Rosa Campagnaro (Austrialia)

Introduction to Commedia dell'Arte

Practical workshop with Rosa Campagnaro - director, actor, teacher, Director of "Make A Scene", a bilingual theatre education company (Australia).

Rosa Campagnaro is the Director of Make A Scene and trained in Commedia dell'Arte in Italy at the Accademia Teatrale Veneta (formerly known as Venezia InScena) and later in 2010 with Commedia Master, Antonio Fava. Rosa has also trained in Jacques Lecoq Technique with Norman Taylor at the Movement Theatre Studio in New York. In 1999 she graduated from Deakin University with a Bachelor of Arts (Drama) and a Bachelor of Teaching. Rosa has since worked as a teacher and performer specialising in theatre in education and Commedia dell'Arte. She has conducted professional development for teachers in this area, both independently and in conjunction with Drama Victoria (the official state theatre education organisation) (2004-2013) and Co.As.It. Italian Resource Centre Melbourne (2012). Rosa has directed for the Short and Sweet Festival (Melbourne Arts Centre) and produced the Green Room Award winning musical, Vaudeville X (Created by Michael Dalley). In 2003 she was ASM on the original production of the Tony Award Winning musical Avenue Q (Vineyard Theatre, New York). Rosa has created several original Commedia shows which have been touring Victorian schools for the past four years. Please visit the website for more information


This workshop will be a fun and interactive introduction to Commedia dell’Arte. It will begin with an introductory video where we meet the stock characters, discuss the style of theatre and place it in a relevant cultural and historical context. Participants will then actively explore this theatrical form through highly energised improvisations and exercises. The Workshop will investigate the physicality for the various masks, uncover each characters distinctive voice and show how this creates stylised performance. The objective for the workshop is to unlock inhibitions and rediscover the joy of play!




Organized by IUGTE in collaboration with "ArtUniverse"