David Lean

Film Director, Screenplay Writer, Film Editor, Film Producer

Born: 25th March 1908, Croydon, United Kingdom

Died: 16th April 1991, Limehouse, United Kingdom

David Lean was shooting in Bangalore for EM Forster's "A Passage to India". This would be his last film as director, and one for which he also wrote the screenplay and did the editing.

Bangalore Club, with its colonial interiors, was one of the shooting locations for the film. As members of the club, we were able to get to watch some of the shooting. We were also able to get close enough to the crew to talk to them and get their autographs. In Nov 1983, David Lean was already 75 years old, still very agile on his feet, and very graciously obliging of young autograph hunters!

Bangalore, November 1983

David Lean

(Pic: Wikimedia Commons)