KS Radhakrishnan


Born: 1956, Kerala

"Art Park Bengaluru" is an initiative by artists to create a free, open and informal space for interaction between contemporary visual artists and the art loving general public of Bangalore. The event is held usually on the first Sunday of every month at Ravindra Kalakshetra on JC Road.

My friend Usha Rajagopalan visited Art Park on 7th Dec 2014 and was delighted to bump into the sculptor KS Radhakrishnan. It was very thoughtful of her to remember me. She asked him for his autograph - not one but two, one for each of us. The sculptor did a quick drawing, similar to his Kalapravaham sculpture, before signing.

Bangalore, 7th Dec 2014

Radhakrishnan's sculpture 'Kalapravaham' installed in Mananchira Maidan, Kozhikode

Read more about KS Radhakrishnan on his website.