Virus scan using Kaspersky Rescue Disk

Virus scan using Kaspersky Rescue Disk

1. Scan in graphic mode

In order to start a scan process using Kaspersky Rescue Disk and remove malware from the computer, perform the following actions:

    1. Boot your computer from Kaspersky Rescue Disk in graphic mode.

    2. In the bottom left hand corner of the screen click on the button and select Kaspersky Rescue Disk from the open menu.

    3. Update antivirus databases of Kaspersky Rescue Disk. To do this, go to the My Update Center tab and click on the Start update button. You can find detailed instructions on how to configure Internet connection via the application interface in KB6327.

    4. Wait until databases are updated.

    5. Go to the Objects Scan tab.

    6. Check the boxes next to objects to be scanned for viruses. By default, Kaspersky Rescue Disk scans Disk boot sectors and Hidden startup objects.

    7. Click on the Start Objects Scan button.

    8. Once the scan process is complete and malicious objects are detected, the application will asks you to select the action to be performed with detected threats. You can select one of the following actions:

        • Disinfect. After an object is disinfected you will be able to work with it.

        • Quarantine. This option will be available if it is unable to detect whether the object is infected or not. Objects moved to Quarantine can be later restored if necessary.

        • Delete. You can delete infected objects if disinfection fails. Info about deleted objects will be displayed in the report.

2. Scan in text mode

To start a scan process using Kaspersky Rescue Disk and remove malware from the computer, perform the following actions:

    1. In the main menu of the loaded file manager Midnight Commander use the arrows to select the required scan type and press the Enter key on the keyboard (or on the keyboard press the symbol located on the left on the Midnight Commander window).

Please note. Kaspersky Lab enigneers recommend to scan autostart objects in turn (for this, press s on the keyboard) and the boot sector (press B on the keyboard).

    1. When the scan is over, update the ant-virus databases of Kaspersky Rescue Disk. For this, select Start update in the main menu of Midnight Commander and press either Enter or u on the keyboard.