The "urs"

The following may, or may not be related at all. Some are, some may not.

In my non-exhaustive efforts I wanted to see if there are anything in common, or related with words that end in "ur".

This is by no means a complete list. And since letters and spellings change there is probably alot lost. In addition, if some of the '"urs" were a tribe they may have since become extinct, or absorbed by other tribes.



Irish name of the eighteenth letter of the Ogham alphabet, ᚒ, meaning "clay", "earth", "soil" in Old Irish.

Common root word in the Basque language, is also Basque word for water.

Letter of the runic alphabets.

German prefix meaning "original or primitive".

Urdu, like Hindi, is a form of Hindustani ...(6th to 13th century) Middle Indo-Aryan language that is also the ancestor of other modern Indo-Aryan languages....etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit...

Ancient city-state in southern Mesopotamia.


The Burs (Latin Buri, Buredeense and Buridavenses; Greek Βοῦροι) were a Dacian tribe living in Dacia in the 1st and 2nd centuries... the root bur- is well known with the Dacian Thracian names...

Buri tribe The Buri were a Germanic tribe mentioned in the Germania of Tacitus,

Gylfaginning says Buri is first man whose son was Bor. Odins father was Bur son of Buri. Buri - Boru (Boerue) means wolf in Turkish. Búri (or Buri) was the first god in Norse mythology. He is the father of Borr and grandfather of Odin, Vili and Ve. He was formed by the cow Auðumbla licking the salty ice of Ginnungagap during the time of Ymir. The only extant source of this myth is Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda.

The term Bori, Buri, Pur is an ancient term referring to a totemic ancestor of many Ural-Altaic nations. Seen on the pertoglyps of the Altai and Sayan.

bor-ISTEN: Isten in Hittite and Hattic was a sun god while in Parthian and Hungarian it is God, (Is=Os=ancestor).

Buryatia: located in Siberia in Asia. Formerly part of the Siberian Federal District, it is now part of the Russian Far East as of November 2018 in accordance with a decree issued by Russian President Vladimir Putin.... Baikal territory. The territory of Buryatia has been governed by the Xiongnu Empire (209 BC-93 CE)...

Burkhanism: new religious movement that flourished among the indigenous people of Russia's Gorno Altai region (okrug) between 1904 and the 1930s....The Soviet authorities ultimately suppressed it for fear of its potential to unify Siberian Turkic peoples under a common nationalism....Burkhan means "god" or "buddha" in Mongolic languages, yet Burkhanism is not considered Buddhist,...The Altaian name for the religion is Ak Jang ("White Faith"). "White" refers to its emphasis on the upper world (in the three-world cosmology of the Turkic and Mongolian Tengriism). Alternatively, the name may also allude to Ak Jang's rejection of animal sacrifices in favor of offerings of horse milk or horse-milk alcohol.


Are there any linguistic changes, or similarities of curs with cir, kur, cer, cher, etc... ?


Dirs, or Durs a menial tribe which make sacking and felt. (A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West ..., Volume 3)

INDIA PROPER ITS SIND PROVINCE THUR AND PARKUR District inhabited by Hindus and Musalmaus.

Summat...Durs. (The Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, Volume 2)

Maybe Thurs?


SOLYMAN the chief of a Turkish tribe called Oguz the same as the ancient Oigurs and the modern Ogres.

Scythian Tribes: Onogur Bulgars, Kutrigurs, and Utigurs sacked Corinth in 7th century.

Dhan gurs one of the four tribes living at Maha bleshwar.

BAZEEGURS a tribe of Indians inhabiting different parts of Hindoostan and recognised by several appellations as Bazeegurs Panchperees Kunjura or Nuts they follow a mode of life distinguishing them from the Hindoos and abstain from intermixing their families with them. The name Bazeegur is said to signify a juggler and some etymologists find a derivation of conjuror from kunjura. They are found partly in wandering tribes and partly adhering to fixed residences.

[Sarmats, Bashkort Yurmati, and Hungarian Gyarmats are one and the same, allophones of different times. New evidence that Hungarians were Onogurs. Ugor/Ugr is a illusionary category. White Croats and White Oğurs were the same people. Σαραγουροι Saragurs are White Oğurs, later Horvats.... By accepting all those tribes Oğuric, and by designating the ethnonym Bulgar as their spreading adjective, Nemeth, legendary name of Turkology and Eurasian linguistics, indeed closed the ways to solve many problems of the steppes for the pre-Peçeneg period...The withdrawing Huns and newcoming Oğurs met in the north of the Black Sea to mix and create a new Turkic people: Bulgars. Oğurs came to Europe in 463; and the word Bulgar, as name of a powerful tribe, is firstly mentioned ‘formally’ in 482. ... Whatever is the origin of the name Bulgar, it is clear that most Bulgars were not Bulgars, like most of the Huns were not Huns, most of the Scythians were not Scythians, and most of the Türkic people were not Türks....So, the ancient Cimmerians became Bulgars, and the ancient Scythians became Bulgars, and the Yazigs became Bulgars, and so on. In all these designations, Bulgars is not a name of the ethnicity, but a politonym treated as an ethnicity....And many would object by saying that the Medieval Bulgars were related to the Ancient Kimmerians only geographically, because the latter lived where once had lived the second. I must recall at this point that no other North Caucasian people, Alans, Circassians, etc., are “descendants” of the Kimmerians, but only Bulgars ... The consonant -r being the plural suffix, and gur/gor meaning “country”, one may reach the words Kutrigur and Utrigur: “Land of the Kuts” and “Land of the Utis”... If, according to O. Karatay, gur is an Ogur form of the Oguz guz, “tribe”, and Onogur is “10-tribe Union”, within the Great Bulgaria each of the 10 tribes is politically Bulgar....Thus, Bulgars were one or more gurs “tribes” of the Onogurs (ethnic dimension), and at the same time Bulgars was a political term for the Great Bulgaria.... The Ogurs are brothers of Oguzes.... steppes of Eastern Europe and Middle East, while the Chinese sources place their contemporary Eastern Ogurs in the steppes of Middle Asia and Takla Makan desert. Under the names of Western Hu and Hu, i.e Huns, Türkic kün = ”kin”, the Chinese oldest sources extend the presence of the Ogur tribes to the Ordoc peninsula.... The Eastern and Western Huns belonged to the Ogur linguistic family, today it is modestly called Karluk group, and incorrectly also listed as Southern Kipchak group. ... the Ogur group included, in addition to the Huns, the Tochars, Kangars, Uigurs, Karluks, Bulgars, Khazars, Sabirs, Agathyrs, Avars, and tentatively every other ethnically distinct population that ends its name on -ar/-er/-ir/-ur.... That indicates that the tribal ethnonyms are older then the -r/-s split, and the tribes on -ar/-er/-ir/-ur do not necessarily belong to the Ogur group. The subject of the Az/As tribe is a separate topic, historically they were affiliated with almost everybody in the Middle Asia area, extending as far as as the Middle East, as Az-kishi of the Assyrians, and Central Europe and the Far East. The fact that the Ases were Türkic does not raise any doubts... The Ases were located north of Kangars, or at least occupying higher altitude, mountains areas, with a proximity to the mountain taiga, while the Ogur Kangars preferred the open steppes of the Kazakhstan and Takla Makan - Tarim Basin....The initial Late Antique Huns' western domains included the tribes of Bulgars, Suvars (Savars), Ezgils, and Kangars. With time, the now Western Hun confederation included Alans, Agathyrs, Scythians, Sarmatians, N.Pontic Türks and European Huns (who preceded the leapfrogging movement of the Eastern Huns), Ases, a part of the Baltic tribes destined to become Slavic tribes, a part of the Germanic tribes, and Ugrian Magyars (aka Modjars, Mordva).

In the Eastern Europe, the Ogur tribes continued their domination until the Arab wars. A 30-year sequence of wars, with decimation of entire local population, bled the dominant Ogur tribes to turn them into refugees in their own land, and gave rise to an influx of their eastern Oguz neighbors. Though the predominant linguistically Ogur majority in the Eastern Europe survived to the 15th century,... The word 'Türk” is a political term. The Kok-Türks belonged to the same ethnic group of a Türkic origin as Oguzes, Oguzes and Kok-Türks are of the same kin.... In the Chinese sources of the period of the Kok-Türkic Kaganate the Oguzes are mentioned not independently (that is as ”Oguzes”) but as ”Nine Tribes” (Kui-Sin), and the translation of the word ”Oguz” is given as Tu-Kue (= Türk)... No Oguz tribe carried a name “Türks”. The word “Türk” was a political name. The Kok-Türk state was created by the ancient ruling Türkic dynasty Ashina, with the help of the Türkic groups surrounding it, organized into a union of tribes (i.e. Oguzes)....]


population Karáchi...there is only one criminal tribe namely the Hurs or Lurs. This is not really a tribe at all but a Union or Brotherhood among the followers of the Pir of Kingri a village near to Rohri. This Pir claims descent from one Sayad Shah Ali... Hur (Arabic: حر‎ meaning "free", "not slave" ) is a Sufi Muslim community in the province of Sindh, Pakistan. Their spiritual leader is Pir Pagaro. ...

Hurrian (not sure if this is a Hur Tribe?): transliteration: Ḫu-ur-ri; also called Hari, Khurrites, Hourri, Churri, Hurri or Hurriter were a people of the Bronze Age Near East. They spoke a Hurro-Urartian language called Hurrian and lived in Anatolia and Northern Mesopotamia. The largest and most influential Hurrian nation was the kingdom of Mitanni, the Mitanni perhaps being Indo-Iranian speakers who formed a ruling class over the Hurrians. The population of the Indo-European-speaking Hittite Empire in Anatolia included a large population of Hurrians...The Mitanni were closely associated with horses. ...

The nation of Israel is warring against the Midianites, and a body-count is given: And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword. And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods....


The Curonians or Kurs were a Baltic tribe living on the shores of the Baltic Sea in what are now the western parts of Latvia and Lithuania from the 5th to the 16th centuries, when they merged with other Baltic tribes....

Finnic tribe...Baltic tribe...The Curonians were known as fierce warriors, excellent sailors and pirates....

The Curonians were an especially religious people, worshipping pagan gods and their sacred animal, the horse....Curonians and Samogitians were known as "bad neighbours"...The Vikings of the Baltic Sea...

Papers Relating to the Aboriginal Tribes of the Central Provinces By Stephen Hislop

[Aboriginal tribes separate from the Gonds Kurs We come now to a race in language at least quite distinct from any that have engaged our attention a race in that re spect not allied to the Dravidian stock but to the family which numbers among its members the Kol nation With the name of this last mentioned nation the word Kur or Kid as it ought properly to be pronounced is evidently identical the u md o being frequently interchanged as in Gond or Gund Oriya or Uriya The Kurs are found on the Mahadeva Hills and westward in the forests on the Tapti and Narbadda until they come into contact with the Bhils On the Mahadeva Hills where they have been much influenced by the Hindus they prefer the name of Muasi the origin of which I have not been able to ascertain unless it be that the word is derived from the Mhowa tree Their fod is of the most meagre kind Though they have no objection to animal food yet a considerable portion of their diet consists of a gruel made from the pounded kernels of mangoes and flowers of the Mhowa tree ...

Religion The chief objects of their adoration are the sun and moon rude representations of which they carve on wooden pillars Afbr reaping their crops they sacrifice to Sultan Sakada whom they suppose to have been some king among them in former times ... marriage ceremonial which like that of the Gonds includes the tying of garments together and the running round a pole or Mhowa tree concludes on the third day with a feast... The Scythian origin of Kurs and of Gonds might perhaps be inferred from Kodo Pen and earthen horses which are offered instead of living sacrifice Gonda don t use horses or ponies much...

The vocabulary of the Kur language which I have drawn up demonstrates that there is no relation between it and the Gondi but that there is a connection amounting almost to identity between it and the speech of the Kols For the affinities of the Kur and Kol tongues we must look in another direction than the south of India They must be sought at the foot of the north east Himalayas and still more among the Mons of Pegu and the Benwas described by Captain Newbold inhabiting the mountainous regions of the Malayan peninsula... numerals among Kurs and Kols are mia bard apia are among the Mons mue ba and pai May we not conclude then that while the stream of Dravidian population as evidenced by the Brahuis in Beluchistan entered India by the north west that of the Kol family seems to have found admission by the northeast and as the one flowed south...

It will have been seen that Mr Hislop in the Essay points out that the Kurs or Muasis are distinct from the Gonds at least in language and that Kuri or Muasi is not as may have been supposed by some a dialect of Gondi Mr Hislop indicates that the error may have arisen from expressions used by Dr Voysey when many years ago he supplied a brief vocabulary of the language spoken by the tribes of the hills lying between Hoshungabad and Berar This region is believed to be the real home of the Kurs or Muasis... ]

Kurgan: Turkic language, compare Modern Turkish kurğan, which means "fortress". Kurgans are mounds of earth and stones raised over a grave or graves.... The earliest kurgans date to the 4th millennium BC in the Caucasus, and researchers associate these with the Indo-Europeans. Kurgans were built in the Eneolithic, Bronze, Iron, Antiquity and Middle Ages, with ancient traditions still active in Southern Siberia and Central Asia. Archeologists divide kurgan cultures into different sub-cultures, such as Timber Grave, Pit Grave, Scythian, Sarmatian, Hunnish and Kuman-Kipchak....from the Altay Mountains to the Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria....The monuments of these cultures coincide with Scythian-Saka-Siberian monuments. Scythian-Saka-Siberian monuments have common features, and sometimes common genetic roots...

Kurgan Culture - Mesolith - TurkicWorld

The Kurgan people culture existed during the fifth, fourth, and third millennia BC, they lived in northern Europe, from N.Pontic across Central Europe. The word "kurgan" means a mound or a barrow in Türkic. ...

As is known, the Yamnaya or kurgan culture descends from the steppic culture called Serednyi Stog. It is within the latter culture that horse domestication and horse riding took place for the first time ...both the Serednyi Stog and the Yamnaya cultures as Turkic...


[Lurs are an Iranian people living mainly in western and south-western Iran. Lurs are a mixture of aboriginal Iranian tribes, originating from Central Asia and the pre-Iranic tribes of western Iran, such as the Kassites (whose homeland appears to have been in what is now Lorestan) and Gutians.

Genetics: Lurs are distinguished from other Iranian groups by their relatively elevated frequency of Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b (specifically, of subclade R1b1a2a-L23). Together with its other clades, the R1 group comprises the single most common haplogroup among the Lurs. Haplogroup J2a (subclades J2a3a-M47, J2a3b-M67, J2a3h-M530, more specifically) is the second most commonly occurring patrilineage in the Lurs and is associated with the diffusion of agriculturalists from the Neolithic Near East c. 8000-4000 BCE. Another haplogroup reaching a frequency above 10% is that of G2a, with subclade G2a3b accounting for most of this. Also significant is haplogroup E1b1b1a1b, for which the Lurs display the highest frequency in Iran. Lineages Q1b1 and Q1a3 present at 6%, and T at 4%. ]

[The territories presently occupied by the Lurs have been inhabited by man for some 40,000 years . ...the earliest known people to inhabit the territories presently occupied by the Lurs were the Elamites, who settled in the area as early as 3000 BC. Later, the Kassites, who are well known for their bronze artifacts, lived in Luristan as early as second millennium BC, while the Elamites continued to hold the rest of their territories. The Kassites formed a dynasty, conquered Babylonia in 1747 BC and dominated Mesopotamia for 576 years. The Elamite and the Kassite dynasties were overtaken by the Indo-Iranians during the first millennium BC. During the Arab invasion of the seventh century, the Lurs, along with other Iranians, unsuccessfully fought against the Arabs. ]


Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Iranians

Lurs are one of the major Iranian ethnic groups inhabiting along the central and southern parts of the Zagros Mountains. Their origin might go back to the time before the migration of Indo-Europeans to Iran when other groups called Elamites and Kassites were living there. The Kassites are said to be the native people of Lorestan and their language was neither Semitic nor Indo-European and differed from the Elamite. The modern Lurs, like the Kurds, are a mixture of these aboriginal groups and invading Indo-Iranians from which it is thought they separated. Until the 20th century, the majority of Lurs were nomadic herders. Recently, the vast majority of Lurs have settled in urban areas although a number of nomadic Lur tribes still persist....

Genetics: Lurs are distinguished from other Iranian groups by their relatively elevated frequency of Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b (specifically, of subclade R1b1a2a-L23). Together with its other clades, the R1 group comprises the single most common haplogroup among the Lurs.

Elamite people

Culturally, linguistically, and genetically, the Elamites are distinct from their Semitic and Indo-Iranian neighbours....Elamites are distinguished from neighbouring Iranian peoples by their relatively elavated frequency of Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b, specifically subclade R1b1a2a-L23. Together with its other clades, the Haplogroup R1 group comprises the single most common haplogroup among the Elamites.

Haplogroup J2a (subclades J2a3a-M47, J2a3b-M67, J2a3h-M530, more specifically) is he second most commonly occurring patrilineage in the Elamites and is associated with the diffusion of agriculturalists from the Neolithic Near East c. 8000-4000 BC. Another haplogroup reaching a frequency above 10% is that of G2a, with subclade G2a3b accounting for most of this. Also significant among the Elamites is haplogroup E1b1b1a1b, originating in the horn of Africa, and which the Elamites display the highest frequency of in the Iranian plateau and Mesopotamia region. Lineages Q1b1 and Q1a3 present at 6%, and Haplogroup T appears at a frequency of 4%.

The Elamites are considered to be a continuation of the Ancient Elamites as well as other aboriginal Pre-Iranian peoples of the region, such as the Kassites and the Gutians. Michael M. Gunter states that prolonged contact and admixture has made the modern Elamites very closely related to the Kurds....


The Kassites (q.v.), Akkadian Kaššu (Balkan, 1954), were mountain tribes probably somewhere in the central Zagros who ruled Babylon from the sixteenth to the middle of the twelfth century B.C.E. They may be related to the later Kissaioi in the mountainous regions north of Susa and to the Kossaioi (see COSSAEANS) whom Potts convincingly locates in the Baḵtiāri mountains west of Isfahan. The Kissaioi were mentioned first in Aeschylus The Persians (17) and Herodotus, and latest in post-Alexandrian time as a contingent of the army of Antiochus III at the battle of Raphia in 217 B.C.E. (Polybius, 5.79). In turn, the Kissaioi may be related or identical with the Kossaioi (for the succinct overview of the debate, cf. Potts, 1999, pp. 337-40, 373-78).



In order to contextualise the spread of tropical Asian crops to the Middle East and beyond, the history of crop movements is prefaced by a survey of long distance connectivity across maritime (Indian Ocean) and overland (Iranian plateau) routes from its prehistoric beginnings to the end of the 1st millennium BCE. This historical survey will highlight the variables (e.g. political processes, technological and social change) which made possible the ecological interface between South Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean....

The outlier survivals of the Harappan civilisation continued to maintain maritime contacts with the Persian Gulf. Harappan seals are attested in Nippur in Mesopotamia and the northern Persian Gulf (Failaka) as late as the Kassite period c. 1400 BCE...

The exhaustion of surface copper deposits in Oman gradually reoriented the focus of Mesopotamian trade away from the Gulf towards the west, where it now received copper from Cyprus through Syria Sometime in the same period, the Sumerian-Akkadian toponym Meluhha, formerly denoting the Indus region, came to be applied on the regions of Egypt and Nubia....

The long-lasting Kassite dynasty of Babylon (c. 1475-1155 BCE) played a crucial role in the revitalization of the Gulf trade in the late 2nd millennium BCE. The correspondence between the Egyptian pharaoh and the Kassite kings of Babylonia preserved in the Amarna corpus (mid-14th century BCE), as well as Hittite royal correspondence, indicates that large amounts of lapis lazuli were sent to the Levant, Egypt and Anatolia from Kassite Babylonia. The meagre amounts of lapis lazuli sent by Mitannian (Syrian) and Assyrian kings to the Egyptian Pharaoh suggest that the Kassites probably received

their supplies through maritime or the southerly land routes via Elam rather than the overland trading routes. The maritime hypothesis seems likely in light of Kassite domination over parts of the western Persian Gulf including the island of Bahrain (Dilmun) where a governor was installed c. 1450 BCE. Materials of Indian origin like agate, carnelian and ivory have been excavated at the Kassite (City III) levels of Qala’at al-Bahrain (mid 15th to late 13th century), the most important settlement and seat of the Kassite governor in Bahrain. The increased use of chalcedony types (agate, onyx, sardonyx) for seals, amulets and jewellery including the distinctive chalcedony 'eyestones' was probably the result of vibrant trading activity with India which was a major source of chalcedony. The appearance of late Indus seals in Kassite contexts at Nippur and Failaka has already been noted. The similarity of 13th and 12th century ceramics at Shimal, Oman and Tell Abraq in the U.A.E with those found in contemporary Pirak in Pakistan might also suggest commercial links between both regions....

The finds of Cinnamomum essential oils in early Iron Age Phoenician flasks...The importance of cinnamon as a Levantine export is also recalled by Herodotus who remarks that the Greeks learnt from the Phoenicians to call it cinnamon....

Myristate-related compounds found in some Phoenician flasks from the same early Iron Age sites in Israel have also suggested the presence of nutmeg from Southeast Asia...

The Late Bronze Age also sees the earliest appearance of rice, citrons and possibly an Indian cucurbit in Mediterranean-Middle Eastern textual and archaeological records (see Chapters V-VII). Taken cumulatively, this evidence suggests more intensive connections with South Asia in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age horizons than was previously assumed. The arrival of these new spices and cultivars should perhaps be associated with the expansion of Kassite trading networks in the Persian Gulf, although the archaeological and textual evidence in support of this view is still scant....

POEN Hi-Lites

POEN: "The Phoenician Origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons" PDF

Amorite Catti Phoenicians from about 2800 B.C. "Coss-ini" is the title given by a Greek writer to the people of the tin-producing country of South-Western Britain. It thus appears probable that the first batch of Phoenicians who worked these Cassiterides mines belonged to the "Cassi" clan to which our Brito-Phoenician Part-olon belonged....their more general tribal title of Khatti or "Catti" (or "Hitt"-ite or "Goth"), Gad ...

Luristan, Land of Suedin, Guti and Alman (3rd and 2nd millennium BC)

Lursitan is a region in the west of Iran where modern Luri people live, in the ancient times this region was in the north of Elam and east of Babylon, in a well-known Babylonian tablet from the first half of 2nd millennium BC, we read: “The south is Elam, the north is Akkad, the east is Suedin and Guti, the west is Martu.” So it seems in the ancient times this region was known as the land of Suedin and Guti, some centuries later, Kassite king Agum II (Agum Kakrime) talks about the same land by calling himself kings of Alman and Guti, therefore it can be said that three major tribes who lived in the west of Iran were Suedin, Guti and Alman...

the Lurs are distinguished from other Iranian groups by their relatively elevated frequency of Y-DNA Haplogroup R1b (specifically, of subclade R1b1a2a-L23), this haplogroup is the most frequently occurring paternal lineage in the north and west of Europe. Geneticists have found ancient DNA samples belonging to the haplogroup R1b in the west of Iran from the mid 3rd millennium BC, like in Hajji Firuz Tepe....

Germanic mytho-historical sources talk about “Sweden the Great” in the south of Caucasus Mountains. This region is called Asgard, the home of the gods, which is probably the same Asagarta in Old Persian texts (Sagartia in ancient Greek sources). Linguists generally believe the name of Zagros mountains is derived from the name of this land....

proto-Germanic (not modern Germanic) and Luri/Kurdish languages had almost the same phonology...

Lorestan Province

The ancient history of Lorestan is closely intertwined with the rest of the Ancient Near East. In the 3rd and 4th millennium BC, migrant tribes settled down in the mountainous area of the Zagros Mountains. The Kassites, an ancient people who spoke neither an Indo-European nor a Semitic language, originated in Lorestān. They would control Babylonia after the fall of the Old Babylonian Empire ca. 1531 BC and until ca. 1155 BC.

Parts of Luristan were invaded and settled by the Iranian Medes in the 2nd millennium BC. The Medes absorbed the indigenous inhabitants of the region, primarily the Kassites as well as the Gutians, by the time the area was conquered by the Persians in the 1st millennium BC....

beginning of this bronze-making tradition goes back to the mid–3rd millennium BC.... different phases of the Bronze Age (Early Dynastic I to Ur ED III, circa 2900–2000 BC)—Kalleh Nisar, Bani Surmah, Chigha Sabz, Kamtarlan, Sardant, and Gulal-i Galbi—and four dating to different phases of the Iron Age (circa 1300 B.C.–600 B.C.)—Bard-i Bal, Kutul-i Gulgul, Sar Kabud, and War Kabud. Technically, the term 'Luristan bronze' usually refers only to the later bronze objects, although they have many similarities. The earlier bronze objects were made during the Elam period....

According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the Lurs, previously open adherents of the Ahl-e-Haqq faith, revere bread and fire like the Zoroastrians. "Being split up into numerous tribes and sections, they migrate to their summer pastures as separate bands without overall command. In 1936, Reza Shah's army conquered them, with much bloodshed and starvation, forcing many of the survivors to settle in villages under landlords."...

People and culture

The Lurs constitute part of the southwestern branch of the Iranian peoples, who are spread across the Iranian plateau and beyond, stretching from the Hindu Kush to central Anatolia and from the Caucasus and Central Asia to the Persian Gulf — a region that is sometimes termed Greater Iran.... Before the 20th century the majority of Lurs were nomadic herders... By the mid-1980s the vast majority of Lurs had been settled in towns and villages throughout the province or had migrated to the major urban centres. ...


"Muir" is the Scots word for "moorland", and Scots Gaelic for "sea", and is the etymological origin of the surname and Clan Muir/Mure/Moore in Scotland and other parts of the world.

From Old Irish muir, from Primitive Irish *ᚋᚑᚏᚔᚅ (*morin), from Proto-Celtic *mori (compare Welsh môr), from Proto-Indo-European *móri (compare Latin mare, English mere, German Meer, Dutch meer). Sea.

Mur (river) (or Mura), a river in central Europe, Switzerland, a commune in Vaud and Avenches, a large village in Serbia, village of Murzasichle, Poland, Iran.

Mauri, the Moors, the Berber population of Mauretania.


Iran, Poland, Nur Mountains "Mountains of Holy Light", a mountain range in Turkey. Afghanistan.

The Nuristanis are an ethnic group native to the Nuristan region of eastern Afghanistan.

Nór (Old Norse Nórr) is according to the Orkneyinga Saga the eponymous founder of Norway.

An-Nur, one of the names of God in Islam, meaning "The Light".

Nūr (Islam), a concept, literally meaning "light"

Nuri is a place in modern Sudan on the south (east) side of the Nile.

Nuri: Hebrew Meaning: My fire. Muslim meaning: Shining.

Ner: light, the father of Kish. "Kish, the father of Saul, and Ner, the father of Abner, were the sons of Abiel." And hence this Kish and Ner were brothers, and Saul and Abner were first cousins. (Bible.)


The term Bori, Buri, Pur is an ancient term referring to a totemic ancestor of many Ural-Altaic nations. Seen on the pertoglyps of the Altai and Sayan.

BUR-kan =god in Teleut, Sor, Sagaj, Kachinco, Koibal, Kara-gas, Soyot. "PUR" =the son of the chief god Ulgen, among the Teleut. He is the ancestor of man.

Tur and Salm are from the same mother Arnavaz while Iraj Mother is Sharnaz. Both Arnavaz and Sharnaz are either daughters or sisters of Jamshid according to the Shahnameh written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi between c. 977 and 1010 CE thus it may, or may not be a biased account.

If true then all three sons are identical Y dna and Turs would be paternally racially the same as Arya if Arya is Iraj.

But, maternally the two different mothers could be the same or different if as daughters they both came from different mother, or if sisters they may have each came from different mother or father. Thus, Tur and Salm are definately whole brothers with identical dna. While Iraj is a halfbrother that may have different genetics depending on if his mother was a whole sister or daughter with the other mother, or if they were half sisters...


El-Tor, Egypt, also known as Tur.

Iran, Poland, Romania.

Species of goat.

Polish for aurochs.

Tur is a character in the Persian epic Shahnameh. Son of Fereydun and predecessor of the Turanians... meaning "brave", was given to him by his father when the young prince bravely fights the dragon that had attacked him and his brothers. When Fereydun divides his empire among his sons, he gives Turkistan and China to his second son Tur. This is the beginning of the nation of Turan.

"According to Ferdowsi's Shahnameh"...Iraj was Fereydun's youngest and favored son, and inherited the best part of the kingdom, namely Iran. Salm inherited Anatolia ("Rûm", more generally meaning the Roman Empire, the Greco-Roman world, or just "the West"), and Tur inherited Central Asia ("Turān", all the lands north and east of the Amu Darya, as far as China), respectively. This aroused Iraj's brothers' envy, and encouraged them to murder him. After the murder of Iraj, Fereydun enthroned Iraj's grandson, Manučehr. Manučehr's attempt to avenge his grandfather's murder initiated the Iranian-Turanian wars.

Shah Nameh/Feridún and His Three Sons

Ancient Scythia embraced the whole of Túrán and the northern part of Persia. The Túránians are the Scythians of the Greek Historians, who are said, about the year B.C. 639, to have invaded the kingdom of the Medes. Túrán, which is the ancient name of the country of Turkistán, appears from Des Guignes, to be the source and fountain of all the celebrated Scythian nations, which, under the name of Goths and Vandals, subsequently overran the Roman empire. Irán and Túrán, according to the Oriental historians, comprehended all that is comprised in upper Asia, with the exception of India and China. Every country beyond the pale of the Persian empire was considered barbarous. The great river called by the Arabs and Persians, Jihún or Amú, and by the Greeks and Romans, Oxus, divided these two great countries from each other.

Tur's mother was Arnavāz the daughter of Jamshid, the mythological king of parsia.

Arnavāz is one of the two daughters (or possibly sisters) of Jamshid... Arnavāz and her sister, Shahrnāz first married Zahhāk, but later married Fereydun, after he had defeated Zahhāk...In some versions of Shahname, including the Moscow version and that of Ṯaʿālebī, Arnavaz and Shahrnāz are the daughters of Jamshid, but in others, they are his sisters.

The name Jamshid is originally a compound of two parts, Jam and shid, corresponding to the Avestan names Yima and Xšaēta, derived from the proto-Iranian *Yamah Xšaitah. Yamah and the related Sanskrit Yama are interpreted as "the twin," perhaps reflecting an Indo-Iranian belief in a primordial Yama and Yami pair. By regular sound changes (y → j, and the loss of the final syllable) Avestan Yima became Middle Persian Jam, which was subsequently continued into New Persian.

There are also a few functional parallels between Avestan Yima and Sanskrit Yama, for instance, Yima was the son of Vivaŋhat, who in turn corresponds to the Vedic Vivasvat, "he who shines out", a divinity of the Sun. Both Yamas in Iranian and Indian myth guard Hell with the help of two four-eyed dogs. Xšaitah meant "bright, shining" or "radiant... xšaitah became Persian shēd or shid... Jamshēd (as it is still pronounced in Tajikistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan) is now pronounced Jamshid in Iran. The suffix -shid is the same as that found in other names such as khorshid ("the Sun" from Avestan hvarə-xšaēta "radiant Sun")...


The history of Turkestan dates back to at least the third millennium BC... Turkic sagas, such as the Ergenekon legend, and written sources such as the Orkhon Inscriptions state that Turkic peoples originated in the nearby Altai Mountains, and, through nomadic settlement, started their long journey westwards. Huns conquered the area after they conquered Kashgaria in the early 2nd century BC. With the dissolution of the Huns' empire, Chinese rulers took over Eastern Turkestan. Arab forces captured it in the 8th century. The Persian Samanid dynasty subsequently conquered it and the area experienced economic success. The entire territory was held at various times by Turkic forces, such as the Göktürks until the conquest by Genghis Khan and the Mongols in 1220. Genghis Khan gave the territory to his son, Chagatai and the area became the Chagatai Khanate. Timur took over the western portion of Turkestan in 1369 and the area became part of the Timurid Empire. The eastern portion of Turkestan was also called Mogulistan, and continued to be ruled by descendants of Genghis Khan...

More info about the Turs:


The Wur or Wara, also known as Wur Mamund or Wara Mamund are a Pashtun group. They are a division of the Mamund clan, which is itself part of the larger Tarkani tribe. The Wur are mainly settled in Bajaur Agency in Pakistan, but originally hailed from the Laghman province of Afghanistan. They live in Umaray, Sewai, Damadola, Badan, Tani and Kamar villages of Tehsil Mamund, Bajaur Agency, Pakistan and also in Marawara and Shortan areas of Kunar Province, Afghanistan.


He was head over a people, and of a chief house in Midian....

The nation of Israel is warring against the Midianites, and a body-count is given: And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword. And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods....

And in Gibeon dwelt the father of Gibeon, Jehiel, whose wife's name was Maachah: And his firstborn son Abdon, then Zur, and Kish, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab.... (Gibeon was a Canaanite city north of Jerusalem. The pre-conquest inhabitants of Gibeon, the Gibeonites, were Hivites; they were Amorites.)


Thurs, or þurs , were the ‘giants’ in Norse mythology...The giants were elemental beings belonging to a group called the Jötnar, and were supposed to have been the first living beings and from which the Æsir and Vanir gods and goddesses were descended....

Jötunn comes from the Proto-Germanic *etunaz and means “devourer....Old French geant, the ancestor of the modern English word “giant,” which replaced the Old English eóten. Geant referred to the Giants of Greek mythology, who were a group of spiritual beings...

From Proto-Germanic *þursaz, *þurisaz (“giant, name of the Þ-rune”). Cognate with Old English þyrs, Old Saxon thuris, Old High German durs, duris. See also Finnish turisas, Tursas, turso. Ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *tur-, *twer- (“to rotate, twirl, swirl, move”)....

Thur (France), a river in Alsace, France...

Thur (Switzerland), a river in East Switzerland...

Thuringia is located in central Germany...The name Thuringia or Thüringen derives from the Germanic tribe Thuringii, who emerged during the Migration Period. Their origin is largely unknown....Other historians argue that the Thuringians were allies of the Huns, came to central Europe together with them, and lived before in what is Galicia today....Named after the Thuringii tribe who occupied it around AD 300...