
IUGTE Mentorship Program offers everyone the opportunity to grow professionally and personally without regard to gender or race and is open to candidates from different countries and diverse performing arts backgrounds.

The program is open to arts administrators, theatre directors and stage managers, interested to participate in a practical training experience with the professional guidance and support of IUGTE mentors.


IUGTE Mentorship Program is designed for creative and enthusiastic individuals who are curious and passionate about performing arts, motivated to learn and ambitious to develop their career at international level.

IUGTE Mentorship Program

Discover new ways for your further professional development!


IUGTE Mentorship Program offers structured support for professional development. Usually the practical programme lasts from a minimum of one to three months and a maximum of twelve months.

The programme focus, timeframe and conditions are designed individually for each candidate mentoree.

Participants of IUGTE Mentorship Program coordinate and manage the major events of IUGTE. Mentorees and mentors work together to prepare and realize various and often complex international events - from training events and conferences to productions and collaboration projects.


  • Create a particular mentoring culture which continuously promotes growth and development

  • Coach the mentoree on a particular skill by providing training and support

  • Facilitate the mentoree’s growth by sharing networks and resources

  • Challenge the mentoree to move beyond his or her comfort zone

  • Create a safe learning environment for taking risks, where the mentoree feels free to discuss issues openly

  • Focuse the mentoree on both short- and long-term professional development goals


  • Receive support and encouragement for professional development

  • Develop a clear focus on what is needed to grow professionally within performing arts field

  • Learn specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to professional goals

  • Expand understanding of how to get things done effectively and efficiently

  • Gain knowledge about IUGTE organization’s culture and unspoken rules that can be crucial for success and which may help to adapt to any organization’s culture in the future

  • Acquire knowledge and expertise within a trusting and supportive mentoring relationship

  • Receive critical feedback in key areas, such as interpersonal relationships, communications, technical abilities, leadership skills and change management

  • Become the active part of a friendly IUGTE environment which is open for sharing frustrations as well as successes

  • Access to new professional network opportunities and collaboration in performing arts field.


  • Take the initiative. It is your job to be active in following up on the goals.

  • The mentor's role is to facilitate your development, but do not expect your mentor to do all the work for you.

  • Taking risks is an integral part of development and growth.

  • A mentor is not meant to make you comfortable with where you are.

  • The mentorship relationship should challenge you to move beyond your comfort zone, challenge both professionally and personally.

  • Before discussing a question with your mentor, clearly formulate your thoughts and questions for yourself.

  • Be prepared. Clearly formulated question on your own is sometimes the key to the answer by itself.

  • Simple but clear questions can lead to valuable discussions, discoveries and insights.

  • Discuss your mutual expectations and relationship. Keep your expectations realistic.

  • Relationship grows and changes and so do expectations. Discuss any changes.

  • Conversation and clear communication are very important.

  • Conversation will give you the opportunity to reframe your relationship in a positive and optimal effective way.

  • Discover, enhance and apply your unique strengths and talents in practice. Be yourself!


The programme focus, time frame and conditions are designed individually for each candidate mentoree.

In order to consider the opportunities for practice with IUGTE, we need to receive more information from you.

As the next step you should send the formal letter-application for the mentorship addressed to IUGTE Board.

Please state in detail your motivation and goals how the mentorship will contribute to your professional development, why you are interested in this opportunity and how would your candidacy be of value to IUGTE; describe any skills, qualifications, and past experience (your activities in your country and other countries, current involvement in artistic projects), any special expectations, requests, practical skills and abilities, etc. Describe in detail in what capacity practically do you see your involvement in IUGTE project as a Mentoree.

The letter can be written in free form and submitted in Word or PDF format.

For the additional documents, please also submit your detailed CV/resume and any information confirming professional experience: web links to past projects, photo, video, reviews, articles, interviews, etc.

IUGTE Mentorship Program provides an exceptional opportunity for emerging arts administrators, stage managers and theatre directors

to develop both their creative process and professional skills, building the foundation for a successful future career in performing arts!

If you would like to join IUGTE Mentorship Program and discuss the conditions,

please contact us for available periods and practical details.

They see themselves confronted with many difficult questions, for example: Am I really doing everything I can with my talent? Is my career in performing arts really what I want it to be right now? IUGTE experts generously share their time, wisdom and guidance down the paths that they themselves have walked. An individual can arrange a structured relationship with a qualified IUGTE professional who will provide specific mentorship.

Group mentorship programme is also available, when a mentor works with 4-6 mentorees at one time. The peers help each other to learn and to develop the necessary skills and knowledge.

Many mentorees standing at the crossroads of their professional life often have a great energy but only a general idea of what exactly they are looking for.