Usha Rajagopalan

Writer, Activist

Born: 9th April 1955

Going back to 2010. This was the time that Usha Rajagopalan and I first interacted, for a common good that lay between the two apartment complexes in which we lived - a neglected lake called Puttenahalli. Soon, our association led to the formation of the Puttenahalli Neighbourhood Lake Improvement Trust (PNLIT), that has become one of the pioneers in the area of community participation in local matters in Bangalore. Usha was already a published author at that time, having written three books.

In Nov 2014, Usha's sixth book, a crime novel, Tracking Purnima, was released. I had not read any of her previous books, but I was eager to get my hands on this one, especially as it was set in Bangalore. I ordered a copy online and during my next visit to Bangalore, got Usha to sign in it.

P.S. Tracking Purnima is an enjoyable read with unpredictable twists. Those from Bangalore will love the familiarity!

Bangalore, Dec 2014

Usha Rajagopalan

Usha (orange saree) with friends at the launch of Tracking Purnima

Bangalore, 15th Nov 2014

(Pic courtesy Usha)