Shakespeare. Four Sketches

1) complete the preparatory long-distance tasks by email correspondence

(participants receive the series of practical tasks and send their creative reports on regular basis);

2) participate in the introductory practical session

(intensive practical preparatory lab together with theatre directors and actors working on the performance preparation,

participants can choose one of the suggested available dates of a five-day creative lab in Austria or Italy);

3) participate in the four-week period of performance creation at the Russian repertory theatre.

(working in the international team together with theatre directors from different countries and the Russian actors under the artistic direction of Sergei Ostrenko).

Participants will become acquainted with the key principles of a director's preparation under Ostrenko Method, which is formed and inspired by the Russian Theatre Tradition. The programme focuses on gaining the necessary practical tools in order to create a performance: analysis of the material and composition of the performance idea, composition of the form and the artistic space of the performance, development of a directing strategy, of a method of work with the actors and of a successful rehearsals planning. The understanding of the basic principles of a methodological directing approach concerns any genre, whether it is a drama performance, dance performance, physical theatre performance or musical theatre. Participants will also acquire an informed experience, knowledge and understanding of the work of the professional director with key collaborators such as stage designer, choreographer, composer and other members of the production team.

"Shakespeare. Four Sketches" is a wonderful chance to improve skills, to find collaborators and partners for future creative work and gain new experience of creative collaboration in a multicultural and multilingual theatre environment!

The organizers will provide the rehearsal space and the technical support necessary in the creation process of the performance.

The working languages are English and Russian.


The course programme includes three phases. The registered participants who passed the application process and were approved for the course:

There are only four places available on a competitive basis.

The course is organized as one of the major programmes in the framework of the International Directing Lab, IUGTE Department which offers a unique “launchpad” opportunities for directors from all over the world.

The course is open to theatre directors with professional stage experience from different countries working in various creative genres, techniques and styles.

"Shakespeare. Four Sketches" is the international practical course - production of the performance. The programme is designed as the intensive practical training process of mounting the performance with Russian actors with participation of theatre directors from different countries under the artistic direction of Sergei Ostrenko.



Shakespeare. Four Sketches

IUGTE has announced the competition for Theatre Directors

Participants who successfully finish the course will receive IUGTE Certificate testifying that the candidate has completed the international direction course and took part in the performance creation in the Russian repertory theatre.


Directors interested to participate in the competition are requested to submit the following documents to

  • Letter of motivation stating their interest in joining the project.

  • Proposal of the performance idea on the basis of a play by Shakespeare - detailed director's explication.

  • Detailed CV describing all specific skills and abilities.

  • Scanned copy of your passport and academic degree.

  • Latest head shot and 2-3 additional photos.

  • Any information confirming professional directing experience: web links to past projects and performances, photo, video, reviews, articles, interviews, etc.

The applications are being considered on a competitive basis.


For participation conditions and more practical details, please Contact Us.

Organized by IUGTE in collaboration with "ArtUniverse"

For partners and collaborators: if you are interested in realizing this project at your theatre or would like to discuss any other collaboration format, please contact us.