
GENOCIDE is, according to international convention:

“intent to destroy, in whole or in part,

a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.”

The Real Holocaust:


(Witches alone account for 40,000 TO 9 Million murdered.)

Government Legalized Murder. It was not only witches and druids who were slaughtered but, any person who did not convert to Christianity, or any person falsely accused of being a pagan was put to death. This went on for Centuries, and in some degree still exists today. The alledged Jewish holocaust which only occurred for a few years does not even come close in comparison to the Pagan Holocaust which claimed more lives, and existed for a greater time span.

Estimates of the Number Killed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages and later

"From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than fifty millions of the human family, have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of popery."

-- "History of Romanism," pp. 541, 542. New York: 1871.

Christian Persecution of Paganism


"No one shall consult a soothsayer, astrologer or diviner. The perverse pronouncements of augurs and seers must fall silent. ... The universal curiosity about divination must be silent forever. Whosoever refuses obedience to this command shall suffer the penalty of death and be laid low by the avenging sword." -- Codex Theodosianus, IX.16.4

"Whatever privileges have been allowed under ancient law to priests, ministers, prefects and hierophants of the pagan cults, whether know by these or other names, are to be entirely abolished, nor should they pride themselves on being protected by any privilege, since their profession is known to be condemned by law." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.14

"The knowledge of those, who being equipped with magic arts, are discovered to have plotted against men's lives or who have perverted modest minds with lust must be punished and a penalty rightly exacted under the harshest of laws." -- Codex Theodosianus, IX.16.2

"We command that all those proved to be devoting themselves to sacrificing or worshipping images be subject to the penalty of death." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.6


"It is decreed that in all places and all cities the [pagan] temples should be closed at once, and after a general warning, the opportunity of sinning be taken from the wicked. We decree also that we shall cease from making sacrifices. And if anyone has committed such a crime, let him be stricken with the avenging sword. And we decree that the property of the one executed shall be claimed by the city, and that rulers of the provinces be punished in the same way, if they neglect to punish such crimes."-- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.4.

"Let all temples in the countryside be demolished without disturbance or upheaval. With their overthrow and removal, all material basis for superstition will be destroyed." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.16


"All writings whatever which Porphyry or anyone else has written against the Christian religion, in the possession of whomsoever they shall be found, shall be committed to the fire." -- Emperor Theodosius I.

Roman Genocide of the Druidry

The Consequences Roman Contact Had on British Religion

The Druids filled a highly esteemed and vital role in Celtic society. They acted both as law makers and law enforcers, presided over sacrifices and religious functions, kept the history, mythology, and law system alive through memory and oral tradition, taught the youth, and influenced the nobility. It is no wonder that they posed such a threat to the Romans, yet, there has been much speculation on the specifics of why Rome was so threatened by them. So threatened, that she sought for years to put a stop to Druidic activity and religion.

‘The Kings, who sat on golden thrones and lived luxuriously in their great residences, became mere agents of the decisions of the Druids’. It is also well attested in the Early Irish texts that nearly every King had a Druidic advisor. Understandably, if conquest of the Gallic and British peoples was to be complete, such an influential class of people would have to be removed....

In 54 CE, Claudius tried his best to abolish Druidry in Gaul, but it was in Britain that this was achieved. In 60 CE, troops reached Anglesey. Two legions, some 4,000 Batavarians, and other light cavalry and infantry faced the Druids on their island. The Romans defeated the Druids, the men and women who had stood screaming curses in defense of their groves and raized the island verdant cornfields....

Rome brought the Church to Britain, and it strengthened, slowly.

Body Count of the Roman Empire

Persecution of pagans in the late Roman Empire

WHAT RELIGION IS THE MOST SATANIC? What religion believes in Satan? What religion is the most violent, murderous, perjurous, adulterous, hypocritical?

* 250 million murdered in the name of Christianity over the past nearly 2,000 years.

* 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists over the last 1400 years.

* Prior to Christianity the Hebrew religion Genocided all the people of the land that they now call Israel, and the killings continue even unto this day.

How many people have been killed by Christians since Biblical times?

How many people were killed as Witches in Europe from 1200 to the present?

if the numbers add up to 60,000, than 600,000 would not shock me.

Witch trials in the early modern period

Over the entire duration of the phenomenon of some three centuries, an estimated total of between 40,000 and 60,000 people were executed. number of executions for witchcraft... nine million victims was given by Gottfried Christian Voigt in 1784 in an argument criticizing Voltaire's estimate of "several hundred thousand" as too low....

Witch trials in the early modern period, witchcraft acts, Salem witch trials, ... hypocritical laws, hilarious evidence used to convict and execute the accused....

Witch Trials & Laws

Rudolph J. Rummel

Many people think 1 million innocents were killed by the witch-hunters, though Rudolph J. Rummel thinks 100,000.

Should the Catholic Church apologize to Pagans?

Who Burned the Witches?

..a "pagan Holocaust" of nine million secret nature-worshippers exterminated by Christians 500 years ago under the Inquisition. ... Some historians claim the best current estimate of 30,000 to 50,000 killed during the 400 years from 1400 to 1800 — a large number but no Holocaust. And it wasn't all a burning time. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male.

List of people executed for witchcraft

The Burning Times:

The time line: the Dark Ages to now

Witch Pricking And The Devil’s Mark

A t the height of these persecutions, between 1580 and 1630, more than 50,000 persons were burned at the stake or otherwise murdered. And, sadly, over 80% of these victims were women.... Torture was the most commonly used method of determining if witchcraft was at hand. Methods were varied and extremely cruel. Experts agree that the vast majority of those executed for witchcraft were completely innocent... Over the years, witch pricking was a common “testing” method in witch trials, and a form of primary evidence in sentencing. But, like all other methods, this one was also extremely unjust. The reason behind this was simple: professional witch finders became a “popular” occupation or trade. People of varied backgrounds recognized the potential and the money to be had in this business and were willing to sentence innocent people to make a living. However, it was no use if a suspected “witch” was innocent. And, as we all understand, if you poke someone with a needle, they are certain to bleed. So, how did witch finders go about this? Well, they cheated. How do you poke a person and ensure they will not bleed? Witch finders, like Matthew Hopkins, utilized specially made witch pricking tools with hollow handles and retractable and blunted points. When one would press such a tool to the victim’s skin, it seemed as if it had fully penetrated the skin, but the needle simply retracted into the handle. Of course, no blood would be drawn, and no mark left on the skin, and the person was promptly accused of witchcraft. Needless to say, the gathered masses of simpletons would yelp in awe and disgust, and the fate of the innocent accused was promptly sealed.... a Devil’s Mark could be a mole, a skin tag (acrochordon), a birthmark, an extra nipple, and other various marks on the skin that are a natural occurrence in most people. This meant that they could find any simple mark on the skin and proclaim it as a sign of witchcraft....

Common Errors about Witch Hunts


Europe was Christianized with force; bribes, threats, deceit, treachery, torture, brainwashing and murder. Christians chopped down our sacred groves and burned down our temples, and were even sanctified for this. They then built their own temples (alias churches) on the European sacred sites, where our sacred groves and temples used to stand, to ensure that no Pagan temples would ever be built there again, and no archeological work should ever be carried out there. (And then they criminalized the type of behaviour that had enabled them to Christianize Europe in the first place.) In France one of the worst of these genocidal maniacs is celebrated as Charlemagne, “Charles the Great”, known best in Pagan circles for his coward Massacre of about 4.500 unarmed Saxon captives in Verdun. The Wikipedia post describe the revolting massacre like this: “The Massacre of Verden (…) was a massacre of 4.500 captive rebel Saxons in 782. During the Saxon Wars, the Saxons rebelled against Charlemagne’s invasion and subsequent attempts to Christianize them from their native Germanic paganism”.

How Europe was overrun by Christians

Conclusion: It is clear that Christianity prevailed over European heathenism solely because Christians resorted to torture, murder, and other clear breaches of the law that applied in those times, while the heathens upheld the prevailing “rules of engagement” that they considered to be honourable.

Christianity and violence


Estimates of people killed by the papacy since middle ages

For two or three centuries, many Protestants have given figures concerning the total number of people killed directly or indirectly by the Papacy during the Middle Ages. The numbers given include 50 million, 68 million, 100 million, 120 million, and 150 million....

"From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than fifty millions of the human family, have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of popery." -- "History of Romanism," pp. 541, 542. New York: 1871.

....These computations do not even include the extermination of the Heruli, Vandals, and Ostrogoths, or those who died in the Crusades.

"A church claiming to be Christian, drenched in the blood of sixty-eight millions, and five hundred thousand human beings!" -- W. C. Brownlee, Letters in the Roman Catholic controversy, 1834, pp. 347-348.

"For professing faith contrary to the teachings of the Church of Rome, history records the martyrdom of more then one hundred million people...." -- Brief Bible Readings, p. 16.

"This great antichristian power robbed the church of its gospel light and plunged the world into the Dark Ages. It put to death and thus took away the lives of from fifty to one hundred millions of the saints of the Most High." -- Bunch, Taylor, The Book of Daniel, 1950, p. 170.

"One thousand years covers the crest of the persecutions when from 50,000,000 to 150,000,000 martyrs died of the sword, at the stake, in dungeons, and of starvation because of the confiscation of their earthly possessions." -- Bunch, Taylor, The Book of Daniel, 1950, p. 185.

"Some have computed, that, from the year 1518 to1548, fifteen million of Protestants have perished by war and the Inquisition. This may be overcharged, but certainly the number of them in these thirty years, as well as since is almost incredible. To these we may add innumerable martyrs, in ancient, middle, and late ages, in Bohemia, Germany, Holland, France, England, Ireland, and many other parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia."

-- (from the commentary on the book of Revelation in Wesleys Explanatory Notes on the New Testament, fifth edition, 1788)

"Mede has calculated from good authorities that in the war with the Albigenses and Waldenses there perished of these people, in France alone, 1,000,000." -- Christ and Antichrist, by Samuel J. Cassels, 1846, page 257.

Probably the greatest number of those who perished by the Papacy in Europe did so at the hands of these local authorities, on the grounds of suspected heresy or opposition to the church, and not necessarily at the direction of the Pope, preceded by a trial, nor mentioned in records. ...The constant elimination of a few heretics here and there, in many locations, continued for many years, could easily have added up to a total of millions without making much of an impression on recorded history. Throughout the Middle Ages as the possessions of the church increased, so would the number and power of these officials have increased, together with the number of their victims. ...The persecutions were not at all limited to the Inquisition, but took many forms. Many of the victims were killed secretly and never brought to trial or sentenced. These deaths would never have appeared in the official records of the Inquisition. Such persecutions even continued until very recent times, as illustrated by the following quotation from W. C. Brownlee, Popery the Enemy of Civil and Religious Liberty, J. S. Taylor, New York, 1836, page 124: "I beg to direct you to the history of Spain, which, at length, is beginning to raise her head from the dust; and of Austria, Italy, and Naples. There everything is exclusive and sanguinary. Utter a word against the priest, or his senseless mummery, or refuse to fall down before the wafer god, and the dagger is plunged into your heart!"


During its rise to power, the Papacy also essentially exterminated the Heruli shortly after 493 A.D., the Vandals soon after 533 A.D., and the Ostrogoths in 554 A.D, all of whom were asserted to hold to the Arian belief. However, Limborch (The History of the Inquisition, p. 95) doubts that Arius held the views attributed to him. Concerning the Vandals, Bunch writes "It is reckoned that during the reign of Justinian, Africa lost five millions of inhabitants; thus Arianism was extinguished in that region, not by any enforcement of conformity, but by the extermination of the race which had introduced and professed it. History of the Christian Church, J.C. Robertson, Vol. 1, p. 521. -- Bunch, Taylor, The Book of Daniel, p. 101.

Of course, the Heruli and the Ostrogoths also undoubtedly numbered in the millions, and were exterminated. Everywhere one looks there is evidence of millions and millions of people who were killed by the Papacy in various stages of its history. The Hussites were also nearly exterminated:

[footnote, speaking of Innocent VIII] Yet on the papal throne he played the zealot against the Germans, whom he accused of magic, in his bull Summis desiderantes affectibus, etc., and also against the Hussites, whom he well nigh exterminated. -- Williams, Henry Smith, The Historians History of the World, vol. 8, p. 643.

Furthermore, in a footnote speaking of the thirty years war which started in Bohemia where the Hussites originated, Krus and Webb write "The intensity of that conflict surpassed that of other types of armed confrontations. In Bohemia, for instance, there were whole sections of the country in which nobody was left to bury the dead. The total population of Bohemia decreased in the 17th century from about 3 million to 500,000. These population changes are representative of other areas of Central Europe afflicted by the Thirty Years War." -- Krus, D.J., & Webb, J.M. (1993) Quantification of Santayana's cultural schism theory. Psychological Reports, 72, 319-325.

In fact, many sects had been exterminated throughout the history of Rome: "The inquisitor Reinerius, who died in 1259, has left it on record: "Concerning the sects of ancient heretics, observe, that there have been more than seventy: all of which, except the sects of the Manichaeans and the Arians and the Runcarians and the Leonists which have infected Germany, have through the favour of God, been destroyed." -- Broadbent, E.H., The Pilgrim Church, Gospel Folio Press, 2002, p. 90 (originally published in 1931).

Burton [Burton, Robert, Martyrs in flames: or, the history of Popery, Bettesworth and Batley, London, 1729] lists in the table of contents the following persecutions: Piedmont, France, Orange, Bohemia, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Flanders, Scotland, Ireland, and England. This seems to be the most exhaustive list of persecutions of any of the sources examined, indicating the areas in which the principal persecutions took place.

Thomas Cowperthwait & Co., 1838, article Persecution writes, speaking of the time after the Protestant Reformation, "The inquisition, which was established in the twelfth century against the Waldenses... was now more effectually set to work. Terrible persecutions were carried on in various parts of Germany, and even in Bohemia, which continued about thirty years, and the blood of the saints was said to flow like rivers of water. The countries of Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary, were in a similar manner deluged with Protestant blood [p. 333]." This suggests that the principal areas of persecution included Germany, Bohemia, Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary. Also, Bennet [Bennet, Benjamin, Several discourses against popery, Lawrence and Midwinter, London, 1714, p. 457] writes "Germany, Bohemia, Poland, Lithuania &c have in their turns been deluged in blood."

God brought in against him a contemptible people [the Swedes] under whose swords most of those bloody wretches fell; who were the Bohemian scourges, so that much of Germany, and of the Emperors Country was a very Aceldama, a Field of Blood. ... "The Thirty Years War had started as a Religious War; it ended as a Political War; it resulted in the deaths of 10,000,000 to 20,000,000. Jesuit educated Ferdinand II started it with the purpose of crushing Protestantism." -- Halley, Henry H., Pocket Bible Handbook, Chicago, 13th edition, 1939, p. 418.

in Bohemia, Robbins [Ecclesiastical Megalomania, The Trinity Foundation, 1999, p. 134] writes Two centuries after Thomas, Martin V (1417-1431) ordered the King of Poland to exterminate the Hussites. The pope wrote to the king: "Know that the interests of the Holy See, and those of your crown, make it a duty to exterminate the Hussites. Remember that these impious persons dare proclaim principles of equality; they maintain that all Christians are brethren and that God has not given to privileged men the right of ruling the nations; they hold that Christ came on Earth to abolish slavery; they call the people to liberty, that is to the annihilation of kings and priests. While there is still time, then, turn your forces against Bohemia; burn, massacre, make deserts everywhere, for nothing could be more agreeable to God, or more useful to the cause of kings, than the extermination of the Hussites."

Concerning Poland, In lower Poland In the year 1654 the papists put to death all the Protestants they could find by most exquisite tortures [R.B, op. cit., p. 42].

Concerning Lithuania, In Lithuania all who were not Roman Catholics were slaughtered without distinction of age or sex and their countries and churches [were] laid waste, so that nothing was to be seen but murders and massacres; the blood of the poor suffering Protestants ran in streams through the streets of towns and cities [op. cit., p. 43].

The barbarities exercised were these: [here the passage becomes very explicit, so those who are sensitive should NOT read the rest of it] Skinning alive, Cutting off hands, Taking out the bowels, Cutting the flesh open, Putting out the eyes, Beheading, Scalping, Cutting off feet, Boring the thin bones, Pouring melted lead into the flesh, Hanging, Stabbing, and Sending to perpetual banishment.

Annie Besant [The Freethinker's Text-Book. Part II. Christianity: Its Evidences. Its Origin. Its Morality. Its History, section I] writes, "in the course of the Middle Ages hundreds of thousands perished; in France and Germany "many districts and large towns burned two, three, and four hundred witches every year, in some the annual executions destroyed nearly one per cent of the whole population...." This refers only to witches, but it illustrates the attitude of the church to heretics in general. Because the church had a uniform policy in all places, one can expect similar numbers of heretics to have been killed everywhere in Europe. There would have been many heretics throughout the Middle Ages...

The population of Europe from 1100 to 1500 averaged about 65 million people. If one percent of the population was sometimes burnt as witches per year, one can assume that on the average half a percent of the population was slain each year as heretics altogether. This would amount to an average of about 300,000 persons killed per year for 400 years, or 120 million persons total killed during these four hundred years.

These figures do not even consider those killed in the New World and the non-Christians killed in Europe and Asia. ...Adding in non-Christians killed in Europe might explain some of the higher figures. Adding in the total killed assuming half a percent killed per year in Europe for four hundred years would yield about 200 million total killed.

The Genocide of Polytheism (4th to 9th Centuries CE)

(Partial Summary)

Government…at the urging of the bishops weighed in with threats, and more than threats, of fines, confiscation, exile, imprisonment,flogging, torture, beheading, and crucifixion.

Roman society to minimize the diviseness of religious differences’ (yes, by extermination).” It is almost a certainty that most Christians are unaware of this process of genocide carried out by their religion....

What this list demonstrates is not only the long history of persecution of ethnic religion in the Christian Roman Empire, but also the enduring nature of Paganism in the face of these persecutions.

Note: This list is incomplete and will continue to be updated. It is also limited to the persecution of classical Mediterranean Paganism; it does not begin to address the genocide of European Paganism after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

314: The Council of Ancyra denounces the worship of Goddess Artemis.

February 356: Constintius issues a clarification that specifically prohibited the adoration of cult images: "If any person shall be proved to devote their attention to sacrifices or to worship images, We command that they shall be subjected to capital punishment." (C. Th. 16.10.6).

364: An Imperial Edict of 11 September orders the death penalty for all Gentiles that worship their ancestral Gods or practice Divination ("sileat omnibus perpetuo divinandi curiositas"). Three different edicts (4th February, 9th September, 23rd December) order the confiscation of all properties of the pagan Temples and the death penalty for participation in pagan rituals, even private ones.

November 392: Theodosius outlaws all the non-Christian rituals and names them “superstitions of the gentiles” (gentilicia superstitio). Even private worship is prohibited, including every symbol of Paganism, even on household altars: "No one, under any cirumstances, is permitted to sacrifice an innocent victim nor, as a less serious sacrilege, to worship one's lares with fire, one's genius with uncut wine, one's penates with perfume, to light lamps, waft incense, or hang garlands." The gods are re-classified as "evil spirits."(C. Th. 16.10.12) New full scale persecutions are ordered against pagans. The Mysteries of Samothrace are ended and the priests slaughtered. In Cyprus the local bishop “Saint” Epiphanius and “Saint” Tychon destroy almost all the temples of the island and exterminate thousands of non-Christians. The local Mysteries of goddess Aphrodite are ended. Theodosius’s edict declares: "the ones that won't obey pater Epiphanius have no right to keep living on the island"

7 December 396: Eastern Roman Emperor Arcadius declares that Paganism is high treason.

401: The Christian mob of Carthage lynches Gentiles and destroys Temples and "idols".

416: The inquisitor Hypatius, alias "The Sword of God", exterminates the last Gentiles of Bithynia.

June 423: Emperor Theodosius declares that Paganism is nothing more than "demon worship" and orders all those who persist in practicing it to be punished by imprisonment and torture (C.Th. 16.10.23).

November 435: Pagan sacrifices are forbidden and temples and shrines belonging to the traditional cults are to be torn down and replaced with a cross. Anyone who mocks this law to be executed (C.Th. 16.10.25).

450s: By the 450s the "legal system became wholly an instrument of persecution."

515: The Emperor of Constantinople Anastasius orders the massacre of the Gentiles in the Arabian city Zoara and the demolition of the Temple of local God Theandrites.

533: The world is treated to a new idea of warfare, born of Abrahamic monotheism, the "holy war" as the Eastern emperor Justinian advertises his reconquista in Africa in 533 as a war against Arian heretics.

681: At the Council of Toledo, Firmicus, quoting from Deuteronomy (17.2ff), "called on the civil authorities to seize and behead all those guilty of non-Christian practices of whatsoever sort."

730: The Ekloga of Emperor Leo III, a simplified law code then in use, which observes, “Let apostates who make sacrifices and temples be denounced by every person. If they had become Christians from pagans, and had been baptized, they shall be executed.”

782: Charlemagne massacres 4,500 Pagan Saxon prisoners as part of his brutal campaign to suppress Saxon Paganism (conducted during the 770s and 780s). Others are enslaved or deported.

785: Saxon Capitulary (Capitulary of Paderborn): a blueprint for cultural genocide. Charlemagne decrees the death penalty for all Saxons who fail to be baptised, who fail to keep Christian festivals, and who cremate their dead

US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II

Study: U.S. regime has killed 20-30 million people since World War Two

The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world. ...And the pain and anger is spread even further. Some authorities estimate that there are as many as 10 wounded for each person who dies in wars.

Unworthy victims: Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990

Last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark study concluding that the death toll from 10 years of the “War on Terror” since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million.

... that the US-led 'war on terror' has killed as many as 2 million people, but this is a ... Unworthy victims: Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990 .... The Politics of Christian zionisim ( Zionest Jews and radical ...

Government Legal Genocide against Pagans :

The Roman Empire Church and State officially began the European Pagan Extermination in 314 CE. Mass exterminations of Native Europeans was in full force by Government under the Papacy which exterminated the Heruli shortly after 493 A.D., the Vandals soon after 533 A.D., and the Ostrogoths in 554 A.D.

Prior to Christianity the Roman Empire Genocides was felt by Native Europeans as the Roman Government expanded stealing lands and murdrering the Native European people.

Although genocides occurred prior to the middle ages the middle ages saw the worst of the Holy Roman Empire Government Extermination Programs:

From 1100 to 1500 CE: 200 MILLION Native Europeans Killed by Government.

From 1500 to 1800 CE: 100 MILLION Native Americans Killed by Government.

In 1454, the Bull Romanus Pontifex was issued by Pope Nicholas V to King Alfonso V of Portugal , which declared war upon all non-Christians worldwide. He specifically sanctioned and promoted the conquest, colonization, and exploitation of all non-Christians and lands under their control.

...Essentially, all Native nations were subject to the ultimate authority of Christendom and the US could then claim possession of any region of indigenous lands.

...The Court essentially affirmed that U.S. law was based upon precedent of the “Law of Nations,” and that it is was permissible, as such, to ignore native rights as they were considered “heathens.” All “unoccupied lands” of America, rightfully belonged to any Christian European nation that claimed them.

...Operating from a standpoint of legal recognition for “discovery,” in 1831, the Supreme Court stated in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia that the Cherokee Nation (and, by default, all Native nations) was not fully sovereign, but “may, perhaps,” be deemed a “domestic dependent nation.”

This decision allowed the federal government to refuse to recognize legal treaties made with Indian nations, as they were no longer considered sovereign nations, but under U.S. government control.

Native American nations were now considered “domestic dependent nations” subject to the federal government’s absolute legislative authority – known as “plenary power.” This power is a direct retardation of the those enumerated in the Constitution, and was never intended by the Founding Fathers.

Somehow an ancient Christian religious doctrine, which allowed for the subjugation of “heathen” non-Christians, was granted legitimacy by the U.S. federal government. This, in turn, allowed the federal government to exert almost complete control over Native nations and their lands.

Five Hundred Years of Injustice:

The Legacy of Fifteenth Century Religious Prejudice

Origins of the Doctrine of Discovery

How Columbus’ “Discovery” Set Off the Brutal Native American

Did Dutch hordes kill off the early Britons who started Stonehenge?

It shows that around 2500BC – when the main sections of Stonehenge were under construction – a race of people known to archaeologists as the Beaker folk arrived in Britain. Their genetic profiles were similar to individuals who were living in the Netherlands at the time. In just a short period, all genetic traces of early Stone Age Britons were replaced by those from these continental newcomers, although work on Stonehenge continued....

“It is very striking. There seems to have been a complete replacement of the original folk of Britain with these newcomers,” said Garrett Hellenthal, a statistical geneticist based at University College London. “Normally you get some older DNA surviving with a wave of immigrants, even a fairly large wave. But you don’t see that in this case. Frankly it looks more like an invasion.”...

4700BC and 1200BC... In continental Europe, when Beaker artefacts appear in the archaeological record there is no change in the DNA profiles from the remains of people who lived then. There was no replacement. ... In Britain, the arrival of Beaker pots and artefacts was very different. It coincided exactly with the disappearance of the genetic signatures of the Stone Age people who had been living there. This was replaced with DNA associated with a group of Beaker users who have been traced to a region in the modern Netherlands.... Once in Britain, these incomers, bearing Beaker items, replaced the Stone Age people who had been living there. ...


The Circassians are a Northwest Caucasian ethnic group native to Circassia, many of whom were displaced in the course of the Russian conquest of the Caucasus in the 19th century, especially after the Russian–Circassian War in 1864. ...having been exiled by Russia to lands of the Ottoman Empire, where the majority of them today live... (meaning that only one in seven "ethnic Circassians" live in the homeland) ...

The Circassians refer to themselves as Adyghe. The name is believed to derive from atté "height" to signify a mountaineer or a highlander, and ghéi "sea", signifying "a people dwelling and inhabiting a mountainous country near the sea coast", or "between two seas".... Genetically, the Adyghe have shared ancestry partially with neighboring peoples of the Caucasus, with some influence from the other regions...

Christianity spread throughout the Caucasus between the 3rd and 5th centuries CE. During that period the Circassians referred to at the time as Kassogs... From around 400 CE wave after wave of invaders began to invade the lands of the Adyghe, who were also known as the Kasogi (or Kassogs) at the time. They were conquered first by the Bulgars (who originated on the Central Asian steppes). ...

The Adyghe, following the dissolution of the Khazar state, were integrated (around the end of the 1st millennium CE) by the Kingdom of Alania. Between the 10th and 13th centuries Georgia had influence on the Adyghe, adopting Christianity. In the 17th century, under the influence of the Crimean Tatars and of the Ottoman Empire,...

One after another, entire Circassian tribal groups were dispersed, resettled, or killed en masse" This expulsion, along with the actions of the Russian military in acquiring Circassian land, has given rise to a movement among descendants of the expelled ethnicities for international recognition that genocide was perpetrated. In 1840, Karl Friedrich Neumann estimated the Circassian casualties to be around one and a half million. Some sources state that hundreds of thousands of others died during the exodus.... On 20 May 2011, the Georgian parliament voted in a 95 to 0 declaration that Russia had committed genocide when it engaged in massacres against Circassians in the 19th century....

Habzist "hammer cross" symbol, representing the highest god Tha. (Is this Thors Hammer of the God Thor?)...

Forced conversion

Forced conversion is adoption of a different religion or irreligion under duress.... While religious leaders and the state generally have different aims, both are concerned with power and order; both use reason and emotion to motivate behavior. ... But religion has often been used coercively, and has used coercion....

The Old Testament, and many numerous historical records of the Hebrew, and Jewish people using genocide to completely exterminate entire populations of the people of the lands...

Judaism and violence

Judaism's doctrines and texts have sometimes been associated with violence. Laws requiring the eradication of "evil", sometimes using violent means, exist in the Jewish tradition.... "Judaism, Christianity and Islam will continue to contribute to the destruction of the world until and unless each challenges violence in 'sacred texts' and until each affirms nonviolent, including the nonviolent power of God."... "Jews and Christians who smugly console themselves that Islam is the only violent religion are willfully ignoring their past. Nowhere is the struggle between faith and violence described more vividly, and with more stomach-turning details of ruthlessness, than in the Hebrew Bible". ... more than one thousand passages refer to YHWH as acting violently or supporting the violence of humans and that more than one hundred passages involve divine commands to kill humans.... radical Zionism promote aggressive war and justify them with biblical texts...

Forced conversion

Forced conversions occurred under the Hasmonean Empire.The Idumaens were forced to convert to Judaism, either by threats of exile, or threats of death, depending on the source.

In Eusebíus, Christianity, and Judaism Harold W. Attridge claims that “there is reason to think that Josephus’ account of their conversion is substantially accurate.” He also writes, "That these were not isolated instances but that forced conversion was a national policy is clear from the fact that Alexander Jannaeus (ca 80 BCE) demolished the city of Pella in Moab, 'because the inhabitants would not agree to adopt the national custom of the Jews.'" Josephus, Antiquities. 13.15.4.

Maurice Sartre has written of the "policy of forced Judaization adopted by Hyrcanos, Aristobulus I and Jannaeus", who offered "the conquered peoples a choice between expulsion or conversion".

William Horbury has written that "The evidence is best explained by postulating that an existing small Jewish population in Lower Galilee was massively expanded by the forced conversion in c.104 BCE of their Gentile neighbours in the north."

In 2009 the BBC defended a claim that in 524 CE the Yemeni Jewish Himyar tribe, led by King Dhu Nuwashad, offered Christian residents of a village in Saudi Arabia the choice between conversion to Judaism or death and that 20,000 Christians had then been massacred...Inscriptions documented by Yousef himself shows the great pride he expressed after massacring more than 22,000 Christians in Zafar and Najran....

The motives for violence by extremist Jewish settlers in the West Bank directed at Palestinians are complex and varied. While religious motivations have been documented, the use of non-defensive violence... Jewish Extremist organizations In the course of history there have been some organizations and individuals that endorsed or advocated violence based on their interpretation to Jewish religious principles.

Judaism contains commandments to exterminate idol worship...

Forcible conversion to Judaism:

Commandment for Genocide?

Jewish Genocidal Murders of Others

When the Roman historian Tacitus pointed out 19 centuries ago that the Jews are unique among the races of man in their intense hatred and contempt for all races but their own, he was only repeating what many other scholars had discovered before him. For the next 1,900 years other investigators came to similar conclusions, either from a study of the Jews' religious writings or from a study of the Jews' behavior toward non-Jews....

Murder and Genocide according to Jewish Religious Law

What About Gentiles?

The jewish genocide of armenian christians

The Genocide of Russia's "Volga Germans" - One Million Murdered, 1915-1945

Jewish Bolsheviks Murdered 66 Million In Russia

SOLZHENITSYN: 66 Million Murdered By Jewish Bolsheviks...

The WWII Dresden Holocaust -'A Single Column Of Flame'

Aerial bombing of cities

Civilian casualties of strategic bombing


The Inhuman Bombing Of Germany, 1940-1945

America's "Ethics" of Bombing Civilians After World War II: Massive Casualties and the Targeting of Civilians in the Korean War

Islam and violence

Religious violence

"religion is thought to be opposed to violence and a force for peace and reconciliation. He acknowledges, however, that "the history and scriptures of the world's religions tell stories of violence and war even as they speak of peace and love". ...Abrahamic religions have a violent legacy, but that the legacy is actually genocidal in nature ...

And who can deny that Stalin and Mao, not to mention Pol Pot and a host of others, all committed atrocities in the name of a Communist ideology that was explicitly atheistic? Who can dispute that they did their bloody deeds by claiming to be establishing a 'new man' and a religion-free utopia? These were mass murders performed with atheism as a central part of their ideological inspiration, they were not mass murders done by people who simply happened to be atheist.

Interpretation of Holy Texts

One idea that many fail to consider when reading holy texts is the concept of translation. The Bible itself has been translated from Hebrew and Greek and retranslated into hundreds of languages. Certain words have changed meaning and others do not directly translate, so there is a large amount of estimation. The original text may have been clear and easy to understand, but that original language will never be able to be actually heard. Plus, the Bible was written down after going through centuries of oral tradition, so there could be a substantial amount of story lost or gained along the way.

...all monotheistic religions are inherently violent. For example, Nelson-Pallmeyer writes that "Judaism, Christianity and Islam will continue to contribute to the destruction of the world until and unless each challenges violence in "sacred texts" and until each affirms nonviolent power of God.

...because religions claim divine favor for themselves, over and against other groups, this sense of righteousness leads to violence because conflicting claims to superiority, based on unverifiable appeals to God, cannot be adjudicated objectively... Christian faith fosters violence because Christian faith is a religion, and religions are by their very nature violent; moreover, he argues that religion and politics are two sides of the same coin—power. ...In response to criticism that Christianity and violence are intertwined, Christian apologists such as Miroslav Volf and J. Denny Weaver reject charges that Christianity is a violent religion, arguing that certain aspects of Christianity might be misused to support violence but that a genuine interpretation of its core elements would not sanction human violence but would instead resist it.

Islam has been associated with violence in a variety of contexts,

Judaism... the Old Testament as full of violence and as evidence of both a violent society and a violent god. ...The Hebrew Bible contains instances of religiously mandated wars[98] which often contain explicit instructions from God to the Israelites to exterminate other tribes, as in Deut 7:1–2 orDeut 20:16-18. Examples include the story of Amalekites (Deut 25:17–19, 1 Sam 15:1-6), the story of the Midianites (Numbers 31:1–18), and the battle of Jericho (Joshua 6:1–27).

These wars of extermination have been characterized as "genocide" by several authorities, because the Torah states that the Israelites annihilated entire ethnic groups or tribes: the Israelites killed all Amalekites, including men, women, and children (1 Samuel 15:1–20 ); the Israelites killed all men, women, and children in the battle of Jericho(Joshua 6:15–21), and the Israelites killed all men, women and children of several Canaanite tribes (Joshua 10:28–42)

One of the most infamous quotes associated with religious fanaticism was made in 1209 during the siege of Béziers, a Crusader asked the Papal Legate Arnaud Amalric how to tell Catholics from Cathars when the city was taken, to which Amalric replied: "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius," or "Kill them all; God will recognize his."

Judaism and violence

Nelson-Pallmeyer writes that "Judaism, Christianity and Islam will continue to contribute to the destruction of the world until and unless each challenges violence in "sacred texts" and until each affirms nonviolent power of God". Bruce Feiler writes of ancient history that "Jews and Christians who smugly console themselves that Islam is the only violent religion are willfully ignoring their past. Nowhere is the struggle between faith and violence described more vividly, and with more stomach-turning details of ruthlessness, than in the Hebrew Bible". Similarly, Burggraeve and Vervenne describe the Old Testament as full of violence and evidence of both a violent society and a violent god. They write that, "[i]n numerous Old Testament texts the power and glory of Israel's God is described in the language of violence." They assert that more than one thousand passages refer to YHWH as acting violently or supporting the violence of humans and that more than one hundred passages involve divine commands to kill humans.

Forced conversions occurred.... were forced to convert to Judaism, either by threats of exile, or threats of death, depending on the source. ...“The evidence is best explained by postulating that an existing small Jewish population in Lower Galilee was massively expanded by the forced conversion in c.104 BCE of their Gentile neighbours in the north.” ...

Eye for an eye...Capital and corporal punishment ...

...under Torah and Jewish Law it is legal to kill Gentiles and even in some cases to kill the babies of enemies.

Christianity and violence

Islam and violence

A Pagan Perspective on Violence

The ancient polytheist world, just like the contemporary secular one, was awash with violence....Atheists, it should be remembered, are as willing to slaughter in the name of political zealotry as deists are in the name of whichever deity they follow. Whether politics, religion, or any other kind of ideology, the true danger is the unyielding self-righteousness that cannot tolerate any kind of dissention or different outlook.

When the ancient polytheist nations went to war it was usually in the more prosaic name of greed ~ lust for wealth, land, status, slaves etc. Rome tried to stamp out certain religious groups (such as Druids and Christians), but this was more to do with perceived sedition than a wish to enforce a particular set of religious beliefs.

A far simpler truth is that we humans have evolved to be predators, and that these behaviours are intrinsic....Human nature is violent, as our history reflects. ...Many religions seek to transcend human nature, regarding certain elements (commonly aggressive and sexual impulses) as “animalistic”. Whilst different forms of paganism have differing stances, perhaps a commonality is the inclination to accept human nature for what it is and learn to live with it, rather than subdue it.

... anger if regularly ignored or internalised it festers and becomes dangerous. (Laws, and policies that criminalize anger force the individual to internalize anger thus compounds and increases the anger.) ...A common theme of Greek myth is the importance of acknowledging all the Gods and daimones (spirits), and the concurrent risks of ignoring them. Physical violence and the rage that fuels it need to be integrated into life, rather than sidelined as distasteful or demonised as unacceptably dangerous.

How many people in history killed by Jewish religion:

The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice

8 Atrocities Committed in the Name of Religion

Tears of Jihad

These figures are a rough estimate of the death of non-Muslims by the political act of jihad:

120 million Africans

60 million Christians

10 million Buddhists

This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.

Killing in the Name of God

Soviet genocide on Bashkirs

#OTD in 1688 – Goodwife ‘Goody’ Ann Glover is hanged in Boston, Massachusetts, accused of witchcraft.

The last woman to be hanged in Boston as a witch was Goodwife ‘Goody’ Ann Glover, an Irish laundress. This North End resident was wildly accused in 1688 of practicing witchcraft by the infamous Reverend Cotton Mather, pastor of the old North Church. Her Puritan accusers were caught up in a witch mania that was part of the rigid Puritanism of the time, attaching supernatural causes to things they couldn’t explain, especially medical conditions....

Robert Calef, a Boston merchant who knew her, says “Goody Glover was a despised, crazy, poor old woman, an Irish Catholick who was tried for afflicting the Goodwin children. Her behaviour at her trial was like that of one distracted. They did her cruel. The proof against her was wholly deficient. The jury brought her guilty. She was hung. She died a Catholick.”...

Many other Irish immigrants came to America as bond slaves or “redemptioners” and were not as steadfast in their Faith as Goody Glover, and drifted into Protestantism....





The word Canaanites serves as an ethnic catch-all term covering various indigenous populations—both settled and nomadic-pastoral groups—throughout the regions of the southern Levant or Canaan. It is by far the most frequently used ethnic term in the Bible. In the Book of Joshua, Canaanites are included in a list of nations to exterminate, and later described as a group which the Israelites had annihilated. Biblical scholar Mark Smith notes that archaeological data suggests "that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture... In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature.":13–14 The name "Canaanites" (כְּנָעַנִיְם kena‘anim, כְּנָעַנִי kena‘anī) is attested, many centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c. 500 BC as Phoenicians, and following the emigration of Canaanite-speakers to Carthage (founded in the 9th century BC), was also used as a self-designation by the Punics (chanani) of North Africa during Late Antiquity....

the term Kinahnu as a synonym for red or purple dye, laboriously produced by the Kassite rulers of Babylon from murex shells as early as 1600 BC, and on the Mediterranean coast by the Phoenicians from a byproduct of glassmaking. Purple cloth became a renowned Canaanite export commodity...

Canaanite culture apparently developed in situ from the earlier Ghassulian chalcolithic culture...the deity Dagon by the title "Lord of Canaan" If correct, this would suggest that Eblaites were conscious of Canaan as an entity by 2500 BC....

Ugarit texts: Text RS 20.182 from Ugarit is a copy of a letter of the king of Ugarit to Ramesses II concerning money paid by "the sons of the land of Ugarit" to the "foreman of the sons of the land of Canaan (*kn'ny)" According to Jonathan Tubb, this suggests that the Semitic people of Ugarit, contrary to much modern opinion, considered themselves to be non-Canaanite....

Hattusa letters: KBo XXVIII 1: Ramesses II letter to Hattusili III, in which Ramesses suggested he would meet "his brother" in Canaan and bring him to Egypt KUB III 57 (also KUB III 37 + KBo I 17): Broken text which may refer to Canaan as an Egyptian sub-district...

During the 2nd millennium BC, Ancient Egyptian texts use the term Canaan to refer to an Egyptian-ruled colony,...

Egyptian sources, from the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt onwards. Amenhotep II inscriptions: Canaanites are included in a list of prisoners of war ...Papyrus Anastasi IIIA 5–6 and Papyrus Anastasi IV refer to "Canaanite slaves from Hurru"

Papyrus Harris After the collapse of the Levant under the so-called "Peoples of the Sea" Ramesses III (c. 1194 BC) is said to have built a temple to the god Amen to receive tribute from the southern Levant. This was described as being built in Pa-Canaan,...

Saint Augustine also mentions that one of the terms the seafaring Phoenicians called their homeland was "Canaan". Augustine also records that the rustic people of Hippo in North Africa retained the Punic self-designation Chanani. Since 'punic' in Latin also meant 'non-Roman', some scholars however argue that the language referred to as Punic in Augustine may have been Libyan....

The migrant ancient Semitic-speaking peoples who appear to have settled in the region included (among others) the Amorites, who had earlier controlled Babylonia.... "Amorite" is never used for the population on the coast. ...

The Habiru seem to have been more a social class than an ethnic group.[citation needed] One analysis[which?] shows that the majority were, however, Hurrian (a non-Semitic-speaking group from Asia Minor who spoke a language isolate), though there were a number of Semites and even some Kassite and Luwian adventurers amongst their number....

From the mid 14th century BC through to the 11th century BC, much of Canaan (particularly the north, central and eastern regions of Syria and the north western Mediterranean coastal regions) fell to the Middle Assyrian Empire, and both Egyptian and Hittite influence waned as a result. Powerful Assyrian kings extracted tribute from Canaanite states and cities from north, east and central Syria as far as the Mediterranean....

Some believe the "Habiru" signified generally all the nomadic tribes known as "Hebrews", and particularly the early Israelites of the period of the "judges", who sought to appropriate the fertile region for themselves....

By the Early Iron Age, the southern Levant came to be dominated by the kingdoms of Israel and Judah,... The northern Levant was divided into various petty kingdoms, the so-called Syro-Hittite states and the Phoenician city-states. The entire region (including all Phoenician/Canaanite and Aramean states, together with Israel, Philistia and Samarra) was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire during the 10th and 9th centuries BC...

The Egyptians, then under a Nubian Dynasty, made a failed attempt to regain a foothold in the region, but were vanquished by the Assyrians, leading to an Assyrian invasion and conquest of Egypt and the destruction of the Kushite Empire. The Kingdom of Judah was forced to pay tribute to Assyria. Between 616 and 605 BC the Assyrian Empire collapsed due to a series of bitter internal civil wars, followed by an attack by an alliance of Babylonians, Medes and Persians and the Scythians. The Babylonians inherited the western part of the empire of their Assyrian brethren, including all the lands in Canaan and Syria, together with Israel and Judah. They successfully defeated the Egyptians, who had belatedly attempted to aid their former masters, the Assyrians, and then remained in the region in an attempt to regain a foothold in the Near East. The Babylonian Empire itself collapsed in 539 BC, and Canaan fell to the Persians and became a part of the Achaemenid Empire. It remained so until in 332 BC it was conquered by the Greeks under Alexander the Great, later to fall to Rome in the late 2nd century BC, and then Byzantium, until the Arab Islamic invasion and conquest of the 7th century....

Phoenician Canaanite disappeared as a spoken language in about 100 AD....

Canaanites were described as living "by the sea, and along by the side of the Jordan" Canaan was especially identified with Phoenicia. The Philistines, while an integral part of the Canaanite milieu, do not seem to have been ethnic Canaanites, and were listed in the Table of Nations as descendants of Mizraim; the Arameans, Moabites, Ammonites, Midianites and Edomites were also considered fellow descendants of Shem or Abraham, and distinct from generic Canaanites/Amorites. "Heth", representing the Hittites, is a son of Canaan. The later Hittites spoke an Indo-European language (called Nesili)... In the Bible, the renaming of the Land of Canaan as the Land of Israel marks the Israelite conquest...

Canaan is the father of Sidon, his firstborn; and of the Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, Arvadites, Zemarites, and Hamathites. Later the Canaanite clans scattered, and the borders of Canaan reached [across the Mediterranean coast] from Sidon toward Gerar as far as Gaza, and then [inland around the Jordan Valley ] toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.... The Canaanites (Hebrew: כנענים, Modern: Kna'anim, Tiberian: Kənaʻדnמm) are said to have been one of seven regional ethnic divisions or "nations" driven out by the Israelites following the Exodus. ...

According to the Book of Jubilees, the Israelite conquest of Canaan...One of the 613 commandments (precisely n. 596) prescribes that no inhabitants of the cities of six Canaanite nations, the same as mentioned in 7:1, minus the Girgashites, were to be left alive....

The name "Canaanites" is attested, many centuries later, as the endonym of the people later known to the Ancient Greeks from c. 500 BC as Phoenicians, and following the emigration of Canaanite-speakers to Carthage (founded in the 9th century BC), was also used as a self-designation by the Punics (chanani) of North Africa during Late Antiquity. ...

During the Atlantic slave trade, many Christians began teaching that black Africans were descendants of Canaan and used the Curse of Ham to justify enslaving black Africans. This belief was common in American religions, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose Book of Abraham teaches that Canaan was a descendant of Cain, that his descendants settled Africa, and that they were cursed...Modern scholars do not believe that black Africans are related to the Canaanites based upon race as depicted throughout local and Egyptian arts, genetics, and physical anthropology.

Suffering the Conquerors: 5 Worst Genocides in Ancient History

What is a genocide? Contrary to popular belief, the term genocide does not only mean a mass murder of people. It also signifies all acts that are carried out against a populace in order to destroy it fully or partially. It refers to many acts that directly or indirectly cause the destruction of a certain population - massacre, expulsion, starvation, forced conversion, imposing of living conditions that forcefully destroy a population over time, suppression of identity, and so on. In short, a genocide refers to much more than just mass murders - any forced act that causes a disappearance or expulsion of a population can be termed a genocide....

The Centuries of Genocide Against the Slavic Peoples: The Eastern Slavs were enslaved by Mongol, Tatar and Khazar hordes from the Central Asian steppes. The Southern Slavs were targeted from the shores of the Adriatic, while the Western Slavs were captured through the rivers of Europe by the Germanic nations. Norsemen, Saxons, and other tribes captured Slavs for their thralls, while the Arabs of the Iberian Peninsula captured them in great masses, taking the men for war, and lusting after the Slavic females, taking them for harems, and greatly prizing them at slave markets. And all these trade routes that dealt in Slavic slaves grew into an organized and well-established slave trading system that was created by Radanite Jews who supervised the trade and sold these slaves, amassing great wealth through the suffering of innocent people....Such was the sad fate of the Slavs - they were enslaved in such great masses that the word for “slave” in the classical world was none other than “Slav”....

The Albigensian Crusade: Also known as the Cathar Crusade, this crusade was a 20 year long Catholic campaign that sought to exterminate the Cathars - a peaceful religious group...And such great religious movements were a direct threat to the wallets and coffers of the Catholic Church....And thus, after a string of failed conversions, the Pope Innocent III called for a crusade to exterminate Catharism...and sought to eliminate them in the worst way possible - through murder. What occurred in those years is today termed as one of the “worst cases of genocide in religious history.” The Crusaders had a string of successes in their early campaign, and captured the town of Béziers in 1209. When the walled-in Cathars refused to surrender, the crusaders proceeded to massacre the entire population of the town, which resulted in 20,000 deaths. Similar massacres and expulsions continued throughout the campaign, with burning at the stake being the crusaders’ favored method of execution. In the end, Catharism was truly exterminated by genocide, and the deaths of those peaceful religious people still stain the pages of Catholic history.

The Conquests of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan: One notorious example is the practice of Genghis Khan, which he used to decimate his opponents...Any man who was taller than the linchpin - the part in the central hub of the wheel - was beheaded on the spot.

His vicious methods caused the extinction of several nations and tribes, as he is known to have ordered the extermination of Tata Mongols, and masses of Kankali Turkic people.

Tamerlane, the Turco-Mongol founder of the Timurid Empire, was equally ruthless. He was especially merciless when it came to Christians and Muslims, often massacring great numbers of people at once. He ordered the killing of every single Christian person in the captured city of Tikrit, a deed that directly brought to the near destruction of the Assyrian Church of the East....

The Ottoman Oppression of the Serbs: The medieval Serbian nation saw centuries of its rich history coming to an abrupt end with the arrival of conquering Ottoman armies. The Ottoman Turks swept across Europe...The Serbs...stood against the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, in which both forces suffered immense losses, and the Ottomans lost their sultan. The battle had no victor, but the Serbian forces lost their leader and all of their nobility, being effectively decimated and unable to withstand further Ottoman conquests.

In the period that followed, the Serbian Christian populace was subjected to systematic initial genocide, both through massacres and through expulsions. People had to leave their centuries-old hearths and to flee to remote areas of their land. Many were forcibly converted to Islam, and women were enslaved en masse and sent to the Ottoman capital to be used as concubines. The Ottomans were infamous for their brutal methods of execution and oppression, as well as a tyrannical rule...Ottoman troops would take a child levy, by forcefully taking very young boys from their families and sending them to the empire’s capital, where they would be raised as Turks. As much as 300,000 mothers had their sons taken away never again to return.

Asiatic Vespers of 88 BC: Mithridates VI is well known through history as one of the biggest and fiercest enemies of Rome. He ruled the Pontic Empire and was a constant opponent of Rome, which he engaged in a series of conflicts known as the Mithridatic Wars.

He was also known for his hatred of Romans, which led to an event that is known as the Vespers of 88 BC, and one of the earliest documented genocides in history. When Mithridates VI became engaged in a war with Nicomedes IV of Bythinia - a Roman puppet ruler - Rome itself was having a struggle in the Italian Peninsula. That meant that their presence in their Asian province was brought to a minimum. This allowed Mithridates to win a decisive victory against his enemies, and turn his wrath on the Roman populace of Anatolia. In 88 BC he orchestrated their extermination, and massacred around 80,000 Roman settlers that came over from Italy. His infamy only grew after this, and the Roman’s rage was unstoppable after the genocide. But the Roman presence in the region was basically wiped out with the massacre. ...

Carthage: The Roman Holocaust - Part 1 of 2 (Ancient Rome Documentary)

Carthage: The Roman Holocaust - Part 2 of 2




Uighur exiles push for court case accusing China of genocide

Uighur exiles urged the International Criminal Court on Monday to investigate Beijing for genocide and crimes against humanity...As many as 1 million ethnic Uighurs and members of other Muslim minorities have been held in internment camps in the region, drawing growing global condemnation. The court’s mandate is to seek justice for victims of genocide, war crimes, and other atrocities. But China does not recognize its jurisdiction, raising the question of how far the case will go....The two Uighur groups that filed the complaint against China are the East Turkistan Government in Exile and the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement.... “If you capture people, and you have a campaign to suppress them and you sterilize them, it is a campaign which intends to dilute and destroy their identity as a group,” Dixon said....


The Genocide of Assyrians That Started in Iraq Continues in Syria

(AINA) -- On Monday, February 23 ISIS attacked 35 Assyrian villages on the Khabur river in the Hassaka province in northeast Syria (AINA 2015-02-23). At least 9 Assyrians fighters were killed defending their villages. Up to 373 Assyrians were captured. 3000 Assyrians fled from their villages and are now in shelters in Hasaka and Qamishli....

The list of atrocities against Assyrians in Syria is very long; it includes murders, kidnappings and the destruction of cultural resources, including churches and ancient Assyrian historical artifacts.

In Iraq it has been the same. With the first church bombing on June 24, 2004 there began a relentless, low grade genocide (report) which culminated in the displacement of 200,000 Assyrians from the Nineveh Plain by ISIS (report). Where the population of Assyrians in Iraq was at 1.4 million in 2004, it has dwindled to 300,000 in 2015. Most fled to Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey --and now these same refugees will be forced to flee from Syria, along with the Assyrians of Syria.

ISIS has not only killed and displaced Assyrians in Syria and Iraq, it has destroyed the Assyrian cultural heritage. It has destroyed 118 churches in Iraq (report) and 6 in Syria. It has destroyed Assyrian archaeological sites and historical artifacts in Iraq and Syria....

This is genocide -- there is no other word for it. This is the erasure of a nation from the land...

Jezebel: Slander of The Queen of Israel, Virgin of Baal, Princess of Tyre

The story of Jezebel appears to have real basis in fact, as well as being a great example of history being written by the winners. Her story is so obviously colored by the religious prejudices of the writers of the Bible, that I do not understand how anyone sees her actions as so evil, and those of Elijah and the followers of Yahweh as righteous. The followers of Yahweh slaughtered hundreds of people, piled up severed heads, assassinated a king, threw a woman out a window, trampled her with horses, and then hunted down hundreds more who were associated with the family and chopped them to pieces. The only thing that keeps this behavior from being the work of psychotic killers is that God told them to do it. The death of Jezebel is more than just the death of one woman; her death is one of those many moments in history where the worship of the dual deities, the God and Goddess, began to fall to the new monotheism in a blood bath, and the new religion began the important task of erasing the past. ...

Pope calls Uighurs ‘persecuted,’ prompting pushback from China

“I think often of persecuted peoples,” Francis said in one passage. “The Rohingya, the poor Uighurs, the Yazidi — what ISIS did to them was truly cruel — or Christians in Egypt and Pakistan killed by bombs that went off while they prayed in church.”... Human rights groups and governments around the world have denounced the Chinese government’s persecution of the group after evidence emerged of the internment of more than 1 million Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in so-called reeducation camps in far western China, as well as for mass surveillance and travel restrictions.... "In China, the Uighur Muslims are facing what amounts to some of the contemporary world's worst mass atrocities," Bo said in a statement released in July. "And I urge the international community to investigate."...


US says China’s repression of Uighurs is ‘genocide’

The State Department declared on Tuesday that the Chinese government is committing genocide and crimes against humanity through its wide-scale repression of Uighurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic minorities in its northwestern region of Xinjiang, including in its use of internment camps and forced sterilization, US officials said....

"I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uighurs by the Chinese party-state,” ...

Genocide is, according to international convention, “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.”...

Scottish Parliament asked to right 'terrible miscarriage of justice' by pardoning thousands of witches

"Between 1563 and 1736, when the Witchcraft Act was law, there were four relatively defined periods of ‘satanic panic’ which resulted in approximately just shy of 4000 people being accused as witches...."Confession to allegations of witchcraft were routinely obtained by torture, both physical and mental. The stripping and pricking of women was common, as was sleep deprivation.

"Of all of those 4000, academics estimate that approximately 2500 were executed. The method of execution was by way of strangulation and then burning at the stake. In comparison to elsewhere in Europe, where witch trials also took place, Scotland had approximately five times the number of cases than elsewhere in Europe during this time. Alas, at finding and killing witches, we excelled....


Suffering the Conquerors: 5 Worst Genocides in Ancient History

What is a genocide? Contrary to popular belief, the term genocide does not only mean a mass murder of people. It also signifies all acts that are carried out against a populace in order to destroy it fully or partially. It refers to many acts that directly or indirectly cause the destruction of a certain population - massacre, expulsion, starvation, forced conversion, imposing of living conditions that forcefully destroy a population over time, suppression of identity, and so on. In short, a genocide refers to much more than just mass murders - any forced act that causes a disappearance or expulsion of a population can be termed a genocide....


Strong evidence shows Sixth Mass Extinction of global biodiversity in progress

The history of life on Earth has been marked five times by events of mass biodiversity extinction caused by extreme natural phenomena. Today, many experts warn that a Sixth Mass Extinction crisis is underway, this time entirely caused by human activities....

"Drastically increased rates of species extinctions and declining abundances of many animal and plant populations are well documented, yet some deny that these phenomena amount to mass extinction," said Robert Cowie, lead author of the study and research professor at the UH Manoa Pacific Biosciences Research Center in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST). "This denial is based on a biased view of the crisis which focuses on mammals and birds and ignores invertebrates, which of course constitute the great majority of biodiversity."

By extrapolating from estimates obtained for land snails and slugs, Cowie and co-authors estimated that since the year 1500, Earth could already have lost between 7.5 and 13% of the two million known species on Earth -- a staggering 150,000 to 260,000 species.... The situation is not the same everywhere, however. Although marine species face significant threats, there is no evidence that the crisis is affecting the oceans to the same extent as the land....

Unfortunately, along with science denial taking a foothold in modern society on a range of issues, the new study points out that some people also deny that the Sixth Extinction has begun. Additionally, others accept it as a new and natural evolutionary trajectory, as humans are just another species playing their natural role in Earth's history. Some even consider that biodiversity should be manipulated solely for the benefit of humanity -- but benefit defined by whom?...

Denying the crisis, accepting it without reacting, or even encouraging it constitutes an abrogation of humanity's common responsibility and paves the way for Earth to continue on its sad trajectory towards a Sixth Mass Extinction."


Poland marks WWII-era massacre by Ukrainian nationalists

WARSAW — Poland’s leaders marked the anniversary of the World War II-era Ukrainian massacre of Poles Monday by stressing that only the full truth about the neighborly violence that Poland describes as genocide can strengthen and serve bilateral ties in the future. President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said during the observances of the Day of Memory of the Victims of Genocide that this is the best time to condemn the murder of Polish civilians by Ukrainians during and just after World War II and to build proper graves for them, so the relatives and Poland's state can honor them. “Let this truth in fact serve as a foundation ...

Poland is among the staunchest allies of Ukraine in its defense against Russia’s aggression, saying Ukraine is also fighting in Poland’s interest. Millions of Ukrainian refugees have found shelter in Poland since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24. Poland is providing political support, weapons, and routes for Ukraine’s exports, especially grain. The violence that occurred between 1942 and 1945, under Nazi German occupation, remains a point of contention, however. For decades under Moscow’s control, the violence was a taboo theme, and it remains hard to discuss between the neighbors. Historians, citing witness and survivor accounts, say that more than 100,000 Poles, including women and even the smallest children, perished at the hands of their Ukrainian neighbors in a nationalist drive in areas that were then in southeastern Poland and are mostly in Ukraine now. The peak of the violence was on July 11, 1943, known as "Bloody Sunday," when the fighters of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists carried out coordinated attacks on Poles praying in or leaving churches in more than 100 villages, chiefly in the Volhynia region.

Poland established the day of memory in 2016 and insists that the events constituted genocide...The two Polish leaders said that keeping this wound festering would only divide the neighbors at a trying time, and ultimately would serve Moscow’s purposes.

The Himyarite Kingdom’s Bloody Conversion to Judaism: Passion or Ploy?

The Himyarite Kingdom was established in 110 BC and lasted until 570 AC. It is most often remembered these days as the “Jewish Kingdom”, thanks to the fact that for some time its predominant religion was Judaism. The history of the rise and eventual fall of the Himyarite Kingdom is a bloody one.... The Himyarite Kingdom was founded in what is today modern-day Yemen in 110 BC. To its contemporaries, the Greeks and Romans, it was called the Homerite Kingdom.... Himyarite kings converted to Judaism to around 380 AD. It was at this time that the old polytheistic temples were abandoned. Dedications to the old gods were replaced with references to a new figure called Rahmanan. Rahmanan means “the Lord of Heaven... The Byzantines had hopes of taking the Arabian Peninsula, which would give them control of the lucrative spice trade . Their goal was to do this peacefully by converting the locals to Christianity...

Himyarite’s messy history with Christianity dates back to 313 AD and the edict of Milan. This granted tolerance to all religions (including Christianity) within the Roman Empire. Shortly afterward, the Kingdom of Axum, which had been Jewish since its inception, converted to Christianity... It seems possible that the Himyarite Kingdoms wanted a good reason to continue their decades-old feud with Axum, and what better reason than interfaith tension? Fuel was added to the fire when the Roman Empire fell, and the Christian East Empire rose out of the ashes, based in Byzantium. The Himyarite Kingdom now had two major Christian rivals.... Soon, Axum and Byzantine began undermining Himyarite influence by sending Christian missionaries into Arabia. Sadly, this led to the religious persecution of innocent people just going about their lives...

Azqir met his fate after building a Christian church in Najran during the late 5th century...he was sentenced to death, along with 38 other Christians....Dhu Nuwas (517-527 AD) soon seized power, hell-bent on restoring Judaism to the kingdom.

Dhu Nuwas soon got to work either burning churches or turning them into synagogues. The kingdom’s Christian population was forcefully converted to Judaism. Those who resisted were killed, and hundreds of Christians perished in Najran and Zafar. Dhu Nuwas sought an all-out holy war against Christianity.... Up to 14,000 men died, and at least as many were taken prisoner). This was the end of the Himyarite Kingdom. It remained under Axum control until around 565 AD when the Persians evicted the Axumites and made the land their own....