
It is unclear to me from differing claims the Phoenicians were Aryans, Turkic, and/or Semitic? The following article claims are Semitic. But if you read other research some claim Turkic, and others Aryan. My thought is the Phoenicians probably were either a nationality of a mix of people, or the Phoenicians were accompanied with other peoples which could explain the various interpretations of who were the Phoenicians. Phoenix descends from Agenor who migrated to Canaan. Or from Belus who became king of Egypt. Both are descended from Poseidon and Lybia from Lake Tritonis whom are the first peoples most probably the Amazigh (U6 mtDNA 100% fact, and most probably R1b YDNA or his direct ancestor but not 100% certain) see Southern Med .


Phoenicia...was a thalassocratic ancient Semitic civilization, that originated in the Eastern Mediterranean and in the west of the Fertile Crescent. It included the coastline of what is now Lebanon, Israel, Gaza, Syria, and south-west Turkey, though some of its colonies later reached the Western Mediterranean (most notably Carthage) and even the Atlantic Ocean. The civilization spread across the Mediterranean between 1500 BC and 300 BC....

According to the Persians best informed in history, the Phoenicians began the quarrel. These people, who had formerly dwelt on the shores of the Erythraean Sea, having migrated to the Mediterranean and settled in the parts which they now inhabit, began at once, they say, to adventure on long voyages, freighting their vessels with the wares of Egypt and Assyria ...

— Herodotus, The History, I.1

The Greek historian Strabo believed that the Phoenicians originated from Bahrain. Herodotus also believed that the homeland of the Phoenicians was Bahrain....

Genetic studies: A study by Pierre Zalloua and others (2008) claimed that six subclades of haplogroup J2 (J-M172) J2 in particular, were "a Phoenician signature" amongst modern male populations tested in "the coastal Lebanese Phoenician Heartland and the broader area of the rest of the Levant (the "Phoenician Periphery")",...The researchers suggested that the proposed genetic signature stemmed from "a common source of related lineages rooted in Lebanon"....

In 2016, a sixth-century BC skeleton of a young Carthaginian man, excavated from a Punic tomb in Byrsa Hill, was found to belong to the rare U5b2c1 maternal haplogroup. The lineage of this "Young Man of Byrsa" is believed to represent early gene flow from Iberia to the Maghreb....

The Phoenicians were among the greatest traders of their time and owed much of their prosperity to trade. At first, they traded mainly with the Greeks, trading wood, slaves, glass and powdered Tyrian purple. As trading and colonizing spread over the Mediterranean, Phoenicians and Greeks seemed to have split that sea in two: the Phoenicians sailed along and eventually dominated the southern shore, while the Greeks were active along the northern shores.... Strabo states that there was a highly lucrative Phoenician trade with Britain for tin via the Cassiterides whose location is unknown but may have been off the northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Professor Timothy Champion, discussing Diodorus Siculus's comments on the tin trade, states that "Diodorus never actually says that the Phoenicians sailed to Cornwall. In fact, he says quite the opposite: the production of Cornish tin was in the hands of the natives of Cornwall, and its transport to the Mediterranean was organised by local merchants, by sea and then over land through France, well outside Phoenician control."...

The Phoenicians established commercial outposts throughout the Mediterranean, the most strategically important being Carthage in North Africa, directly across the narrow straits. Ancient Gaelic mythologies attribute a Phoenician/Scythian influx to Ireland by a leader called Fenius Farsa. ...

From the 10th century BC, the Phoenicians' expansive culture led them to establish cities and colonies throughout the Mediterranean. Canaanite deities like Baal and Astarte were being worshipped from Cyprus to Sardinia, Malta, Sicily, Spain, Portugal, and most notably at Carthage (Qart Hadašt) in modern Tunisia....

Like their Hebrew cousins the Phoenicians were known for being very religious. While there remain favourable aspects regarding Canaanite religion, several of its reported practices have been widely criticized, in particular, temple prostitution, and child sacrifice. "Tophets" built "to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire" are condemned by god in Jeremiah 7:30-32, and in 2nd Kings 23:10 (also 17:17). Notwithstanding these and other important differences, cultural religious similarities between the ancient Hebrews and the Phoenicians persisted....


Other gods were called by royal titles, as in Melqart meaning "king of the city", or Adonis for "lord".... the ancient Hebrews used the word Adonai (Heb: "Lord") to place a cover over the name of their God.... its reigning god Melqart was prominent throughout Phoenicia and overseas. Also of great general interest was Astarte (Heb: Ashtoreth), (Bab: Ishtar), a fertility goddess who also enjoyed regal and matronly aspects. The prominent deity Eshmun of Sidon ...was linked with Astarte; other like pairings included Ishtar and Tammuz in Babylon, and Isis and Osiris in Egypt....

Religion in Carthage was based on inherited Phoenician ways of devotion.... Transplanted to distant Carthage, these Phoenician ways persisted, but naturally acquired distinctive traits: perhaps influenced by a spiritual and cultural evolution, or synthesizing Berber tribal practices, ... "The Carthaginians were notorious in antiquity for the intensity of their religious beliefs." "Besides their reputation as merchants, the Carthaginians were known in the ancient world for their superstition and intense religiosity. They imagined themselves living in a world inhabited by supernatural powers which were mostly malevolent. For protection they carried amulets of various origins and had them buried with them when they died."...

Baal Hammon has since been traced also to Syrio-Phoenician origins, confirmed by recent finds at Tyre.... Prayers of individual Carthaginians were often addressed to Baal Hammon. Yet this deity was recipient of the very troubling practice of child sacrifice. Diodorus (late 1st century BC) wrote that when Agathocles had attacked Carthage (in 310) several hundred children of leading families were sacrificed to regain the god's favour....

The goddess Tanit during the 5th and 4th centuries became queen goddess, supreme over the city-state of Carthage...Tanit may be Berbero-Libyan in origin,... Another view, supported by recent finds, holds that Tanit originated in Phoenicia, being closely linked there to the goddess Astarte. Tanit and Astarte: each one was both a funerary and a fertility goddess. Each was a sea goddess.... Astarte's heavenly emblem was the planet Venus, Tanit's the crescent moon....

Phoenician culture had a huge effect upon the cultures of the Mediterranean basin in the early Iron Age, and had been affected by them in turn. For example, in Phoenicia, the tripartite division between Baal, Mot and Yam seems to have influenced the Greek division between Zeus, Hades and Poseidon. The Tartessos region probably embraced the whole southern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Strab. 3.2.11). In various Mediterranean ports during the classical period, Phoenician temples sacred to Melkart were recognized as sacred to Greek Hercules. Stories like the Rape of Europa, and the coming of Cadmus also draw upon Phoenician influence....

Due to the number of deities similar to the "Lord of the Sea" in classical mythology, there have been many difficulties attributing one specific name to the sea deity or the "Poseidon–Neptune" figure of Phoenician religion....Yamm is the god of the sea of Ugarit, an ancient city-state north to Phoenicia... Yamm is the brother of the god of death, Mot...

In his Republic, Greek philosopher Plato contends that the love of money is a tendency of the soul found amongst Phoenicians and Egyptians, which distinguishes them from the Greeks who tend towards the love of knowledge. In his Laws, he asserts that this love of money has led the Phoenicians and Egyptians to develop skills in cunning and trickery rather than wisdom....

They pioneered the development of multi-tiered oared shipping throughout the Mediterranean region, being the first people exploring beyond the Straits of Gibraltar....

Greeks, Etruscans, and Romans freely admitted what they owed to the Phoenicians, and Phoenician influence can be traced in the Iberian and Celtic worlds from the 8th century BC onwards...


It is also notable that the battle between the Christian God and Satan as related in the biblical Book of Revelation seems a much later version of the same conflict, with many of the same details, one finds in the Phoenician myth of Baal and Yamm....

In its time Phoenicia was known as Canaan and is the land referenced in the Hebrew Scriptures to which Moses led the Israelites from Egypt and which Joshua then conquered (according to the biblical books of Exodus and Joshua but uncorroborated by other ancient texts and unsupported by the physical evidence thus far excavated). ...

Phoenician sailors were also known to have traveled to Britain and to Mesopotamian ports. ...

History of the Phoenician Canaanites

Facts that Prove the Connection between the Phoenicians and the Irish-Celtic

among the Celtic nations, was the circle of upright stones, with either an altar or tall pillar in the centre, and, like its prototype at the temple of Byblos, Phoenicia, Gilgal...

Groves were also features of both Phoenician and Celtic worship. Significant importance was paid by the Celts to the mistletoe and Phoenician Libanesis was/is abundunt in it like no other place in the Near East. ...

The division of time into a seven-day week was practiced by the Irish Celts, identical to the Phoenicians...

The ancient Baal pillar is one of many such religious monuments which have been found from the Middle East to Ireland. ...

Druids worshipped but one God and allowed no graven images, identical to the Phoenicians, and in contradistinction with almost all other ancient religions. Consecration was by sprinkling with blood, as in Canaanite worship....

the Canaanite/Phoenician place of human sacrifice was called Tophet, meaning 'the drum' ...They prayed with uplifted hands, examined entrails for necromancy, and held the oak in veneration. Further, the standoff between Elijah and the Priests of Baal is another example of the similarity between the Celts and Phoenician priests of Baal. ...

The early name of southwestern England was "Dumnoni," or "Danmoni,"...

"the (Celtic) Kymry were for some time indifferently called Cambria or Cumbria, the Welsh word on which they are based being, as now written,Cymru...The virtual identity in spelling and sound between the proto-Canaanite "Khumri,"and the Celtic "Kymry,"...

The Phoenicians

According to Grecian historians, it was derived from Phoenix, one of their kings, and brother of Cadmus, the inventor of letters. It is remarkable that our annals mention a king named Phenius...Our historians describe the wanderings of the Phoenicians, whom they still designate Scythians, much as they are described by other writers....

In the time of Moses there was a Scythian noble who had been banished from his kingdom, and dwelt in Egypt with a large family. He was there when the Egyptians were drowned,...he was expelled. He wandered through Africa for forty-two years...and he made for Spain, and dwelt there many years,...Herodotus gives an account of the circumnavigation of Africa by the Phoenicians...

This navigation was performed about seven centuries before the Christian era, and is, at least, a proof that the maritime power of the Phoenicians was established at an early period, and that it was not impossible for them to have extended their enterprises to Ireland. The traditions of our people may also be confirmed from other sources. Solinus writes thus: "In the gulf of Boatica there is an island, distant some hundred paces from the mainland, which the Tyrians, who came from the Red Sea, called Erythroea, and the Carthaginians, in their language, denominate Gadir, i.e.,the enclosure."

The Phoenicians – Celtic Druid and Arab Bedouin Connection

Ancient Cassiterides - The British Isles and Ireland

Some ‘British' Phoenician J1s?

Genetic haplogroup J1 is very rare in Britain. The haplogroup is not indigenous, nor was it a part of the early mass migrations into Britain from Europe. Some appear to have sailed here from one of the Phoenician colonies, probably from the city states of Carthage, North Africa, or Cadiz, Spain.

Some misinformation out there making confusion if Phoenicians were black. I have more research to do but, thus far I am of the belief the Phoenicians were not black. Being from the hot clime of the Med they would have a darker complexion but, not negroid black. Unless there was an original black people who were bred down by these semites over many generations to produce a new hybrid Phoenician who became lighter. But, I think the great Phoenician traders of the Mediteranean, and their other explorations were of a predominately Mediteranean white racial type.

Hannibal, the Carthaginians/Phoenicians were NOT Black!


The Phoenicians were apart of the Mesopotamian societies so there was a lot of mixing of the peoples there. The following describes the Sumerian society to give some more insights to who these people were. It is doubtful that the Phoenicians were a pure race after Sumerian times.

Sumerians are Not Native Europeans

POEN: "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons" PDF


POEN Hi-Lites

Turkic people articles at:

Another ressurrection story...

Phoenix (mythology)

In Greek mythology, a phoenix is a long-lived bird that is cyclically regenerated or reborn. Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.... although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again. According to some texts, the phoenix could live over 1,400 years before rebirth....

In ancient Greece and Rome, the bird, phoenix, was sometimes associated with the similar-sounding Phoenicia ... Because the costly purple dye from Phoenicia was associated with the upper classes in antiquity and, later, with royalty, in the medieval period the phoenix was considered "the royal bird"....

Classical discourse on the subject of the phoenix points to a potential origin of the phoenix in Ancient Egypt....may have actually been influenced by Greek notions of the phoenix, rather than the other way around....

Herodotus, writing in the 5th century BC, gives a somewhat skeptical account of the phoenix:

"[The Egyptians] have also another sacred bird called the phoenix which I myself have never seen, except in pictures. Indeed it is a great rarity, even in Egypt, only coming there (according to the accounts of the people of Heliopolis) once in five hundred years, when the old phoenix dies. Its size and appearance, if it is like the pictures, are as follow:- The plumage is partly red, partly golden, while the general make and size are almost exactly that of the eagle. They tell a story of what this bird does, which does not seem to me to be credible: that he comes all the way from Arabia, and brings the parent bird, all plastered over with myrrh, to the temple of the Sun, and there buries the body. In order to bring him, they say, he first forms a ball of myrrh as big as he finds that he can carry; then he hollows out the ball, and puts his parent inside, after which he covers over the opening with fresh myrrh, and the ball is then of exactly the same weight as at first; so he brings it to Egypt, plastered over as I have said, and deposits it in the temple of the Sun. Such is the story they tell of the doings of this bird."...

The phoenix is sometimes pictured in ancient and medieval literature and medieval art as endowed with a nimbus, which emphasizes the bird's connection with the Sun. In the oldest images of phoenixes on record these nimbuses often have seven rays, like Helios (the personified sun of Greek mythology)....

Sumerian Mythology was influenced from Turkic Mythology... Sumerians were NOT only Turkic. Sumer was comprised of Hunter gatherers, Samarrans, and Semitic peoples. The timing of the arrivals of the different peoples I do not know. Maybe originally Sumer may have been an all Turkic community which later became integrated.

Sumerian Mythology, Turkish Mythology comparison, Sumerian Gods

One important note about the Turkic people and their languages is that there are many forms of languages...

It is quite probable that Hungarian is another Gur/Oghur Turkic language, but that's my speculation at this point as the separation of Hungarian from main Turkish seems have taken place 2,000-4,000 years ago ...

Different forms of Turkish languages spread around Eurasia are only considered one language and not a language family. Turkic mythology accordingly encompasses a lot of the common myths and tales, plus local Turkish culture specific elements and tales. ...

The first historic record for the name Turk is dated to 2400 BC, as written on cuneiform by the Sumerian Turks: Turuk. Cuneiform phonetic errors stemming from spelling Sumerian through Akkadian and Afroasiatic (Semitic) languages that can be seen in words such as Elam(a), An(u), etc.,...

A Chinese historian, Li Sheng, writes that Turks were present 4,000 years ago in Northwest China. By combining these two data, we can suggest Turkic people may have formed a continuity from the Altai to Mesopotamia and probably to Central Europe about 4,000 years ago. We know such a Eurasian continuity existed much later, with Scythians (800-200 BC), with Huns (200BC-600 AD), and with Mongols (1300s). ...

...Sumerian "pantheon" (that's a Turkic-Greek word from 2,000 years later) consisted of primordial gods and then lesser gods, just like in Turkic mythology. Similarly, he observed that Sumerians prayed to good gods against evil gods.

The traditional Turks of Turkey from Central Asia, Yoruk, Turkmen, and Alevi (Alawite) who have kept some of their ancient customs tell myths akin to Sumerian ones. ...

Putting together them all: the myths, beliefs, cosmic mountain, cosmology of Underworld-Earth-Sky-Heaven, Shamanism and shaman rituals, sky god, as well as the linguistic terms that refer to sky and sky god (An and Dingir being the same in Turkic and Sumerian), we can firmly conclude that Sumerians were Turkic people from Central Asia whose ancestral home was Siberia.

The Phoenicians: Mysterious Merchant Mariners Whose Inventions Impacted the World Forever

The Phoenicians flourished during the 1 st millennium BC. During that time, there were other Canaanite cultures inhabiting the region as well, and archaeologists are unable to differentiate between the Phoenicians and these other cultures in terms of material culture, language, and religious beliefs. This is due to the fact that the Phoenicians were themselves Canaanites. Nevertheless, the Phoenicians distinguished themselves from their Canaanite brethren by their achievements as seafarers and traders....

Tyrian purple...Glass ...cedar wood...superb seafarers...

The Phoenician city states were not able to hold on to their independence for long. The wealth of these city states must have attracted the attention of foreign powers. During the 8 th and 7 th centuries BC, the Phoenician city states came under the rule of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

In 538 BC, Phoenicia was conquered by Cyrus the Great and came under Persian rule....Persian rule over Phoenicia ended during the 4th century BC, when the region fell to Alexander the Great ....During this period, the Phoenicians were gradually Hellenized, and their original identity was slowly being replaced. Finally, Phoenicia was incorporated by Pompey as part of the Roman province of Syria in 65 BC. ...

Like much of the Middle East during that time, the Phoenicians used a script known as cuneiform which originated in Mesopotamia. By around 1200 BC the Phoenicians had developed their own script. ...The Phoenician alphabet was later adopted by the Greeks who kept some characters while removing others. The Greek alphabet was in turn adopted by the Romans resulting in its spread all across Europe....

My opinion this find only reveals this one man's dna at his time in history reveals his ancestors was a mix of native western hunter gatherers of ancient Europe that was found in Tunisia. U6 is the majority native Amazigh with a smaller share of U5 being her sister clade both are the first peoples in west Europe and North Africa...

2,500-Year-Old Phoenician DNA Linked to Rare and Ancient European Ancestry

GenomeWeb reports that the Young Man of Byrsa had a mitochondrial genome “from the haplogroup U5b2c1, considered to be one of the most ancient haplogroups in Europe, and associated with hunter-gatherer populations. The U5b haplogroup is thought to have arisen in Europe between 20,000 and 24,000 years ago.” ... The U5b haplogroup is considered to be rare in modern populations - all of the reported carriers are of European ancestry and from Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland, the US, and Germany. As professor Matisoo-Smith told “It is remarkably rare in modern populations today, found in Europe at levels of less than one per cent. Interestingly, our analysis showed that Ariche's mitochondrial genetic make-up most closely matches that of the sequence of a particular modern day individual from Portugal.” ... the haplogroup U5b2c has not been identified in our modern Lebanese samples or in ancient (early Neolithic, PPNB) remains from the Levant.” ... Byrsa Hill is located in Tunisia, at a site which was once a Phoenician acropolis ...


The Entire History of the Phoenicians (2500 - 300 BC) // Ancient History Documentary

Cornwall similar with Wales and Brittany. Ferriby Boats 2030BC. Dover Boats 1575BC.

Brit Iron age 800BC. From Levant. Came for Tin. Called Baratanac (Britain). Canaanites New Kingdom Egypt in Spain prior to Phoenician. They did not call themselves Phoenician. 1500BC purple dye from sea snails. May have had red hair. Phoenicians sprang from Canaan. Sea People ravaged Levant, Bronze Age collapse. Ended Egypt domination in Levant, and Hittite. Phoenicia States left untouched to begin rule, Byblos, Sidon. Phoenician alphabet replaces heiroglyphs. Cedar sent to Egypt from Lebanon. Phoenicians act as middle man merchants. Tyre was once an Island. No evidence found of Phoenicians in Britain or France. Spain is west most. Assyrian prescence in Phoenica in 855BC. Assyrian rule 911BC . Baal King of Tyre 680-660BC. Persia take over Phoenicia in 550BC. 332 BC Achamaeid Empire takes the Phoeneican empire Alexander the Great takes over. Some Phoenicians escape to Carthag. Many killed some slavery. Hercules God of Greeks. Then Rome takes over 62BC....

The Origins of the Phoenicians (DNA)

Sardinia and Lebanon. mt DNA mid Bronze age. 1800 BC in north Levant. Female mobility of near east, North Africa, and Europe. Diverse, never unified, no distinct ethnicity. Cannanites before the Phoenicians. 800BC Assyrian rule. 813BC Carthage built by fleeing Phoenicians. More European mt dna in Lebanon than Ydna, when is uncertain as women were transported. Because of such diversity it is not possible to locate a Phoenician genetic signature. H, and RO mtdna most common. H1 and H3 most found. J1c found in a pre Phoenician. mt dna from many places in Sardinia, and Lebanon. Pre Neolithic occupation of Sardinia. Phoenicians transported many females in their network. Close affiliation with Europe shown by mtDNA.