Egyptian pyramids in that it had a "54-foot observation passage aimed like a telescope at a megalithic stone [2772 ft. away] to indicate the summer solstice" (p. 130) in addition to its "Watchstone" to the West that indicated the equinoxes. The "sighting passage" (p. 133) points to a northern star like the pyramids of Saqqara, Dashur and Medûm. Tompkins stated that "The similarity [of the pyramids] to the structure at Maes-Howe is indeed amazing"...

The "modern" opening of the tomb was by James Farrer, an antiquarian and the Member of Parliament for South Durham, in July 1861....He and his workmen discovered the famous runic inscriptions carved on the walls, proof that Norsemen had broken into the tomb at least six centuries earlier....

Stones of Stenness

The Standing Stones of Stenness is a Neolithic monument five miles northeast of Stromness on the mainland of Orkney, Scotland. This may be the oldest henge site in the British Isles....The name, which is pronounced stane-is in Orcadian dialect, comes from Old Norse meaning stone headland....this area had particular importance....Although the site today lacks the encircling ditch and bank, excavation has shown that this used to be a henge monument, possibly the oldest in the British Isles....The pottery links the monument to Skara Brae and Maeshowe. Based on radiocarbon dating, it is thought that work on the site had begun by 3100 BC....

Ring of Brodgar

The Ring of Brodgar (or Brogar, or Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and stone circle about 6 miles north-east of Stromness on the Mainland, the largest island in Orkney, Scotland....The Ring of Brodgar (or Brogar, or Ring o' Brodgar) is a Neolithic henge and stone circle in Orkney, Scotland. It is the only major henge and stone circle in Britain which is an almost perfect circle. Most henges do not contain stone circles; Brodgar is a striking exception, ranking with Avebury and Stonehenge among the greatest of such sites....The site has resisted attempts at scientific dating and the monument's age remains uncertain....The stone circle is 104 metres (341 ft) in diameter, and the third largest in the British Isles. The ring originally comprised up to 60 stones, of which only 27 remained standing at the end of the 20th century....Examination of the immediate environs reveals a concentration of ancient sites, making a significant ritual landscape. Within 2 square miles (5.2 km2) there are the two circle-henges, four chambered tombs, groups of standing stones, single stones, barrows, cairns, and mounds.[9] The immediate area has also yielded a number of flint arrowheads and broken stone mace-heads that seem to date from the Bronze Age....

Invaders from Scandinavia reached Orkney by the 9th century, bringing a complex theology that they imposed on the preexisting Orcadian monuments; at least according to local legend. For example, the Ring of Brodgar and the Standing Stones of Stenness were allegedly known as the Temple of the Sun and Moon respectively. Young people supposedly made their vows and prayed to Wōden at these "temples" and at the so-called "Odin Stone" that lay between the stone circles until it was destroyed by a farmer in 1814....

Burl notes that the diameter of the bank at Brodgar is almost exactly the same as the inner banks of the Avebury and Newgrange monuments in England and Ireland respectively, 125 so-called "megalithic yards" (MY), at 0.8297 metres (2.722 ft) per MY....

Scottish Parliament asked to right 'terrible miscarriage of justice' by pardoning thousands of witches

"Between 1563 and 1736, when the Witchcraft Act was law, there were four relatively defined periods of ‘satanic panic’ which resulted in approximately just shy of 4000 people being accused as witches...."Confession to allegations of witchcraft were routinely obtained by torture, both physical and mental. The stripping and pricking of women was common, as was sleep deprivation.

"Of all of those 4000, academics estimate that approximately 2500 were executed. The method of execution was by way of strangulation and then burning at the stake. In comparison to elsewhere in Europe, where witch trials also took place, Scotland had approximately five times the number of cases than elsewhere in Europe during this time. Alas, at finding and killing witches, we excelled....

New study shows nurses and midwives were branded witches in Scotland

NURSES and midwives who were pioneering healthcare as far back as the 1500s were wrongly accused of witchcraft, a new study reveals....During that time more than 4,000 people - 85 per cent of whom were women - who were accused of being witches were imprisoned and brutally tortured until they confessed their least 2,500 of those were then strangled and burned at the stake. Some of the accused were mentally ill, but many helped care for others during sickness and childbirth....

Queen Scotia

Celtic Milesians defeated the Tuatha Dé Danann but Scotia, the Queen of the Milesians died in battle...her grave is reputed to be under a huge ancient stone inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs. She was said to be a Pharaoh’s daughter and had come to Ireland to avenge the death of her husband, the King of the Milesians...The book ‘Kingdom of the Ark’ by Lorraine Evans reveals numerous archaeological connections between Egypt and Ireland....

8,000 Years Ago The Storegga Tsunami Shattered Scotland

he three Storegga Slides are amongst the largest known submarine landslides in history. They occurred under water, at the edge of Norway's continental shelf in the Norwegian Sea, approximately 6225–6170 BC.... Geologists agree that the Storegga tsunami is the largest natural disaster to have happened in the UK in the last 11,000 years. The vast wave was triggered by a series of three submarine landslides in the Norwegian Sea that caused the sinking of Doggerland, the land bridge that linked Britain, Denmark, and the Netherlands....