Create a Restore Point with a Double-Click in Windows 10

Create a Restore Point with a Double-Click in Windows 10


What you will do here is create a shortcut to the script that handles creation of a system restore point. That way when you double-click the shortcut, you actually launch the script that then creates a restore point for you.

1. Go to your desktop and create a new shortcut to an item on your desktop.

2. Type in the following location, and then click on “Next”

cmd.exe /k "wmic.exe /Namespace:\\root\default Path SystemRestore Call CreateRestorePoint "My Shortcut Restore Point", 100, 7"

3. Enter a name for the shortcut.

After entering the name, click on “Finish.”

4. You should see the shortcut appearing on your desktop, but it is not yet ready to run. Right-click on the shortcut and select the option that says “Properties” to open shortcut properties.

5. Click on “Advanced…” in the properties dialog box to launch advanced settings for the shortcut you have created.

6. Checkmark the box that says “Run as administrator” and click on “OK” to save the settings.

7. Click on “Apply” and then click on “OK” on the following screen to apply and save your settings.

8. The shortcut for creating a restore point is now ready to run, and you can double-click on it to launch it. It starts creating a restore point as soon as it is launched, and you should get the following screen when it has successfully created a restore point.

That's it ..........................