

Born: 1966, Chennai

Birth name: Sulochana

My parents, brother and I were on our first holiday to Madras. Sometime in the early 1980s. We were staying at VGP Golden Beach Resort, which seemed to be designed for film shooting. Right from the gates, to the beach, the place was equipped with statues, fountains, gazebos, flowers and everything else you would need in a movie's backdrop.

There was a large cement ship that was built on the beach, and it is here that we spotted a film crew with all their paraphernalia. It was for a Telugu film, with actors Suman Talwar and Anuradha. This was the first film shooting that my brother and I were seeing. It was for a song, and the hero and heroine were dancing on the ship. Several takes and retakes. In between they would get off the ship to cool off (it was boiling hot!), pat back the dripping make-up and get ready for the next take. We met both the stars and I asked them for their autographs.