Alan Brody

Playwright, Writer, Professor of Theatre at MIT


On 8th Jan 2010, the MLR Convention Centre at Brigade Millennium, JP Nagar (where we lived) was playing host to Small Infinities, a play based on the life and work of Issac Newton. This was the world premiere of the play, written by Alan Brody, and it was being performed by Bangalore Little Theatre. My son Siddharth turned 9 that day and all four of us went for the show, preceded by a cake cutting and early dinner.

Towards the end of the show, Alan Brody came up to the balcony where we were seated, to take a look at the stage. He spent quite some time there, enough for me to request him to sign behind the ticket.

Bangalore, 8th Jan 2010

Read more about Alan Brody here.

Cutting from The Woodrose Club newsletter, Jan-Feb 2010