Luca Fabbricotti

Luca Fabbricotti is a manager and a consultant expert in international and intercultural projects. In the last ten years he worked in different fields in countries as Italy, Canada, Turkey, Netherlands, Brazil and India, and currently holds relationships at private and governmental level with entities from all the world, adding to the previous countries places as France, Spain, Australia, USA, Israel, Singapore, Malaysia and Germany. Leading teams that are spread in the world and being able to fit with culture and organizations to get results once there is the key point of Luca bio. His business expertise is mostly focused on project management (technically and financially), business/product development, sales and marketing, contract and partnership management in international environment, leadership and intercultural change management.

Luca's formal education includes a graduation with a MsC by Pisa University followed by general management MBA and specific professional education about leadership, cross cultural remote collaboration and change management by prestigious INSEAD in Fontainebleu.

Moreover Luca has a passion and has been involved in organization of sociological experimentation through games for many years (with Prof. Luca Giuliano, Sapienza University of Rome) and organized various conventions on the theme. In the arts he has led the organization and marketing of several theatrical events focused on exploring the spaces outside theatres and finding a model for bootstrap in theatre world. Currently Luca, in addition to business management, also has been holding workshops about international cooperation and development throughout Italian and international industry associations and developing business models, projects, and marketing for Italian company "Parpignol Theatre".


We all love to be open to new cultures, we all love to be working with international partners and yes, the world has shrunk in such a way that more and more all the significant and interesting projects involve team members from any part of the world. Also your new project is such good that you will love to bring it and sell it in the land of far far away but...

There is always a "but" and in this case there are a lot of "ma", "ama" "แต่", "aber" ,"но" from each of our new friends.

Operating between culture and leading intercultural projects, especially if your people are dislocated, needs willingness, openmindness and understanding of how the different cultures must be taken into consideration in communication, planning and actions.

This brief interactive workshop has the purpose to raise the discussion on this important and interesting topic and to understand how diverse is the group of the conference participants, how diverse and unique each of us is and how marvellously this "but" can be managed.


Organized by IUGTE in collaboration with "ArtUniverse"

Interactive workshop and discussion for arts managers, administrators, artists and everyone interested and involved in multicultural and international arts organization, exchange and collaboration by Luca Fabbricotti (Italy) - manager and consultant expert in international and intercultural projects.

Did you know that in Ushuaia the world is upside down (...and viceversa)?


International Conference "Theatre Between Tradition and Contemporaneity"

Theatre - Dance - Music - Visual & Multimedia Art - Arts Administration - Performing Arts Training - Theater Design & Technology

December 18 - 22, 2014

Carrara - Tuscany, Italy