Music - International Conference "Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity"

International Conference "Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity"

650 EUR if payment is made before February 1st - early reduced registration fee.

(750 EUR if payment is made after February 1st).

The fee covers the Speaker's/Presenter's registration fee and participation in all events of the conference programme.

IUGTE can help the conference guests to organize accommodation and meals in Leitring bei Leibnitz.

The official day of arrival is December 17th from 14:00.

The day of departure is December 21st at 9:00.

Registration fee for Presenters/Speakers:

• Letter of motivation stating the conference title and dates describing the purpose of application - at least in one sentence

• Detailed CV

• Brief biography - max 100 words

• Title and format of presentation

• Brief overview of presentation - max 250 words

• Head shot and additional photo materials

All documents of a presentation proposal should be sent in one email as attachments: text documents should be sent in Word format, photo materials should be sent in JPG format. Failure to follow the standard submission requirements may result in a rejected application.

The presentation proposal should be sent to and should include the following documents:


  • practical workshop/master class

  • work in progress

  • performance fragment not requiring special technical conditions

  • reading/lecture

  • other way of demonstration offered by Speaker/Presenter can be considered.

Submission Guidelines:

This meeting is a great opportunity to meet potential collaborators and partners - producers, theatre managers, theatre directors, choreographers, talent managers, arts agents, festival organizers and arts publishers from different countries.

The main tasks of the conference are to demonstrate various methods and techniques in contemporary performing arts inspired and formed in the connection with the world traditional heritage; to exchange experience and ideas in performing arts education and training, rehearsal process, performance making and production, to establish new contacts and to lay the foundation for future networking and collaboration with colleagues from different countries, to promote creative collaboration in multicultural and multilingual artistic environment.

The conference working language is English.

At the moment the Conference is accepting presentation proposals!

The conference offers a wonderful opportunity for music experts - musicians, music educators and teachers - to demonstrate their methods and techniques to the international audience. The programme is forming quickly, the number of presentations is limited.

"Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity" is the professional conference researching the Bridge between Tradition and Contemporaneity in performing arts. Traditions influencing, enhancing and co-mingling in contemporary theatre processes

Astonishing phenomena of arts appearing on the intersection of cultures, when the borders of countries become conditional

Traditions inspiring artists to search for the “intercultural” language in contemporary performance

Traditions affecting our artistic expression and thinking, form, artistic images on the stage

Meaning of tradition in creation today and for future generations

The conference is inviting professionals working in the field of music - musicians, composers, singers, music researchers, journalists and critics, music educators and teachers, music producers and promoters from all over the world interested in the research of traditional methods as applied to contemporary performing arts work.

December 17 - 21, 2013

Leitring bei Leibnitz, Austria

"IUGTE's conference was very well organized and operated on highly professional level, giving oppotunity to the artisting practitioners and as well as academics"

Sheila Gordon, USA

"I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and feel I gain a huge insight into other areas of dance, performing arts and experience. I feel I developed both as an individual and as a member of my company, and have made some invaluable contacts along the way. I was very inspired by the diversity of people who attended"

Rebecca Price, UK

"The opportunities to be a part of international conference was really grateful choice for demonstrate different techniques in acting. For me as a teacher was this practical training the best chance to get together theory and practice".

Katarina Misikova, Slovakia

"This event aligned directly with the mission of IUGTE, in that it effectively made the bridge between continents that much smaller, and in turn, produced multicultural dialogues that enlightened and informed participants with new knowledge, both practical and perceived"

Andrew Carroll, USA

"This experience was very precious, and not only artistically but also with regards to relationships with the other participants. Finding yourself in front of so many people coming from different backgrounds and with different artistic experiences helps to see theatre as a realty which is always changing and creating new expressive channels"

Giuseppe Perez, Italy

"The Conference provided me with a new understanding of different training programs in different aspects of theatre and performance from all over the world. The other wonderful part about the conference that went beyond my expectations was the people I met from all over the world, all of them brilliant artists"

Anya Gibian, USA

"This was a fantastic experience as I feel that in just a week I’ve learnt so much. I brought a lot of knowledge back to my country and I’ll make sure to use it in the best way possible"

Anthea Xuereb, Malta

"The different viewpoints on the arts, on work ethic, on training, all opened my mind to different possibilities for how to use the work from the conference and how to shape my training and career in the future. While I plan to share what I learned with the students at my university and grow an interest in physical theatre there, this conference has given me a professional network of artists with related interests that I may create with in the future".

Alex Elliott, USA


Organized by IUGTE in collaboration with "ArtUniverse"